rubyforge_project = "'module import'" project = 'module-import' def exit_msg(msg, code=1) puts msg exit(code) end def run command res = `#{command}` exit_msg res, $?.exitstatus if $?.exitstatus != 0 res end def __DIR__; "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}" end class IO def self.write( file, str ) file, 'w' ) { |fh| fh.print str } end def self.read_write( file, write_file=file ) self.write(write_file, (yield( file )))) end end def cd_tmp Dir.mkdir 'tmp' unless 'tmp' Dir.chdir('tmp') do |dir| yield dir end rm_rf 'tmp' end desc "test run all tests" task :test => [:spec, 'test:readme', :rcov] namespace :test do # run README through xmp desc "run README code through xmp filter" task :readme do cd_tmp do example_file = "#{__DIR__}/example.rb" File.write(example_file, ("#{__DIR__}/lib/module-import.rb") << File.readlines('../README').grep(/^ / ). reject {|l| l =~ /^\s*require/ or l.include?('Error')}. join )) command = "ruby ../bin/xmpfilter -c #{example_file}" Dir.chdir '/home/greg/src/head/lib' do run "#{command}" end puts "README code successfully evaluated" end end end desc "run specs" task :spec do Dir[ 'spec/*' ].each do |file| (puts (run "spec #{file}")) end end require 'rubygems' require 'spec/rake/spectask' desc "verify test coverage with RCov" task :rcov => 'rcov:verify' namespace :rcov do'rcov') do |t| t.spec_files = ['spec/*.rb'] t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', 'spec'] end require 'spec/rake/verify_rcov' # rcov is wrong- I am actually at 100% => :rcov) do |t| t.threshold = 100 # Make sure you have rcov 0.7 or higher! t.index_html = 'coverage/lib-module-import_rb.html' end end desc "release a new gem to rubyforge" task :release => [:test,:record,:rdoc,:website,:package] do Dir.chdir('pkg') do release = Dir['*.gem'].sort_by {|file| File.mtime(file)}.last release =~ /^[^-]+-([.0-9]+).gem$/ (puts (run `rubyforge login && rubyforge add_release #{project} #{project} #$1 #{release}`)) end end desc "update website" file :website => ['README','Rakefile'] do Dir.chdir '/home/greg/sites/projects/' do (puts (run 'rake projects:update')) (puts (run 'rake deploy:rsync')) end end desc "generate documentation" task :rdoc do fail unless system 'rdoc --force-update --quiet README lib/*' end namespace :readme do desc "create html for website using coderay, use --silent option" task :html do rm_rf 'doc' `rdoc --quiet README` require 'hpricot' doc = open( 'doc/files/README.html' ) { |f| Hpricot(f) } # find example code'#description').search('pre').each do |ex| #select {|elem| elem.inner_html =~ /class |module /}.each do |ex| # add coderay and undo what rdoc has done in the example code ex.swap("#{ex.inner_html.gsub('"', '"').gsub('>','>')}") end puts'#description').to_html end end desc 'git add and push' task :record do unless `git diff`.chomp.empty? ARGV.clear puts "enter commit message" (puts (run "git commit -a -m '#{Kernel.gets}'")) puts "committed! now pushing.. " (puts (run 'git push origin master')) end end require 'rubygems' require 'rake/gempackagetask' spec = do |s| = project s.rubyforge_project = project s.version = "0.4.0" = "Greg Weber" = "" s.homepage = "{project}" s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.summary = "selectively import methods from modules" s.files ='./**', '*/**') do |fl| fl.exclude('pkg','pkg/*','tmp','tmp/*') end s.require_path = "lib" s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README"] end do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = false end desc "run this once to set up the project" task :setup do cd_tmp do unless File.exist? 'index.html' File.write('index.html', <<-EOF EOF ) end run "scp index.html{project}" end end