require 'uri' require 'fileutils' require 'big_sitemap/builder' class BigSitemap DEFAULTS = { :max_per_sitemap => Builder::MAX_URLS, :document_path => '/', :gzip => true, # Opinionated :ping_google => true, :ping_yahoo => false, # needs :yahoo_app_id :ping_bing => false, :ping_ask => false, :ping_yandex => false } class << self def generate(options={}, &block) @sitemap = @sitemap.first_id_of_last_sitemap = first_id_of_last_sitemap instance_eval(&block) @sitemap.with_lock do @sitemap.generate(options) end end private def first_id_of_last_sitemap Dir["#{@sitemap.document_full}sitemap*.{xml,xml.gz}"].map do |file| file.to_s.scan(/sitemap_(.+).xml/).flatten.last.to_i end.sort.last end def add(path, options={}) @sitemap.add_path(path, options) end end def initialize(options={}) @options = DEFAULTS.merge options if @options[:max_per_sitemap] <= 1 raise ArgumentError, '":max_per_sitemap" must be greater than 1' end if @options[:url_options] && !@options[:base_url] @options[:base_url] = {:scheme => "http"}.merge(@options.delete(:url_options)) ).to_s end unless @options[:base_url] raise ArgumentError, 'you must specify either ":url_options" hash or ":base_url" string' end @options[:url_path] ||= @options[:document_path] unless @options[:document_root] raise ArgumentError, 'Document root must be specified with the ":document_root" option"' end @options[:document_full] ||= File.join(@options[:document_root], @options[:document_path]) unless @options[:document_full] raise ArgumentError, 'Document root must be specified with the ":document_root" option, the full path with ":document_full"' end Dir.mkdir(@options[:document_full]) unless File.exists?(@options[:document_full]) @sources = [] @models = [] @sitemap_files = [] end def first_id_of_last_sitemap @first_id_of_last_sitemap end def first_id_of_last_sitemap=(first_id) @first_id_of_last_sitemap = first_id end def document_full @options[:document_full] end def add(model, options={}) warn 'BigSitemap#add is deprecated. Please use BigSitemap.generate and call add inside the block (in BigSitemap 1.0.0+). You will have to perform the find and generate the path for each record yourself.' @models << model filename_suffix = @models.count(model) - 1 options[:path] ||= table_name(model) options[:filename] ||= file_name(model) options[:primary_column] ||= 'id' if'id') options[:partial_update] = @options[:partial_update] && options[:partial_update] != false options[:filename] << "_#{filename_suffix}" unless filename_suffix == 0 @sources << [model, options.dup] self end def add_path(path, options) @paths ||= [] @paths << [path, options] self end def add_static(url, time = nil, frequency = nil, priority = nil) warn 'BigSitemap#add_static is deprecated. Please use BigSitemap#add_path instead' @static_pages ||= [] @static_pages << [url, time, frequency, priority] self end def with_lock lock! begin yield ensure unlock! end rescue Errno::EACCES => e STDERR.puts 'Lockfile exists' if $VERBOSE end def file_name(name=nil) name = table_name(name) unless (name.nil? || name.is_a?(String)) prefix = 'sitemap' prefix << '_' unless name.nil? File.join(@options[:document_full], "#{prefix}#{name}") end def dir_files File.join(@options[:document_full], "sitemap*.{xml,xml.gz}") end def clean Dir[dir_files].each do |file| FileUtils.rm file end self end # TODO: Deprecate (move to private) def generate(options={}) clean unless options[:partial_update] add_urls generate_sitemap_index ping_search_engines self end def add_urls return self if Array(@paths).empty? with_sitemap do |builder| @paths.uniq! @paths.each do |path, options| url = URI.join(@options[:base_url], path) builder.add_url! url, options end end self end # Create a sitemap index document def generate_sitemap_index(files=nil) files ||= Dir[dir_files] with_sitemap({:name => 'index', :type => 'index'}) do |sitemap| for path in files next if path =~ /index/ sitemap.add_url! url_for_sitemap(path), :last_modified => File.stat(path).mtime end end self end def ping_search_engines require 'net/http' require 'cgi' sitemap_uri = CGI::escape(url_for_sitemap(@sitemap_files.last)) if @options[:ping_google] Net::HTTP.get('', "/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap=#{sitemap_uri}") end if @options[:ping_yahoo] if @options[:yahoo_app_id] Net::HTTP.get( '', "/SiteExplorerService/V1/updateNotification?" + "appid=#{@options[:yahoo_app_id]}&url=#{sitemap_uri}" ) else STDERR.puts 'unable to ping Yahoo: no ":yahoo_app_id" provided' end end if @options[:ping_bing] Net::HTTP.get('', "/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=#{sitemap_uri}") end if @options[:ping_ask] Net::HTTP.get('', "/ping?sitemap=#{sitemap_uri}") end if @options[:ping_yandex] Net::HTTP.get('', "/wmconsole/sitemap_list.xml?host=#{sitemap_uri}") end end private def lock!(lock_file = 'generator.lock') lock_file = File.join(@options[:document_full], lock_file), 'w', File::EXCL) end def unlock!(lock_file = 'generator.lock') lock_file = File.join(@options[:document_full], lock_file) FileUtils.rm lock_file end def with_sitemap(options={}) options[:filename] ||= file_name(options[:name]) options[:type] ||= 'sitemap' options[:max_urls] ||= @options["max_per_#{options[:type]}".to_sym] options[:gzip] ||= @options[:gzip] options[:indent] ||= 2 options[:partial_update] ||= @options[:partial_update] options[:start_part_id] ||= first_id_of_last_sitemap sitemap = if options[:type] == 'index' else end begin yield sitemap ensure sitemap.close! @sitemap_files.concat sitemap.filepaths! end end def pick_method(model, candidates) method = nil candidates.each do |candidate| if model.respond_to? candidate method = candidate break end end method end def url_for_sitemap(path) File.join @options[:base_url], @options[:url_path], File.basename(path) end end class BigSitemapRails < BigSitemap def self.generate(options={}, &block) raise 'No Rails Environment loaded' unless defined? Rails DEFAULTS.merge!(:document_root => "#{Rails.root}/public", :url_options => default_url_options) super(options, &block) end end class BigSitemapMerb < BigSitemap def self.generate(options={}, &block) raise 'No Merb Environment loaded' unless defined? ::Merb require 'extlib' DEFAULTS.merge!(:document_root => "#{Merb.root}/public") super(options, &block) end end