% render "layouts/basic.html" do %# HTML tags can be embedded in mark down files if you want to do specific custom %# formatting like this, but in most cases that is not required.

<%= Origen.config.name %> (<%= Origen.app.version %>)

### Purpose In an ideal world everyone would use Origen, but in reality there are many different 'standards' used to represent design data. This plugin provides APIs and templates to import and export data to formats supported by 3rd party tools. ### How To Import In your Gemfile add: ~~~ruby gem "<%= Origen.app.name %>", ">= <%= Origen.app.version %>" ~~~ or if your application is a plugin add this to your .gemspec ~~~ruby spec.add_runtime_dependency "<%= Origen.app.name %>", ">= <%= Origen.app.version %>" ~~~ ### How To Use #### Supported Formats Currently the following formats are supported: * IP-XACT - Import and Export registers and hierarchy * RALF (Synopsys format) - Export registers * Origen - Export registers and hierarchy See the [examples](<%= path "examples" %>) for format specific documentation, but most formats should follow this basic structure... #### Data Import When the CrossOrigen module is included in a class it gets access to an cr_import method. This will automatically detect the type of the given file and select the appropriate import rules. The file to be imported must exist locally or it can be pulled automatically from a 3rd party respository in which case the file will be fetched the first time Origen is invoked and then cached locally for future invocations. Supported repositories are shown in the example below. ~~~ruby class D_IP_ANA_TEST_ANNEX_SYN include CrossOrigen def initialize # Import from a local file cr_import(path: "#{Origen.root}/imports/test-annex-Block-registers.xml") # Import from Design Sync cr_import(vault: "sync://sync-15040:15040/Projects/nvm_c90tfsn2w/ftf2/rtl_v/kx2_4m/.regs", version: "ftf2_kx2_4096k2_256_128k_64_4k.") end end ~~~ The plugin will add attribute getter and setter methods to the top-level object and to registers and bits to contain any metadata information which does not have a direct equivalent within Origen. Generally the name given to such data will be the lower cased and underscored (following std Ruby conventions) version of the attribute name. #### Data Export The CrossOrigen module adds some methods to export the given object as a string in the given format, for example a to_ip_xact method is available to generate an IP-XACT XML representation of an object. To create an actual XML file a simple template would be setup as shown below and then compiled through Origen: ~~~eruby <%= "<" + "%= $dut.to_ip_xact %" + ">" %> ~~~ In future support may be added to export directly to a 3rd party tool if it provides such an API. ### How To Setup a Development Environment [Clone the repository from Github](https://github.com/Origen-SDK/cross_origen). Follow the instructions here if you want to make a 3rd party app workspace use your development copy of the <%= Origen.app.config.initials %> plugin: [Setting up a Plugin Development Environment](http://origen-sdk.org/origen/latest/guides/plugins) This plugin also contains a test suite, make sure this passes before committing any changes! ~~~text origen test ~~~ % end