fda5e05d-6739-4062-a298-667b7b8a1508 a01449849 CPEE default stopped DefaultHandlerWrapper after HarryPotter HarryPotter Axe Axe 4 ["Axe"] http://gruppe.wst.univie.ac.at/~mangler/services/timeout.php call :a2, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Provide Login credentials\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.credentials="HarryPotter";data.password="HarryPotter" END call :a3, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Check logincredentials\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } choose :exclusive do alternative test{data.credentials!="HarryPotter" && data.password!="HarryPotter"} do call :a1, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Abort shopping process\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } end otherwise do call :a6, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Select products\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.product="Axe" END call :a32, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Add product to shopping cart\"", :method => :get, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.getproduct="Axe";data.prodcount=5 END call :a15, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Check availability of product\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } choose :exclusive do alternative test{} do call :a9, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Product could not be added to shopping cart\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } end otherwise do call :a18, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Add product to shopping cart\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.displaySC=[data.product];data.prodcount=data.prodcount-1 END end end call :a10, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Check already selected products\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } loop pre_test{data.prodcount>0} do call :a6, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Select products\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.product="Axe" END call :a5, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Add product to shopping cart\"", :method => :get, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.getproduct="Axe"; END call :a31, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Check availability of product\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } choose :exclusive do alternative test{} do call :a7, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Product couldn't be add to shopping cart\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } end otherwise do call :a30, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Add product to shopping cart\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.displaySC=data.displaySC.push(data.product);data.prodcount= data.prodcount-1 END end end call :a10, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Check already selected products\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } end parallel :wait => -1 do parallel_branch do call :a13, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Enter shipping address\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.shippingaddress="SAddress" END choose :exclusive do alternative test{} do end otherwise do call :a12, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Enter billing address\"", :method => :post, :arguments => nil }, finalize: <<-END data.billingaddress="BAddress" END end end end parallel_branch do call :a8, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Enter and confirm payment data\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] }, finalize: <<-END data.iban="AT1234";data.bic="1343";bankAcc="MyBankAcc" END call :a17, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Send payment data\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } call :a25, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Wait for confirmation\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } end end choose :exclusive do alternative test{} do call :a4, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Abort shoppingprocess\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } end otherwise do call :a23, :timeout, parameters: { :label => "\"Send confirmation of order to customer\"", :method => :post, :arguments => [⭐(:name => :timeout, :value => 2)] } end end end end :post 2 data.credentials="HarryPotter";data.password="HarryPotter" :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 data.product="Axe" :get 2 data.getproduct="Axe";data.prodcount=5 :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 data.displaySC=[data.product];data.prodcount=data.prodcount-1 :post 2 :post 2 data.product="Axe" :get 2 data.getproduct="Axe"; :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 data.displaySC=data.displaySC.push(data.product);data.prodcount= data.prodcount-1 :post 2 :post 2 data.shippingaddress="SAddress" :post data.billingaddress="BAddress" :post 2 data.iban="AT1234";data.bic="1343";bankAcc="MyBankAcc" :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 0 undefined :post 2 data.credentials="HarryPotter";data.password="HarryPotter" :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 data.product="Axe" :get 2 data.getproduct="Axe";data.prodcount=5 :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 data.displaySC=[data.product];data.prodcount=data.prodcount-1 :post 2 :post 2 data.product="Axe" :get 2 data.getproduct="Axe"; :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 data.displaySC=data.displaySC.push(data.product);data.prodcount= data.prodcount-1 :post 2 :post 2 data.shippingaddress="SAddress" :post data.billingaddress="BAddress" :post 2 data.iban="AT1234";data.bic="1343";bankAcc="MyBankAcc" :post 2 :post 2 :post 2 :post 2