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EEEE,E Ecreate" EmessageE%You have specified that your model's E* should ensure inclusion of nil. However, Ew is a boolean column which does not allow null values. Hence, this test will fail and there is no way to make it pass. E (E#The validation failed because your ER model declares `has_secure_password`, and `validate_presence_of` was called on a E; which has `password` already set to a value. Please use a E# with an empty `password` instead. E model_nameE record_nameEShouldaEMatchersE ActiveModelE RuntimeErrorE$CouldNotDetermineValueOutsideOfArrayEErrorENonNullableBooleanErrorE attributeEstripEcore#define_singleton_methodE attr_accessorEcore#define_methodECouldNotSetPasswordErrorEmodelEnameEhumanizeEdowncaseEprivate|GzV!X DPnzG` 8 d }