// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <dlib/graph_cuts.h> #include <dlib/graph_utils.h> #include <dlib/directed_graph.h> #include <dlib/graph.h> #include <dlib/rand.h> #include <dlib/hash.h> #include <dlib/image_transforms.h> #include "tester.h" namespace { using namespace test; using namespace dlib; using namespace std; logger dlog("test.graph_cuts"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class dense_potts_problem { public: typedef double value_type; private: matrix<value_type,0,1> factors1; matrix<value_type> factors2; matrix<node_label,0,1> labels; public: dense_potts_problem ( unsigned long num_nodes, dlib::rand& rnd ) { factors1 = -7*(randm(num_nodes, 1, rnd)-0.5); factors2 = make_symmetric(randm(num_nodes, num_nodes, rnd) > 0.5); labels.set_size(num_nodes); labels = FREE_NODE; } unsigned long number_of_nodes ( ) const { return factors1.nr(); } unsigned long number_of_neighbors ( unsigned long // idx ) const { return number_of_nodes()-1; } unsigned long get_neighbor_idx ( unsigned long node_id1, unsigned long node_id2 ) const { if (node_id2 < node_id1) return node_id2; else return node_id2-1; } unsigned long get_neighbor ( unsigned long node_id, unsigned long idx ) const { DLIB_TEST(node_id < number_of_nodes()); DLIB_TEST(idx < number_of_neighbors(node_id)); if (idx < node_id) return idx; else return idx+1; } void set_label ( const unsigned long& idx, node_label value ) { labels(idx) = value; } node_label get_label ( const unsigned long& idx ) const { return labels(idx); } value_type factor_value (unsigned long idx) const { DLIB_TEST(idx < number_of_nodes()); return factors1(idx); } value_type factor_value_disagreement (unsigned long idx1, unsigned long idx2) const { DLIB_TEST(idx1 != idx2); DLIB_TEST(idx1 < number_of_nodes()); DLIB_TEST(idx2 < number_of_nodes()); DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor_idx(idx1,idx2) < number_of_neighbors(idx1)); DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1) < number_of_neighbors(idx2)); return factors2(idx1, idx2); } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class image_potts_problem { public: typedef double value_type; const static unsigned long max_number_of_neighbors = 4; private: matrix<value_type,0,1> factors1; matrix<value_type> factors2; matrix<node_label,0,1> labels; long nr; long nc; rectangle rect, inner_rect; mutable long count; public: image_potts_problem ( long nr_, long nc_, dlib::rand& rnd ) : nr(nr_), nc(nc_) { rect = rectangle(0,0,nc-1,nr-1); inner_rect = shrink_rect(rect,1); const unsigned long num_nodes = nr*nc; factors1 = -7*(randm(num_nodes, 1, rnd)); factors2 = randm(num_nodes, 4, rnd) > 0.5; //factors1 = 0; //set_rowm(factors1, range(0, factors1.nr()/2)) = -1; labels.set_size(num_nodes); labels = FREE_NODE; count = 0; } ~image_potts_problem() { dlog << LTRACE << "interface calls: " << count; dlog << LTRACE << "labels hash: "<< murmur_hash3_128bit(&labels(0), labels.size()*sizeof(labels(0)), 0).first; } unsigned long number_of_nodes ( ) const { return factors1.nr(); } unsigned long number_of_neighbors ( unsigned long idx ) const { ++count; const point& p = get_loc(idx); if (inner_rect.contains(p)) return 4; else if (p == rect.tl_corner() || p == rect.bl_corner() || p == rect.tr_corner() || p == rect.br_corner() ) return 2; else return 3; } unsigned long get_neighbor_idx ( long node_id1, long node_id2 ) const { ++count; const point& p = get_loc(node_id1); long ret = 0; if (rect.contains(p + point(1,0))) { if (node_id2-node_id1 == 1) return ret; ++ret; } if (rect.contains(p - point(1,0))) { if (node_id2-node_id1 == -1) return ret; ++ret; } if (rect.contains(p + point(0,1))) { if (node_id2-node_id1 == nc) return ret; ++ret; } return ret; } unsigned long get_neighbor ( long node_id, long idx ) const { ++count; const point& p = get_loc(node_id); if (rect.contains(p + point(1,0))) { if (idx == 0) return node_id+1; --idx; } if (rect.contains(p - point(1,0))) { if (idx == 0) return node_id-1; --idx; } if (rect.contains(p + point(0,1))) { if (idx == 0) return node_id+nc; --idx; } return node_id-nc; } void set_label ( const unsigned long& idx, node_label value ) { ++count; labels(idx) = value; } node_label get_label ( const unsigned long& idx ) const { ++count; return labels(idx); } value_type factor_value (unsigned long idx) const { ++count; DLIB_TEST(idx < (unsigned long)number_of_nodes()); return factors1(idx); } value_type factor_value_disagreement (unsigned long idx1, unsigned long idx2) const { ++count; DLIB_TEST(idx1 != idx2); DLIB_TEST(idx1 < (unsigned long)number_of_nodes()); DLIB_TEST(idx2 < (unsigned long)number_of_nodes()); // make this function symmetric if (idx1 > idx2) swap(idx1,idx2); DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor(idx1, get_neighbor_idx(idx1, idx2)) == idx2); DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor(idx2, get_neighbor_idx(idx2, idx1)) == idx1); // the neighbor relationship better be symmetric DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor_idx(idx1,idx2) < number_of_neighbors(idx1)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1) < number_of_neighbors(idx2), "\n idx1: "<< idx1 << "\n idx2: "<< idx2 << "\n get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1): "<< get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1) << "\n number_of_neighbors(idx2): " << number_of_neighbors(idx2) << "\n nr: "<< nr << "\n nc: "<< nc ); return factors2(idx1, get_neighbor_idx(idx1,idx2)); } private: point get_loc ( const unsigned long& idx ) const { return point(idx%nc, idx/nc); } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename potts_model> void brute_force_potts_model ( potts_model& g ) { potts_model m(g); const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)m.number_of_nodes()); double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { for (unsigned long j = 0; j < m.number_of_nodes(); ++j) { unsigned long T = (1)<<j; T = (T&i); if (T != 0) m.set_label(j,SINK_CUT); else m.set_label(j,SOURCE_CUT); } double score = potts_model_score(m); if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; g = m; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename graph_type> void brute_force_potts_model_on_graph ( const graph_type& g, std::vector<node_label>& labels_ ) { std::vector<node_label> labels; labels.resize(g.number_of_nodes()); const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)g.number_of_nodes()); double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j) { unsigned long T = (1)<<j; T = (T&i); if (T != 0) labels[j] = SINK_CUT; else labels[j] = SOURCE_CUT; } double score = potts_model_score(g,labels); if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; labels_ = labels; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename graph_type> void make_random_undirected_graph( dlib::rand& rnd, graph_type& g ) { typedef typename graph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type; g.clear(); const unsigned int num_nodes = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%8; g.set_number_of_nodes(num_nodes); const unsigned int num_edges = static_cast<unsigned int>(num_nodes*(num_nodes-1)/2*rnd.get_random_double() + 0.5); // add the right number of randomly selected edges unsigned int count = 0; while (count < num_edges) { unsigned long i = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes(); unsigned long j = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes(); if (i != j && g.has_edge(i, j) == false) { ++count; g.add_edge(i, j); edge(g, i, j) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); } } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { g.node(i).data = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_gaussian()*200); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void test_graph_potts_model( dlib::rand& rnd ) { using namespace std; double brute_force_score; double graph_cut_score; graph<double,double>::kernel_1a_c temp; make_random_undirected_graph(rnd,temp); { std::vector<node_label> labels; brute_force_potts_model_on_graph(temp, labels); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)labels[i]; } brute_force_score = potts_model_score(temp, labels); dlog << LTRACE << "brute force score: "<< brute_force_score; } dlog << LTRACE << "******************"; { std::vector<node_label> labels; find_max_factor_graph_potts(temp, labels); DLIB_TEST(temp.number_of_nodes() == labels.size()); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)labels[i]; } graph_cut_score = potts_model_score(temp, labels); dlog << LTRACE << "graph cut score: "<< graph_cut_score; } DLIB_TEST_MSG(graph_cut_score == brute_force_score, std::abs(graph_cut_score - brute_force_score)); dlog << LTRACE << "##################"; dlog << LTRACE << "##################"; dlog << LTRACE << "##################"; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename potts_prob> void impl_test_potts_model ( potts_prob& p ) { using namespace std; double brute_force_score; double graph_cut_score; { potts_prob temp(p); brute_force_potts_model(temp); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)temp.get_label(i); } brute_force_score = potts_model_score(temp); dlog << LTRACE << "brute force score: "<< brute_force_score; } dlog << LTRACE << "******************"; { potts_prob temp(p); find_max_factor_graph_potts(temp); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)temp.get_label(i); } graph_cut_score = potts_model_score(temp); dlog << LTRACE << "graph cut score: "<< graph_cut_score; } DLIB_TEST_MSG(graph_cut_score == brute_force_score, std::abs(graph_cut_score - brute_force_score)); dlog << LTRACE << "##################"; dlog << LTRACE << "##################"; dlog << LTRACE << "##################"; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BASIC MIN CUT STUFF // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename directed_graph> void brute_force_min_cut ( directed_graph& g, unsigned long source, unsigned long sink ) { typedef typename directed_graph::edge_type edge_weight_type; const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)g.number_of_nodes()); std::vector<node_label> best_cut(g.number_of_nodes(),FREE_NODE); edge_weight_type best_score = std::numeric_limits<edge_weight_type>::max(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j) { unsigned long T = (1)<<j; T = (T&i); if (T != 0) g.node(j).data = SINK_CUT; else g.node(j).data = SOURCE_CUT; } // ignore cuts that don't label the source or sink node the way we want. if (g.node(source).data != SOURCE_CUT || g.node(sink).data != SINK_CUT) continue; edge_weight_type score = graph_cut_score(g); if (score < best_score) { best_score = score; for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j) best_cut[j] = g.node(j).data; } } for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j) g.node(j).data = best_cut[j]; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename directed_graph> void print_graph( const directed_graph& g ) { using namespace std; dlog << LTRACE << "number of nodes: "<< g.number_of_nodes(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { for (unsigned long n = 0; n < g.node(i).number_of_children(); ++n) dlog << LTRACE << i << " -(" << g.node(i).child_edge(n) << ")-> " << g.node(i).child(n).index(); } } template <typename directed_graph> void copy_edge_weights ( directed_graph& dest, const directed_graph& src ) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < src.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { for (unsigned long n = 0; n < src.node(i).number_of_children(); ++n) { dest.node(i).child_edge(n) = src.node(i).child_edge(n); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename graph_type> void pick_random_source_and_sink ( dlib::rand& rnd, const graph_type& g, unsigned long& source, unsigned long& sink ) { source = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes(); sink = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes(); while (sink == source) sink = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename dgraph_type> void make_random_graph( dlib::rand& rnd, dgraph_type& g, unsigned long& source, unsigned long& sink ) { typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type; g.clear(); const unsigned int num_nodes = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7 + 2; g.set_number_of_nodes(num_nodes); const unsigned int num_edges = static_cast<unsigned int>(num_nodes*(num_nodes-1)/2*rnd.get_random_double() + 0.5); // add the right number of randomly selected edges unsigned int count = 0; while (count < num_edges) { unsigned long parent = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes(); unsigned long child = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes(); if (parent != child && g.has_edge(parent, child) == false) { ++count; g.add_edge(parent, child); edge(g, parent, child) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); // have to have edges both ways swap(parent, child); g.add_edge(parent, child); edge(g, parent, child) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); } } pick_random_source_and_sink(rnd, g, source, sink); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename dgraph_type> void make_random_chain_graph( dlib::rand& rnd, dgraph_type& g, unsigned long& source, unsigned long& sink ) { typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type; g.clear(); const unsigned int num_nodes = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7 + 2; g.set_number_of_nodes(num_nodes); for (unsigned long i = 1; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { g.add_edge(i,i-1); g.add_edge(i-1,i); edge(g, i, i-1) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); edge(g, i-1, i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); } pick_random_source_and_sink(rnd, g, source, sink); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename dgraph_type> void make_random_grid_graph( dlib::rand& rnd, dgraph_type& g, unsigned long& source, unsigned long& sink ) /*! ensures - makes a grid graph like the kind used for potts models. !*/ { typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type; g.clear(); const long nr = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2 + 2; const long nc = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2 + 2; g.set_number_of_nodes(nr*nc+2); const rectangle rect(0,0,nc-1,nr-1); for (long r = 0; r < nr; ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { const point p(c,r); const unsigned long i = p.y()*nc + p.x(); const point n2(c-1,r); if (rect.contains(n2)) { const unsigned long j = n2.y()*nc + n2.x(); g.add_edge(i,j); g.add_edge(j,i); edge(g,i,j) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); edge(g,j,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); } const point n4(c,r-1); if (rect.contains(n4)) { const unsigned long j = n4.y()*nc + n4.x(); g.add_edge(i,j); g.add_edge(j,i); edge(g,i,j) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); edge(g,j,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); } } } // use the last two nodes as source and sink. Also connect them to all the other nodes. source = g.number_of_nodes()-1; sink = g.number_of_nodes()-2; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes()-2; ++i) { g.add_edge(i,source); g.add_edge(source,i); g.add_edge(i,sink); g.add_edge(sink,i); edge(g,i,source) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); edge(g,source,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); edge(g,i,sink) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); edge(g,sink,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename min_cut, typename dgraph_type> void run_test_on_graphs ( const min_cut& mc, dgraph_type& g1, dgraph_type& g2, unsigned long source, unsigned long sink ) { typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type; using namespace std; dlog << LTRACE << "number of nodes: "<< g1.number_of_nodes(); dlog << LTRACE << "is graph connected: "<< graph_is_connected(g1); dlog << LTRACE << "has self loops: "<< graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g1); dlog << LTRACE << "SOURCE_CUT: " << source; dlog << LTRACE << "SINK_CUT: " << sink; mc(g1, source, sink); brute_force_min_cut(g2, source, sink); print_graph(g1); // make sure the flow residuals are 0 at the cut locations for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g1.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g1.node(i).number_of_children(); ++j) { if ((g1.node(i).data == SOURCE_CUT && g1.node(i).child(j).data != SOURCE_CUT) || (g1.node(i).data != SINK_CUT && g1.node(i).child(j).data == SINK_CUT) ) { DLIB_TEST_MSG(g1.node(i).child_edge(j) == 0, g1.node(i).child_edge(j)); } } } // copy the edge weights from g2 back to g1 so we can compute cut scores copy_edge_weights(g1, g2); DLIB_TEST(g1.number_of_nodes() == g2.number_of_nodes()); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g1.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": " << (int)g1.node(i).data << ", " << (int)g2.node(i).data; if (g1.node(i).data != g2.node(i).data) { edge_weight_type cut_score = graph_cut_score(g1); edge_weight_type brute_force_score = graph_cut_score(g2); dlog << LTRACE << "graph cut score: "<< cut_score; dlog << LTRACE << "brute force score: "<< brute_force_score; if (brute_force_score != cut_score) print_graph(g1); DLIB_TEST_MSG(brute_force_score == cut_score,std::abs(brute_force_score-cut_score)); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename min_cut, typename edge_weight_type> void test_graph_cuts(dlib::rand& rnd) { typedef typename dlib::directed_graph<node_label, edge_weight_type>::kernel_1a_c dgraph_type; // we will create two identical graphs. dgraph_type g1, g2; min_cut mc; unsigned long source, sink; dlib::rand rnd_copy(rnd); make_random_graph(rnd,g1, source, sink); make_random_graph(rnd_copy,g2, source, sink); run_test_on_graphs(mc, g1, g2, source, sink); rnd_copy = rnd; make_random_grid_graph(rnd,g1, source, sink); make_random_grid_graph(rnd_copy,g2, source, sink); run_test_on_graphs(mc, g1, g2, source, sink); rnd_copy = rnd; make_random_chain_graph(rnd,g1, source, sink); make_random_chain_graph(rnd_copy,g2, source, sink); run_test_on_graphs(mc, g1, g2, source, sink); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class test_potts_grid_problem { public: test_potts_grid_problem(int seed_) :seed(seed_){} int seed; long nr() const { return 3;} long nc() const { return 3;} typedef double value_type; value_type factor_value(unsigned long idx) const { // Copy idx into a char buffer to avoid warnings about violation of strict aliasing // rules when murmur_hash3() gets inlined into this function. char buf[sizeof(idx)]; memcpy(buf,&idx,sizeof(idx)); // now hash the buffer rather than idx. return ((double)murmur_hash3(buf, sizeof(buf), seed) - std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max()/2.0)/1000.0; } value_type factor_value_disagreement(unsigned long idx1, unsigned long idx2) const { return std::abs(factor_value(idx1+idx2)/10.0); } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename prob_type> void brute_force_potts_grid_problem( const prob_type& prob, array2d<unsigned char>& labels ) { const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)prob.nr()*prob.nc()); array2d<unsigned char> temp(prob.nr(), prob.nc()); unsigned char* data = &temp[0][0]; double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp.size(); ++j) { unsigned long T = (1)<<j; T = (T&i); if (T != 0) *(data + j) = SINK_CUT; else *(data + j) = SOURCE_CUT; } double score = potts_model_score(prob, temp); if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; assign_image(labels, temp); } } } void test_inf() { graph<double,double>::kernel_1a_c g; g.set_number_of_nodes(4); g.add_edge(0,1); g.add_edge(1,2); g.add_edge(2,3); g.add_edge(3,0); g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(1).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(2).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(3).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,0,1) = 1; edge(g,1,2) = 1; edge(g,2,3) = 1; edge(g,3,0) = 1; std::vector<node_label> labels; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(1).data = 0; g.node(2).data = 0; g.node(3).data = -3; edge(g,0,1) = 1; edge(g,1,2) = 1; edge(g,2,3) = 1; edge(g,3,0) = 1; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(1).data = 0; g.node(2).data = 0; g.node(3).data = -0.1; edge(g,0,1) = 1; edge(g,1,2) = 1; edge(g,2,3) = 1; edge(g,3,0) = 1; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(1).data = 0; g.node(2).data = 0; g.node(3).data = -0.1; edge(g,0,1) = 1; edge(g,1,2) = 1; edge(g,2,3) = 0; edge(g,3,0) = 0; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(1).data = 0; g.node(2).data = 0; g.node(3).data = 0.1; edge(g,0,1) = 1; edge(g,1,2) = 1; edge(g,2,3) = 0; edge(g,3,0) = 0; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(1).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(2).data = 0; g.node(3).data = 0.1; edge(g,0,1) = 1; edge(g,1,2) = 1; edge(g,2,3) = 0; edge(g,3,0) = 0; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = -10; g.node(1).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(2).data = 0; g.node(3).data = 0.1; edge(g,0,1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,1,2) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,2,3) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,3,0) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = 10; g.node(1).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(2).data = 20.05; g.node(3).data = -0.1; edge(g,0,1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,1,2) = 10; edge(g,2,3) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,3,0) = 10; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0); // -------------------------- g.node(0).data = 10; g.node(1).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); g.node(2).data = 20.2; g.node(3).data = -0.1; edge(g,0,1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,1,2) = 10; edge(g,2,3) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); edge(g,3,0) = 10; find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels); DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0); } struct potts_pair_image_model { typedef double value_type; template <typename pixel_type1, typename pixel_type2> value_type factor_value ( const pixel_type1& , const pixel_type2& v2 ) const { return v2; } template <typename pixel_type> value_type factor_value_disagreement ( const pixel_type& v1, const pixel_type& v2 ) const { if (v1 == v2) return 10; else return 0; } }; void test_potts_pair_grid() { array2d<int> img1(40,40); array2d<double> img2(40,40); assign_all_pixels(img1, -1); assign_all_pixels(img2, -1); img1[4][4] = 1000; img2[4][3] = 1; img2[4][4] = 1; img2[4][5] = 1; img2[3][3] = 1; img2[3][4] = 1; img2[3][5] = 1; img2[5][3] = 1; img2[5][4] = 1; img2[5][5] = 1; array2d<unsigned char> labels; find_max_factor_graph_potts(make_potts_grid_problem(potts_pair_image_model(),img2,img1), labels); dlog << LINFO << "num true labels: " << sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(labels)!=0)); DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(labels)!=0)) == 9); DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(labels)==0)) == (int)img1.size()-9); DLIB_TEST(labels[4][3] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[4][4] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[4][5] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3][3] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3][4] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[3][5] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[5][3] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[5][4] != 0); DLIB_TEST(labels[5][5] != 0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class graph_cuts_tester : public tester { public: graph_cuts_tester ( ) : tester ("test_graph_cuts", "Runs tests on the graph cuts tools.") {} dlib::rand rnd; void perform_test ( ) { test_potts_pair_grid(); test_inf(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) { array2d<unsigned char> labels, brute_labels; test_potts_grid_problem prob(i); find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob, labels); brute_force_potts_grid_problem(prob, brute_labels); DLIB_TEST(labels.nr() == brute_labels.nr()); DLIB_TEST(labels.nc() == brute_labels.nc()); for (long r = 0; r < labels.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < labels.nc(); ++c) { bool normal = (labels[r][c] != 0); bool brute = (brute_labels[r][c] != 0); DLIB_TEST(normal == brute); } } } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { print_spinner(); dlog << LTRACE << "test_grpah_cuts<short> iter: " << i; test_graph_cuts<min_cut,short>(rnd); print_spinner(); dlog << LTRACE << "test_grpah_cuts<double> iter: " << i; test_graph_cuts<min_cut,double>(rnd); } for (int k = 0; k < 300; ++k) { dlog << LTRACE << "image_potts_problem iter " << k; print_spinner(); image_potts_problem p(3,3, rnd); impl_test_potts_model(p); } for (int k = 0; k < 300; ++k) { dlog << LTRACE << "dense_potts_problem iter " << k; print_spinner(); dense_potts_problem p(6, rnd); impl_test_potts_model(p); } for (int k = 0; k < 300; ++k) { dlog << LTRACE << "dense_potts_problem iter " << k; print_spinner(); test_graph_potts_model(rnd); } } } a; }