Feature: implicit docstrings As an RSpec user I want examples to generate their own names So that I can reduce duplication between example names and example code Scenario: run passing examples Given a file named "implicit_docstrings_spec.rb" with: """ describe "Examples with no docstrings generate their own:" do specify { 3.should be < 5 } specify { [1,2,3].should include(2) } specify { [1,2,3].should respond_to(:size) } end """ When I run `rspec ./implicit_docstrings_spec.rb -fdoc` Then the output should contain "should be < 5" And the output should contain "should include 2" And the output should contain "should respond to #size" Scenario: run failing examples Given a file named "failing_implicit_docstrings_spec.rb" with: """ describe "Failing examples with no descriptions" do # description is auto-generated as "should equal(5)" based on the last #should it do 3.should equal(2) 5.should equal(5) end it { 3.should be > 5 } it { [1,2,3].should include(4) } it { [1,2,3].should_not respond_to(:size) } end """ When I run `rspec ./failing_implicit_docstrings_spec.rb -fdoc` Then the output should contain "should equal 2" And the output should contain "should be > 5" And the output should contain "should include 4" And the output should contain "should not respond to #size"