module RightScaleAPIHelper class Helper # The aim of this class is to help access the RightScale API. # The goal is to include this in programs so that you can then use the api # without the need for all of the heavy lifting. # This currently only works with version 1.0 of the api. This is because it is all we currently # use. Will probably need to make it smarter at some point, but this is just for # some internal use as of now. require 'net/http' require 'net/https' # Initialize the connection with account information. # Return an object that can then later be used to make calls # against the RightScale API without authenticating again. # Inputs: format = xml or js # version = 1.0 # 1.5 to be supported soon def initialize(account, username, password, format = 'js', version = '1.0') # Set Default Variables rs_url = "" api_url = '/api/acct/' @api_call = "#{api_url}#{account}" @full_api_call = "#{rs_url}#{@api_call}" @formatting = "?format=#{format}" @conn ='', 443) @conn.use_ssl=true #@conn.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if version != '1.0' raise("Only version 1.0 is supported") end req ="#{@full_api_call}/login?api_version=#{version}") req.basic_auth( username, password ) resp = @conn.request(req) if resp.code.to_i != 204 puts resp.code raise("Failed to authenticate user.\n Http response code was #{resp.code}.") end cookie = resp.response['set-cookie'] #puts "The response code was #{resp.code}" @headers = { "Cookie" => cookie, "X-API-VERSION" => "1.0", #"api_version" => "1.0", } end def get(query) begin puts "#{@api_call}#{query}#{@formatting}" resp = @conn.get("#{@api_call}#{query}#{@formatting}", @headers) rescue raise("Get query failed.\nError: #") end return resp end def post(query, values) req ="#{@full_api_call}#{query}", @headers) req.set_form_data(values) resp = @conn.request(req) return resp end def delete(query) req ="#{@full_api_call}#{query}", @headers) resp = @conn.request(req) end def put(query, values) req ="#{@full_api_call}#{query}", @headers) req.set_form_data(values) resp = @conn.request(req) end end end