/// Builds a selector for a motion class, using the settings defined in the `$motion-ui-classes` and `$motion-ui-states` maps. /// @param {String|List} $states - One or more strings that correlate to a state. /// @param {Boolean} $active - Defines if the selector is for the setup or active class. /// @return {String} A selector that can be interpolated into your Sass code. /// @access private @function -mui-build-selector($states, $active: false) { $return: ''; $chain: map-get($motion-ui-classes, chain); $prefix: map-get($motion-ui-classes, prefix); $suffix: map-get($motion-ui-classes, active); @each $sel in $states { $return: $return + if($chain, '&.', '#{&}-') + $prefix + $sel; @if $active { $return: $return + if($chain, '.', '#{&}-') + $prefix + $sel + $suffix; } $return: $return + ', '; } @return str-slice($return, 1, -3); }