require 'spec_helper' describe 'The ahn_log command' do it 'should add the ahn_log method to the global namespace' do ahn_log.should be Adhearsion::Logging::DefaultAdhearsionLogger end it "should log to the standard Adhearsion logger when given arguments" do message = "o hai. ur home erly." flexmock(Log4r::Logger['ahn']).should_receive(:info).once.with(message) ahn_log message end it 'should create a new logger when given method_missing' do ahn_log.micromenus 'danger will robinson!' Log4r::Logger['micromenus'].should_not be nil end it 'should define a singleton method on itself of any name found by method_missing' do ahn_log.agi "SOMETHING IMPORTANT HAPPENED"{|m| m.to_sym}.should include :agi end it "dynamically generated loggers should support logging with blocks" do # I had to comment out this it because Flexmock makes it impossible to# # set up an expectation for receiving blocks. # proc_to_log = lambda { [1,2,3].reverse.join } # # info_catcher = flexmock "A logger that responds to info()" # info_catcher.should_receive(:info).once.with(&proc_to_log) # # flexmock(Log4r::Logger).should_receive(:[]).with('log4r') # flexmock(Log4r::Logger).should_receive(:[]).once.with('ami').and_return info_catcher # # ahn_log.ami(&proc_to_log) end it 'new loggers created by method_missing() should be instances of AdhearsionLogger' do ahn_log.qwerty.should be_a_kind_of Adhearsion::Logging::AdhearsionLogger end it "handles crazy logger names" do ahn_log.send :'locals@DEMO_ca.ll&', "hey" Log4r::Logger['locals@DEMO_ca.ll&'].should_not be nil ahn_log.send(:'localsdemo_call').should == Log4r::Logger['locals@DEMO_ca.ll&'] end end # Essential for running the tests describe 'Logger level changing' do after :each do Adhearsion::Logging.logging_level = :info end after :all do Adhearsion::Logging.logging_level = :fatal # Silence them again end it 'changing the logging level should affect all loggers' do loggers = [, ahn_log.two, ahn_log.three] == [Log4r::WARN] * 3 Adhearsion::Logging.logging_level = :warn == [Log4r::WARN] * 3 end it 'a new logger should have the global Adhearsion logging level' do be Log4r::INFO Adhearsion::Logging.logging_level = :fatal ahn_log.brand_new.level.should be Log4r::FATAL end it '#silence!() should change the level to be FATAL' do flexmock(Adhearsion::Logging::DefaultAdhearsionLogger).should_receive(:level=).once.with(Log4r::FATAL) Adhearsion::Logging.silence! # Verify and close manually here because the after-test hook breaks the expectation flexmock_verify flexmock_close end it '#unsilence!() should change the level to be INFO' do flexmock(Adhearsion::Logging::DefaultAdhearsionLogger).should_receive(:level=).once.with(Log4r::INFO) Adhearsion::Logging.unsilence! # Verify and close manually here because the after-test hook breaks the expectation flexmock_verify flexmock_close end end