module RSpec module Matchers module BuiltIn class Has include MatchAliases def initialize(expected, *args) @expected, @args = expected, args end def matches?(actual) method = predicate if is_private_on?(actual) RSpec.deprecate "matching with #{@expected} on private method #{predicate}", :replacement => "`expect(object.send(#{predicate.inspect})).to be_true` or change the method's visibility to public" end result = actual.__send__(method, *@args) check_respond_to(actual, method) result end def failure_message_for_should "expected ##{predicate}#{failure_message_args_description} to return true, got false" end def failure_message_for_should_not "expected ##{predicate}#{failure_message_args_description} to return false, got true" end def description [method_description(@expected), args_description].compact.join(' ') end # @private def supports_block_expectations? false end private # support 1.8.7 if String === methods.first def is_private_on? actual actual.private_methods.include? predicate.to_s end else def is_private_on? actual actual.private_methods.include? predicate end end def predicate "#{@expected.to_s.sub("have_","has_")}?".to_sym end def method_description(method) method.to_s.gsub('_', ' ') end def args_description return nil if @args.empty? { |arg| arg.inspect }.join(', ') end def failure_message_args_description desc = args_description "(#{desc})" if desc end def check_respond_to(actual, method) RSpec.deprecate( "Matching with #{@expected} on an object that doesn't respond to `#{method}`", :replacement => "`respond_to_missing?` or `respond_to?` on your object" ) unless actual.respond_to?(method) end end end end end