import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { setupRenderingTest } from "ember-qunit"; import { render, find, findAll } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { uninitialize, mutatePreload } from "client-app/lib/preload"; module("Integration | Component | back-trace", function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { uninitialize(); }); hooks.afterEach(function() { uninitialize(); }); test("backtrace lines display and work correctly", async function(assert) { const backtrace = `/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/activerecord-6.0.1/lib/active_record/relation/finder_methods.rb:317:in \`exists?' /var/www/discourse/lib/permalink_constraint.rb:6:in \`matches?' /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-prometheus/lib/middleware/metrics.rb:17:in \`call'`; this.set("backtrace", backtrace); await render(hbs`{{back-trace backtrace=backtrace}}`); const [gem, app, plugin] = findAll("a"); assert.equal( gem.href, "" ); assert.equal( app.href, "" ); assert.equal( plugin.href, "" ); let gemLine = find("div.backtrace-line"); assert.equal( gemLine.textContent, "activerecord-6.0.1/lib/active_record/relation/finder_methods.rb:317:in `exists?'", "gem lines are truncated" ); }); test("non-ruby backtraces don't break things", async function(assert) { this.set( "backtrace", `m/<@ m@ string@` ); await render(hbs`{{back-trace backtrace=backtrace}}`); const lines = this.backtrace.split("\n"); findAll("div.backtrace-line").forEach((node, index) => { assert.equal(node.textContent.trim(), lines[index]); }); }); test("Github links use commit sha", async function(assert) { const backtrace = `/var/www/discourse/lib/permalink_constraint.rb:6:in \`matches?'`; let env = [ { application_version: "123abc" }, { application_version: "abc123" } ]; this.setProperties({ backtrace, env }); await render(hbs`{{back-trace backtrace=backtrace env=env}}`); let href = find("a").href; assert.equal( href, "", "uses the first application_version if there are multiple versions" ); env = { application_version: "567def" }; this.set("env", env); await render(hbs`{{back-trace backtrace=backtrace env=env}}`); href = find("a").href; assert.equal( href, "", "uses application_version when env is only a hash" ); this.set("env", null); await render(hbs`{{back-trace backtrace=backtrace env=env}}`); href = find("a").href; assert.equal( href, "", "falls back to preload if env doesn't contain application_version" ); mutatePreload("application_version", null); await render(hbs`{{back-trace backtrace=backtrace}}`); href = find("a").href; assert.equal( href, "", "falls back to master branch when neither preload nor application_version in env are available" ); }); });