module GeneValidator # Exception raised when BLAST path is not added to the CLASSPATH class ClasspathError < Exception end # Exception raised when the command line type argument # does not corrsepond to the type of the sequences in the fasta file class SequenceTypeError < Exception end # Exception raised when an unexisting file is accessed class FileNotFoundException < Exception end # Exception raised when blast does not find any hit class QueryError < Exception end # Exception raised when a validation class is not instance of ValidationTest class ValidationClassError < Exception end # Exception raised when a validation report class is not instance of ValidationReport class ReportClassError < Exception end # Exception raised when there are not enough blast hits to make a statisticl validation class NotEnoughHitsError < Exception end # Exception raised when function dependig on the internet connection raise Exception class NoInternetError < Exception end # Exception raised when the alignment initialization raises exception class NoMafftInstallationError < Exception end # Exception raised when the -v argument didn't filter any validatio test class NoValidationError < Exception end # Exception raised when the are alias duplications class AliasDuplicationError < Exception end # Exception raised when the are alias duplications class NoPIdentError < Exception end # Exception raised when the tabular format does not correspond to the tabular argumet class InconsistentTabularFormat < Exception end # Exception raised when there are more than one reading frame among the hits of one prediction class ReadingFrameError < Exception end class OtherError < Exception end end