# This is not bulletproof, but if this file is executed before a task # definition, we can grab tasks descriptions and locations. # See: https://goo.gl/ksn6PE Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = true module Rake # Redefine +Rake::Task#execute+, so it can report errors to Airbrake. class Task # Store the original method to use it later. alias execute_without_airbrake execute # A wrapper around the original +#execute+, that catches all errors and # notifies Airbrake. # # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException def execute(args = nil) execute_without_airbrake(args) rescue Exception => ex notify_airbrake(ex, args) raise ex end # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException private def notify_airbrake(exception, args) Airbrake.notify_sync(exception) do |notice| notice[:context][:component] = 'rake' notice[:context][:action] = name notice[:params].merge!( rake_task: task_info, execute_args: args, argv: ARGV.join(' ') ) end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize def task_info info = {} info[:name] = name info[:timestamp] = timestamp.to_s info[:investigation] = investigation info[:full_comment] = full_comment if full_comment info[:arg_names] = arg_names if arg_names.any? info[:arg_description] = arg_description if arg_description info[:locations] = locations if locations.any? info[:sources] = sources if sources.any? if prerequisite_tasks.any? info[:prerequisite_tasks] = prerequisite_tasks.map do |p| p.__send__(:task_info) end end info end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize end end