module Gowalla module Checkins # Fetch info for a checkin # # @param [Integer] id Checkin ID # @return [Hashie::Mash] checkin info def checkin_info(id) connection.get("/checkins/#{id}").body end # Check in at a spot (requires oauth token authentication) # # @option details [Integer] :spot_id Spot ID # @option details [Float] :lat Latitude of spot # @option details [Float] :lng Longitude of spot # @option details [String] :comment Checkin comment # @option details [Boolean] :post_to_twitter Post Checkin to Twitter # @option details [Boolean] :post_to_facebook Post Checkin to Facebook def checkin(details={}) checkin_path = "/checkins" checkin_path += "/test" if Gowalla.test_mode? response = do |req| req.url checkin_path req.body = details end response.body end end end