MasterView - Directives Reference

MasterView template processing directives are encoded in an (x)html template using attribute markup. A MasterView directive is an element attribute in the mv: namespace. By convention, Masterview directive attribute names use lower-case letters with underscore as a separator, e.g., mv:generate, mv:link_to.

Note: use of the mv: namespace used for MasterView directives in an (x)html template can be modified by a configuration setting. See the MasterView Configuration Guide for details. However, we recommend that you do not change this namespace convention unless truly necessary - it's easier to understand your templates when they follow the standard markup convention.

MasterView provides a number of built-in directives for general use. You can also create your own custom directives to extend the power of the MasterView template processing with markup notation and processing directives that support standard uses for your particular application.

Keyword Substitution in Directives

MasterView supports several standard keywords derived from information about the template file being processed that can be used in attribute values for the mv:generate and mv:gen_partial directives.

{template_path} == use original masterview template path with default output extension (one/foo/bar.rhtml)
{template_path}.ext == use original masterview template path with the specified extension (one/foo/bar.ext)
{template_dir_path} == direct_parent_dirname (one/foo)
{template_basename} == base filename (bar)
{extension} == filename extension (.html)

A typical use would be to specify the generated output for the main content of a template one/two/foo.html with the directive mv:generate="{template_path}". This keyword notation avoids the need to replicate the template's own file name or it's relative path within the Rails app/views directory in the directive markup in the template.

Directives Summary

Template Processing Directives
mv:generate Generate output containing this element and its children
mv:import Design-time directive to mark a snapshot of generated code
mv:gen_partial Generate a Rails partial
mv:import_render Design-time directive to mark a snapshot of generated partial code
mv:gen_replace Used with mv:generate to replace the content of this element in the generated output with the value of the attribute
General Processing Directives
mv:attr Replaces attribute value(s) on this element with the value of an expression
mv:content Replaces the content of this element with the value of the expression
mv:omit_tag Omits this element from the generated output if the value is empty or evaluates to true
mv:replace Replaces this element and its content with the value of the expression
Erb and Control Flow Directives
mv:block Expands to the equivalent rhtml (erb) block code around this element
mv:if Wraps this element with an if... end block using the attribute contents for the condition
mv:elsif Used in conjunction with the mv:if directive to allow you to create if... elsif... end blocks
mv:else Used in conjunction with the mv:if and mv:elsif directives to allow you to create if... elsif... else... end blocks
Inline Erb substitutions Inline substitution notation for Erb expressions
Rails Asset and Link Helper Directives
mv:javascript_include Replaces this element using the Rails javascript_include_tag helper. ( Used on <script> element in html header section )
mv:link_to Replaces this element using the Rails link_to helper. ( Used on <a> link elements )
mv:link_to_if Replaces this element using the Rails link_to_if helper ( Used on <a> link elements )
mv:link_to_remote Replaces this element using the Rails link_to_remote helper ( Used on <a> link elements )
mv:stylesheet_link Replaces this element using the Rails stylesheet_link_tag helper ( Used on stylesheet <link> elements in html header section )
Rails Form Helper Directives
mv:form Replaces the start and end tags of this element using the Rails form_tag and form_tag helpers
mv:hidden_field Replaces this element with a hidden input element using the Rails hidden_tag helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )
mv:password_field Replaces this element with a password input element using the Rails password_field helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )
mv:submit Replaces this element with a submit input element using the Rails submit_tag helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )
mv:text_area Replaces this element with a textarea input element using the Rails text_area helper. ( Used on <textarea> form elements )
mv:text_field Replaces this element with a text input element using the Rails text_field helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )

Directives Index (alphabetical)

Directives Reference

Template Processing Directives



        When the generate directive is encountered it creates a new output rhtml file where this element and its
        children will be rendered. It also will suspend outputting to any previous output file until it is done with this
        one (nested). MasterView will not output any rhtml files unless it encouters one of these or mv:gen_partial directive
        below. Typically you will have one of these in the very top html element to generate the layout, and you will have
        additional directives further inside to output different view partials and forms. MasterView takes this one html
        file and generates all the other layout, forms, and partials that you would do manually. for example...

        <html mv:generate="layouts/product.rhtml">
            <div mv:replace="@content_for_layout">
               <div mv:generate="product/new.rhtml">

          outputs to two files

            <%= @content_for_layout %>




        When the import directive is used, it is a mirror image of the generate directive, except that this directive
        doesn't generate any output, it is only used for design time editing. The code inside this tag represents a point
        in time capture of the real generated code and if it ever gets out of sync it can easily be sync'd back up by
        visiting the MasterView admin page or using rake mv:rebuild_all


mv:gen_partial=":partial => ‘product/form’"

        This directive does two things it creates a partial and it outputs the appropriate code to render this
        partial in the parent output file before beginning output of the partial. It calculates the file name from the
        :partial value and appends .rhtml for example...

        <html mv:generate="layouts/product.rhtml">
            <div mv:gen_partial=":partial => 'product/show'">
              Name: <span class="static" mv:content="h @product.send(:name)">product Name dummy text</span>
              Description: <span class="static" mv:content="h @product.send(:description)">product description dummy text</span>

          outputs two files

            <%= render :partial => 'product/show' %>

           Name: <span class="static"><%= h @product.send(:name) %></span>
           Description: <span class="static"><%= h @product.send(:description) %></span>

        You can also use collections with your partials like

        <div mv:gen_partial=":partial => 'shared/product', :collection => @products">

        which will create the partial shared/_product.rhtml and will render this partial over a collection


mv:import_render="partial => ‘product/form’"

        Similar to how import directive is a mirror to generate, import_render is a mirror to gen_partial. This directive
        generates the appropriate render partial helper, but doesn't generate any additional output, it is only used for
        design time editing and can be easily sync'd up if it ever gets out of sync with the original code.



        When used in conjunction with mv:generate directive it causes the value of the attribute to be erb
        executed output in the parent file before transferring to the child (nested) output file. for example...

        <html mv:generate="layouts/product.rhtml">
            <div mv:generate="product/new.rhtml" mv:gen_replace="@content_for_layout>

          outputs two files

            <%= @content_for_layout %>


General Processing Directives


mv:attr=":foo => ‘bar’, :cat => #{h}"

        At runtime this sets attribute values on the element this directive is defined on, for example...

        <div mv:attr=":foo => 'bar', :hi => 'cat'">hello</div>


        <div foo="bar" hi="cat">hello</div>

        You can put erb evaluated code in #{ } like in this example

        <div mv:attr=":foo => #{h}, :hi => 'cat'">hello</div>


        <div foo="<%= h %>" hi="cat">hello</div>



        Replaces the content of the tag with the erb output of foo, for example...

        <div mv:content="foo">some dummy html here</div>


        <div><%= foo %></div>



        Omit the element tag if the evalString is empty or evaluates to true. For example...

        <span mv:omit_tag="">hello</span>



        <span mv:omit_tag="@test">hello</span>


        <% if @test %><span><% end %>hello<% if @test %></span><% end %>


mv:replace="foo bar"

        Replaces the tag and contents with the erb executed output of the attribute. If the attribute
        value is an empty string then the tag is simply removed and nothing is output,  for example...

        <span mv:replace="h">dummy product name</span>


        <%= h %>

        and similarly, you can use this to remove dummy html which was there for prototyping/demoing

          other rows here
        <tr mv:replace="">


          other rows here

        Passing in an empty attribute simply eliminated the tag, children, and contents

Erb and Control Flow Directives



        At runtime this expands to the equivalent rhtml (erb) block code around this element, for example...

        <div mv:block="products.each do |product|">foobar</div>


        <% products.each do |product| %>
        <% end %>

        Note how MasterView automatically put in the 'end' after the closing tag.
        Another example using the brace form of a block

        <div mv:block="products.each { |product|">foobar</div>


        <% products.each { |product| %>
        <% } %>

        Its all based on the ruby and rails syntax while keeping things xhtml and designer friendly.



        Wraps the tag with an if block using the attribute contents for the condition, for example...

        <div mv:if="@flash[:notice]">foo</div>


        <% if @flash[:notice] %>
        <% end %>

        And combining if and content directives we can do the following

        <div mv:if="@flash[:notice]" mv:content="@flash[:notice]" class="messages">
          dummy notice message here


        <% if @flash[:notice] %>
            <%= @flash[:notice] %>
        <% end %>



        Used in conjunction with an if directive allows you to create if, elsif blocks, for example...

        <div mv:if="foo()">
        <div mv:elsif="bar()">


        <% if foo() %>
        <% elsif bar() %>
        <% end %>

        Note that the elsif directive element needs to follow the if element's closing tag



        Used in conjunction with if and elsif, allows you to create if, elseif, else blocks, for example...

        <div mv:if="@foo">
        <div mv:else="">


        <% if @foo %>
        <% else %>
        <% end %>

Inline Erb substitutions

Inline substitutions

        Since <%= foobar %> and <% foo %> are invalid xhtml values, MasterView has an inline substitution to
        replace these for the cases when you simply want to inject something. {{{ gets replaced with <%
        and {{{= gets replaced with <%= also }}} gets replaced with %> If you instead want to use the
        old <% syntax instead, MasterView by default is setup to perform a substitution on those values before
        parsing. However to be safe you should use the xhtml safe syntax otherwise html editors might end
        up changing things on you.

        {{{= foobar }}}


        <%= foobar %>


        {{{ foo }}}


        <% foo %>

Rails Asset and Link Helper Directives



        Replaces the tag with a javascript_include_tag helper, for example...

        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../public/javascripts/prototype.js"


        <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype.js' %>

        This is useful to allow scripts to be used for demos/prototypes and then at runtime
        use the appropriate asset using the rails helper.



        Replaces the tag with a link_to helper, it uses the contents of the tag for the name of the link,
        so the name of the link can be changed by the html designer and it gets used in the appropriate place
        in the helper, for example...

        <a mv:link_to=":action => 'new'">New product</a>


        <%= link_to 'New product', :action => 'new' %>



        Replaces the tag with a link_to_if helper, uses the contents of the tag for the name of the
        link so the name of the link can be changed by the html designer and it gets used in the appropriate
        place in the helper, for example...

        <a mv:link_to_if="@product_pages.current.previous, { :page => @product_pages.current.previous }"Previous page"</a>


        <%= link_to_if @product_pages.current.previous, 'Previous page', {:page => @product_pages.current.previous } %>



        Replaces the tag with a link_to_remote helper, uses the contents of the tag for the name of the
        link so the name of the link can be changed by the html designer and it gets used in the appropriate
        place in the helper, for example...

        <a mv:link_to_remote=":action => 'new'">New product</a>


        <%= link_to_remote 'New product', :action => 'new' %>



        Replaces the tag with a stylesheet_link_tag helper, for example...

      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../public/stylesheets/scaffold.css" mv:stylesheet_link="scaffold"/>


      <%= stylesheet_link_tag "scaffold" %>

      This is useful to allow style to be used for demos/prototypes and then at runtime
      use the appropriate asset using the rails helper.

Rails Form Helper Directives


mv:form=":action => ‘new’"

        Replaces this tag and closing tag with the form_tag and end_form_tag helpers. It also pulls the
        method and multipart attributes from the element and merges that into the form_tag options, for example...

        <form mv:form=":action => 'new'">foobar</form>


        <% form_tag :action => 'new' %>
        <% end_form_tag %>

        <form method="GET" mv:form=":action => 'new'">foobar</form>


        <% form_tag { :action => 'new' }, :method => 'GET' %>
        <% end_form_tag %>


mv:hidden_field="object, method"

        Replaces this tag with an hidden input tag using the rails hidden_tag helper, for example...

        <input mv:hidden_field="product, desc" type="hidden" value="dummy text"/>


        <%= hidden_field product, desc %>


mv:password_field="user, password"

        Replaces the tag with a password_field helper using the attribute as well as merging any html
        attributes that have been set by the designer, for example...

        <input type="password" mv:password_field="user, password"/>


        <%= password_field user, password %>

        and similarly

        <input type="password" mv:password_field="user, password" size="10" maxlength="15" class="pwdStyle"/>


        <%= password_field, user, password, :class => 'pwdStyle', :maxlength = 15, :size => 10 %>



        Replaces the tag with a submit_tag helper, it uses the html value attribute to set the text
        in the helper, and appends any options after, for example...

        <input type="submit" mv:submit="" value="Save product"/>


        <%= submit_tag 'Save product' %>


        <input type="submit" mv:submit=":foo => 'bar'" value="Save product"/>


        <%= submit_tag 'Save product', :foo => 'bar' %>


mv:text_area="object, method"

        Replaces the tag with a text_area helper, it uses the html attributes like rows, cols, disabled,
        readonly, class, style, tabindex, accesskey and merges them with the object and method specified
        in the attribute value, for example...

        <textarea mv:text_areas="product, desc">dummy text</textarea>


        <%= text_area prouct, desc %>

        or a more complex example

        <textarea mv:text_area="product, desc" rows="4" cols="60", class="mystyle">dummy text</textarea>


        <%= textarea product, desc, :class => 'mystyle', :cols => '60', :rows => 4 %>


mv:text_field="object, method"

        Replaces the tag with a text_field helper, it uses the html attributes like size, maxlength,
        disabled, readonly, class, style, tabindex, accesskey and merges them with the object and
        method specified in the attribute value, for example...

        <input type="text" mv:text_field="product, name" value="dummy text"/>


        <%= text_field product, name %>


        <input type="text" mv:text_field="product, name" value="dummy text" class="mystyle" size="15" maxlength="20"/>


        <%= text_field product, name, :class => 'mystyle', :maxlength => 20, :size => 15 %>

Directives Index

Directives index in alphabetical order:

mv:attr Replaces attribute value(s) on this element with the value of an expression
mv:block Expands to the equivalent rhtml (erb) block code around this element
mv:content Replaces the content of this element with the value of the expression
mv:else Used in conjunction with the mv:if and mv:elsif directives to allow you to create if... elsif... else... end blocks
mv:form Replaces the start and end tags of this element using the Rails form_tag and form_tag helpers
mv:generate Generate output containing this element and its children
mv:gen_partial Generate a Rails partial
mv:gen_replace Used with mv:generate to replace the content of this element in the generated output with the value of the attribute
mv:hidden_field Replaces this element with a hidden input element using the Rails hidden_tag helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )
mv:if Wraps this element with an if... end block using the attribute contents for the condition
mv:elsif Used in conjunction with the mv:if directive to allow you to create if... elsif... end blocks
mv:import Design-time directive to mark a snapshot of generated code
mv:import_render Design-time directive to mark a snapshot of generated partial code
Inline Erb substitutions Inline substitution notation for Erb expressions
mv:javascript_include Replaces this element using the Rails javascript_include_tag helper. ( Used on <script> element in html header section )
mv:link_to Replaces this element using the Rails link_to helper. ( Used on <a> link elements )
mv:link_to_if Replaces this element using the Rails link_to_if helper ( Used on <a> link elements )
mv:link_to_remote Replaces this element using the Rails link_to_remote helper ( Used on <a> link elements )
mv:omit_tag Omits this element from the generated output if the value is empty or evaluates to true
mv:password_field Replaces this element with a password input element using the Rails password_field helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )
mv:replace Replaces this element and its content with the value of the expression
mv:stylesheet_link Replaces this element using the Rails stylesheet_link_tag helper ( Used on stylesheet <link> elements in html header section )
mv:submit Replaces this element with a submit input element using the Rails submit_tag helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )
mv:text_area Replaces this element with a textarea input element using the Rails text_area helper. ( Used on <textarea> form elements )
mv:text_field Replaces this element with a text input element using the Rails text_field helper. ( Used on <input> form elements )