require 'support/matchers/base' module ChronoTest::Matchers module Table class Base < ChronoTest::Matchers::Base protected # Database statements # def relation_exists?(options) schema = options[:in] kind = options[:kind] == :view ? 'v' : 'r' select_value(<<-SQL, [ table, schema ], 'Check table exists') == AR_TRUE SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = '#{kind}' AND c.relname = ? AND n.nspname = ? ) SQL end end # ################################################################## # Checks that a table exists in the Public schema # class HavePublicBacking < Base def matches?(table) super(table) relation_exists? :in => public_schema end def description 'be in the public schema' end def failure_message "expected #{table} to exist in the #{public_schema} schema" end def failure_message_when_negated "expected #{table} to not exist in the #{public_schema} schema" end end def have_public_backing end # ################################################################## # Checks that a table exists in the Temporal schema # class HaveTemporalBacking < Base def matches?(table) super(table) relation_exists? :in => temporal_schema end def description 'be in the temporal schema' end def failure_message "expected #{table} to exist in the #{temporal_schema} schema" end def failure_message_when_negated "expected #{table} to not exist in the #{temporal_schema} schema" end end def have_temporal_backing end # ################################################################## # Checks that a table exists in the History schema and inherits from # the one in the Temporal schema # class HaveHistoryBacking < Base def matches?(table) super(table) table_exists? && inherits_from_temporal? && has_consistency_constraint? && has_history_indexes? end def description 'be in history schema' end def failure_message "expected #{table} ".tap do |message| message << [ ("to exist in the #{history_schema} schema" unless @existance), ("to inherit from #{temporal_schema}.#{table}" unless @inheritance), ("to have a timeline consistency constraint" unless @constraint), ("to have history indexes" unless @indexes) ].compact.to_sentence end end def failure_message_when_negated "expected #{table} ".tap do |message| message << [ ("to not exist in the #{history_schema} schema" if @existance), ("to not inherit from #{temporal_schema}.#{table}" if @inheritance), ("to not have a timeline consistency constraint" if @constraint), ("to not have history indexes" if @indexes) ].compact.to_sentence end end private def table_exists? @existance = relation_exists? :in => history_schema end def inherits_from_temporal? binds = ["#{history_schema}.#{table}", "#{temporal_schema}.#{table}"] @inheritance = select_value(<<-SQL, binds, 'Check inheritance') == AR_TRUE SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits WHERE inhrelid = ?::regclass::oid AND inhparent = ?::regclass::oid ) SQL end def has_history_indexes? binds = [ history_schema, table ] indexes = select_values(<<-SQL, binds, 'Check history indexes') SELECT indexdef FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = ? AND tablename = ? SQL fqtn = [history_schema, table].join('.') expected = [ "CREATE INDEX index_#{table}_temporal_on_lower_validity ON #{fqtn} USING btree (lower(validity))", "CREATE INDEX index_#{table}_temporal_on_upper_validity ON #{fqtn} USING btree (upper(validity))", "CREATE INDEX index_#{table}_temporal_on_validity ON #{fqtn} USING gist (validity)", "CREATE INDEX #{table}_inherit_pkey ON #{fqtn} USING btree (id)", "CREATE INDEX #{table}_instance_history ON #{fqtn} USING btree (id, recorded_at)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX #{table}_pkey ON #{fqtn} USING btree (hid)", "CREATE INDEX #{table}_recorded_at ON #{fqtn} USING btree (recorded_at)", "CREATE INDEX #{table}_timeline_consistency ON #{fqtn} USING gist (id, validity)" ] @indexes = (expected - indexes).empty? end def has_consistency_constraint? binds = { conname: connection.timeline_consistency_constraint_name(table), connamespace: history_schema, conrelid: [history_schema, table].join('.'), attname: connection.primary_key(table) } @constraint = select_value(<<-SQL, binds, 'Check Consistency Constraint') == AR_TRUE SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE conname = :conname AND contype = 'x' AND conrelid = :conrelid::regclass AND connamespace = ( SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = :connamespace ) AND conkey = ( SELECT array_agg(attnum) FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attname IN (:attname, 'validity') AND attrelid = :conrelid::regclass ) ) SQL end end def have_history_backing end # ################################################################## # Checks that a table exists in the Public schema, is an updatable # view and has an INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE triggers. # class HavePublicInterface < Base def matches?(table) super(table) view_exists? && [ is_updatable?, has_triggers? ].all? end def description 'be an updatable view' end def failure_message "expected #{table} ".tap do |message| message << [ ("to exist in the #{public_schema} schema" unless @existance ), ('to be an updatable view' unless @updatable ), ('to have an INSERT trigger' unless @insert_trigger), ('to have an UPDATE trigger' unless @update_trigger), ('to have a DELETE trigger' unless @delete_trigger) ].compact.to_sentence end end def failure_message_when_negated "expected #{table} ".tap do |message| message << [ ("to not exist in the #{public_schema} schema" if @existance ), ('to not be an updatable view' if @updatable ), ('to not have an INSERT trigger' if @insert_trigger), ('to not have an UPDATE trigger' if @update_trigger), ('to not have a DELETE trigger' if @delete_trigger) ].compact.to_sentence end end private def view_exists? @existance = relation_exists? :in => public_schema, :kind => :view end def is_updatable? binds = [ public_schema, table ] @updatable = select_value(<<-SQL, binds, 'Check updatable') == 'YES' SELECT is_updatable FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? SQL end def has_triggers? triggers = select_values(<<-SQL, [ public_schema, table ], 'Check triggers') SELECT t.tgname FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger t, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE t.tgrelid = c.relfilenode AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND n.nspname = ? AND c.relname = ?; SQL @insert_trigger = triggers.include? 'chronomodel_insert' @update_trigger = triggers.include? 'chronomodel_update' @delete_trigger = triggers.include? 'chronomodel_delete' @insert_trigger && @update_trigger && @delete_trigger end end def have_public_interface end end end