function formatLinkForPaginationURL(form_id) { var matchedString; var page_number; //$("#" + paginate_wrapper).find("a").each(function() { $("." + form_id + "_pager").find("a").each(function () { var linkElement = $(this); var paginationURL = linkElement.attr("href"); var matchedString = paginationURL.match(/(\?|\&)page=(\d+)/); var page_number = 0; if (matchedString) { page_number = matchedString[2]; } linkElement.attr({ "url":paginationURL, "href":"#" }); () { $("#" + form_id + "_page").val(page_number); $("#" + form_id).submit(); return false; }); }); } function formatLinkForPagination(container_class) { var matchedString; var page_number; //$("#" + paginate_wrapper).find("a").each(function() { $("." + container_class).find("a").each(function () { var linkElement = $(this); var paginationURL = linkElement.attr("href"); var matchedString = paginationURL.match(/(\?|\&)page=(\d+)/); var page_number = 0; if (matchedString) { page_number = matchedString[2]; } linkElement.attr({ // "url": paginationURL, // "href": "#" "data-remote":true }); linkElement.bind('ajax:beforeSend', function (evt, xhr, settings) { ajax_beforeSend_std(evt, xhr, settings) }); linkElement.bind('ajax:success', function (evt, data, status, xhr) { ajax_success_std(evt, data, status, xhr, ["list"]); set_anchors_to_alu_items(); $('#spinner').hide(); } ); linkElement.bind('ajax:error', function (evt, xhr, status, error) { ajax_error_std(evt, xhr, status, error); $('#spinner').hide(); }); // linkElement.bind('ajax:complete', function() { }); //linkElement.bind('ajax:complete', function(){ alert("zblk"); ajax_complete_set_anchors_to_alu_items(); }); }) } //function filter_sort(form_id, order_by_value) { // var default_direction = 'DESC'; // var order_by_id = '#' + form_id + '_order_by'; // var order_by_direction_id = '#' + form_id + '_order_by_direction'; // var old_order_by_value = $(order_by_id).val(); // var old_order_by_direction_value = $(order_by_direction_id).val(); // // $(order_by_id).val(order_by_value); // if ($(order_by_direction_id).val() == '') { // $(order_by_direction_id).val(default_direction); // } // else { // if (order_by_value != old_order_by_value) {// pokud radim podle neceho noveho vzdy dam default DESC direction // $(order_by_direction_id).val(default_direction); // } // else {// jinak radim podle stejneho a budu stridat pri kazdem kliku ASC a DESC // if ($(order_by_direction_id).val() == 'ASC') { // $(order_by_direction_id).val('DESC'); // } // else if ($(order_by_direction_id).val() == 'DESC') { // $(order_by_direction_id).val('ASC'); // } // } // } // // $('#' + form_id).submit(); // return false; // //} function filter_sort(form_id, order_by_value, dir, obj) { order_by_value = order_by_value.toLowerCase(); dir = dir.toLowerCase(); var order_by_id = '#' + form_id + '_order_by'; var default_order_by_val = $('#' + form_id + '_default_order_by').val().toLowerCase(); var order_by_array = $(order_by_id).val().split(","); //console.log(order_by_value) //console.log(dir) //console.log(order_by_array); if (order_by_array.indexOf(order_by_value + " " + dir) >= 0) { // the value is already there, if I click on it again I want to cancel the sorting by this value //console.log("mazu"); var index = order_by_array.indexOf(order_by_value + " " + dir); order_by_array.splice(index, 1); if (order_by_array.length <= 0) { // the ordering is empty I will fill it with default order_by_array.push(default_order_by_val); } //console.log(order_by_array); } else if ((dir == "desc" && order_by_array.indexOf(order_by_value + " asc") >= 0) || (dir == "asc" && order_by_array.indexOf(order_by_value + " desc") >= 0)) { // there is other variant of the column desc or asc, I will swith it to the other variant //console.log("menim dir"); if (dir == "desc") { var index = order_by_array.indexOf(order_by_value + " asc"); order_by_array[index] = order_by_value + " desc"; } else { var index = order_by_array.indexOf(order_by_value + " desc"); order_by_array[index] = order_by_value + " asc"; } //console.log(order_by_array); } else { // i am not ordering by this value, I will append it to end //console.log("pridavam"); order_by_array.push(order_by_value + " " + dir); //console.log(order_by_array); } $("#" + form_id + " .sort_button").each(function () { $(this).removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("inactive"); // give all disabled class }); var new_order_by_val = ""; $.each(order_by_array, function (i, item) { if (new_order_by_val != "") { new_order_by_val += ","; } //console.log(item); new_order_by_val += item; var order_by_button_id = "#" + item.replace(" ", "___").replace(".", "___"); //console.log(order_by_button_id) $(order_by_button_id).removeClass("inactive"); $(order_by_button_id).addClass("active"); }); //console.log(new_order_by_val); $(order_by_id).val(new_order_by_val); $('#' + form_id).submit(); return false; }