module ONCCertificationG10TestKit class LimitedScopeGrantTest < Inferno::Test include G10Options title 'OAuth token exchange response grants scope that is limited to those selected by user' description %( The ONC certification criteria requires that patients are capable of choosing which FHIR resources to authorize to the application. For this test, the tester specifies which resources will be selected during authorization, and this verifies that only those resources are granted according to the scopes returned during the access token response. ) id :g10_limited_scope_grant input :received_scopes, :expected_resources POSSIBLE_RESOURCES = [ 'AllergyIntolerance', 'CarePlan', 'CareTeam', 'Condition', 'Device', 'DiagnosticReport', 'DocumentReference', 'Goal', 'Immunization', 'MedicationRequest', 'Observation', 'Procedure', 'Patient' ].freeze V5_POSSIBLE_RESOURCES = (POSSIBLE_RESOURCES + ['Encounter', 'ServiceRequest']).freeze V6_POSSIBLE_RESOURCES = (V5_POSSIBLE_RESOURCES + ['Specimen', 'Coverage', 'MedicationDispense']).freeze def possible_resources return V5_POSSIBLE_RESOURCES if using_us_core_5? return V6_POSSIBLE_RESOURCES if using_us_core_6? POSSIBLE_RESOURCES end def scope_granting_access?(resource_type, scopes) scopes .select { |scope| scope.start_with?("patient/#{resource_type}", 'patient/*') } .any? do |scope| _type, resource_access = scope.split('/') _resource, access_level = resource_access.split('.') access_level.match?(/\A(\*|read|c?ru?d?s?\b)/) end end run do expected_resources_list = expected_resources.split(',').map(&:strip).map(&:downcase) allowed_resources = { |resource_type| expected_resources_list.include? resource_type.downcase } forbidden_resources = possible_resources - allowed_resources received_scope_list = received_scopes.split improperly_granted_resources = { |resource_type| scope_granting_access?(resource_type, received_scope_list) } improperly_denied_resources = allowed_resources.reject { |resource_type| scope_granting_access?(resource_type, received_scope_list) } assert improperly_granted_resources.empty?, 'User expected to deny the following resources that were granted: ' \ "#{improperly_granted_resources.join(', ')}" assert improperly_denied_resources.empty?, 'User expected to grant access to the following resources: ' \ "#{improperly_denied_resources.join(', ')}" assert forbidden_resources.present?, 'This test requires at least one resource to be denied, but the received scopes ' \ "`#{received_scopes}` grant access to all resource types." pass "Resources to be denied: #{forbidden_resources.join(', ')}" end end end