module Enginery class Configurator include Helpers def initialize dst_root, setups = {}, &proc @dst_root, @setups = dst_root, setups||{} @setups.is_a?(Hash) || fail('setups should be a Hash. A %s given instead' % @setups.class) self.instance_exec(&proc) if block_given? end def update_config_yml setups = normalize_setups(@setups) setups.delete 'db' engine = setups['engine'] || EConstants::VIEW__DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME path = src_path(:layouts, engine) if Dir[path + '/*'].each {|f| FileUtils.cp(f, dst_path.views)} setups['layout'] = 'layout' end return if setups.empty? yml = YAML.load ENVIRONMENTS.each do |env| (cfg = yml[env] || yml[env.to_s]) && cfg.update(setups) end o write_file dst_path.config_yml, YAML.dump(yml) output_source_code YAML.dump(setups).split("\n") end def update_gemfile return if @setups.empty? gems, gemfiles = [], [] target_gems = File.file?(dst_path.Gemfile) ? extract_gems( dst_path.Gemfile) : [] @setups.values_at(:orm, :engine, :server).compact.each do |klass| gemfiles << [src_path(:gemfiles, '%s.rb' % klass), klass] end if orm = @setups[:orm] db_type = (@setups[:db]||{})[:type] || DEFAULT_DB_TYPE gemfiles << [src_path(:gemfiles, db_type, '%s.rb' % orm)] end gemfiles.each do |(gemfile,gem)| if File.file?(gemfile) File.readlines(gemfile).each do |l| extract_gems(l).each do |g| gems << l.chomp unless target_gems.include?(g) end end else next unless gem gem = class_to_gem(gem) gems << ("gem '%s'" % gem) unless target_gems.include?(gem) end end return if gems.empty? o source_code = ['', *gems, ''] update_file dst_path.Gemfile, source_code.join("\n") output_source_code source_code end def update_rakefile test_framework = @setups[:test_framework] || DEFAULT_TEST_FRAMEWORK source_file = src_path(:rakefiles, "#{test_framework}.rb") unless File.file?(source_file) o("%s not in the list of supported test frameworks: %s" % [ test_framework, Dir[src_path(:rakefiles, '*.rb')].map {|f| f.sub(/\.rb\Z/, '')}*', ' ]) end source_code = File.readlines(source_file) if orm = @setups[:orm] source_file = src_path(:rakefiles, '%s.rb' % orm) source_code.concat File.readlines(source_file) end o update_file dst_path.Rakefile, source_code output_source_code(source_code) end def update_boot_rb end def update_database_rb if orm = @setups[:orm] source_file = src_path(:database, '%s.rb' % orm) source_code = File.readlines(source_file) o update_file dst_path.database_rb, source_code output_source_code(source_code) end end def update_database_yml setups = normalize_setups(@setups[:db]) type = setups['type'] || DEFAULT_DB_TYPE yml = YAML.load, '%s.yml' % type)) ENVIRONMENTS.each do |env| (cfg = yml[env] || yml[env.to_s]) && cfg.update(setups) end o write_file dst_path.database_yml, YAML.dump(yml) setups['pass'] = '___________' if setups['pass'] output_source_code(YAML.dump(setups).split("\n")) if setups.any? end private def class_to_gem klass underscore klass.to_s end def extract_gems string string.split("\n").inject([]) do |gems,l| l.strip! (l =~ /\Agem/) && (gem = l.scan(/\Agem\s+([^,]*)/).flatten.first) && (gems << gem.gsub(/\A\W+|\W+\Z/, '')) gems end end def normalize_setups setups = {} (setups||{}).inject({}) do |s,(k,v)| key, val = k.to_s, v val = val.to_i if v.respond_to?(:match) && v.match(/\A\d+\Z/) val = val.to_s if val.is_a?(Symbol) s.merge key => val end end end end