# restpack_serializer [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/RestPack/restpack_serializer.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/RestPack/restpack_serializer) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/RestPack/restpack_serializer.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/RestPack/restpack_serializer) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/RestPack/restpack_serializer.png)](https://gemnasium.com/RestPack/restpack_serializer) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/restpack_serializer.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/restpack_serializer) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/RestPack/restpack_serializer/badge.png?branch=coveralls)](https://coveralls.io/r/RestPack/restpack_serializer?branch=coveralls) **Model serialization, paging, side-loading and filtering** restpack_serializer allows you to quickly provide a set of RESTful endpoints for your application. It is an implementation of the emerging [JSON API](http://jsonapi.org/) standard. > [Live Demo of RestPack Serializer](http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/) --- * [An overview of RestPack](http://goo.gl/rGoIQ) * [JSON API](http://jsonapi.org/) ## Serialization Let's say we have an `Album` model: ```ruby class Album < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :title, :year, :artist belongs_to :artist has_many :songs end ``` restpack_serializer allows us to define a corresponding serializer: ```ruby class AlbumSerializer include RestPack::Serializer attributes :id, :title, :year, :artist_id, :href end ``` `AlbumSerializer.as_json(album)` produces: ```javascript { "id": "1", "title": "Kid A", "year": 2000, "artist_id": 1, "href": "/albums/1.json" } ``` ## Exposing an API The `AlbumSerializer` provides `page` and `resource` methods which provide paged collection and singular resource GET endpoints. ```ruby class AlbumsController < ApplicationController def index render json: AlbumSerializer.page(params) end def show render json: AlbumSerializer.resource(params) end end ``` These endpoint will live at URLs such as `/albums.json` and `/albums/142857.json`: * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums/4.json Both `page` and `resource` methods take an optional scope argument allowing us to enforce arbitrary constraints: ```ruby AlbumSerializer.page(params, Albums.where("year < 1950")) ``` ## Paging Collections are paged by default. `page` and `page_size` parameters are available: * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/songs.json?page=2 * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/songs.json?page=2&page_size=3 Paging details are included in a `meta` attribute: http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/songs.json?page=2&page_size=3 yields: ```javascript { "songs": [ { "id": "4", "title": "How to Dissapear Completely", "href": "/songs/4.json", "links": { "artist": "1", "album": "1" } }, { "id": "5", "title": "Treefingers", "href": "/songs/5.json", "links": { "artist": "1", "album": "1" } }, { "id": "6", "title": "Optimistic", "href": "/songs/6.json", "links": { "artist": "1", "album": "1" } } ], "meta": { "songs": { "page": 2, "page_size": 3, "count": 42, "includes": [], "page_count": 14, "previous_page": 1, "next_page": 3, "previous_href": "/api/v1/songs.json?page_size=3", "next_href": "/api/v1/songs.json?page=3&page_size=3" } }, "links": { "songs.artist": { "href": "/artists/{songs.artist}.json", "type": "artists" }, "songs.album": { "href": "/albums/{songs.album}.json", "type": "albums" } } } ``` URL Templates to related data are included in the `links` element. These can be used to construct URLs such as: * /artists/1.json * /albums/1.json ## Side-loading Side-loading allows related resources to be optionally included in a single API response. Valid side-loads can be defined in Serializers by using ```can_include``` as follows: ```ruby class AlbumSerializer include RestPack::Serializer attributes :id, :title, :year, :artist_id, :href can_include :songs, :artists end ``` In this example, we are allowing related `songs` and `artists` to be included in API responses. Side-loads can be specifed by using the `includes` parameter: #### No side-loads * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json #### Side-load related Artists * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?includes=artists which yields: ```javascript { "albums": [ { "id": "1", "title": "Kid A", "year": 2000, "href": "/albums/1.json", "links": { "artist": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "title": "Amnesiac", "year": 2001, "href": "/albums/2.json", "links": { "artist": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "title": "Murder Ballads", "year": 1996, "href": "/albums/3.json", "links": { "artist": "2" } }, { "id": "4", "title": "Curtains", "year": 2005, "href": "/albums/4.json", "links": { "artist": "3" } } ], "meta": { "albums": { "page": 1, "page_size": 10, "count": 4, "includes": [ "artists" ], "page_count": 1, "previous_page": null, "next_page": null, "previous_href": null, "next_href": null } }, "links": { "albums.songs": { "href": "/songs.json?album_id={albums.id}", "type": "songs" }, "albums.artist": { "href": "/artists/{albums.artist}.json", "type": "artists" }, "artists.albums": { "href": "/albums.json?artist_id={artists.id}", "type": "albums" }, "artists.songs": { "href": "/songs.json?artist_id={artists.id}", "type": "songs" } }, "artists": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Radiohead", "website": "http://radiohead.com/", "href": "/artists/1.json" }, { "id": "2", "name": "Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds", "website": "http://www.nickcave.com/", "href": "/artists/2.json" }, { "id": "3", "name": "John Frusciante", "website": "http://johnfrusciante.com/", "href": "/artists/3.json" } ] } ``` #### Side-load related Songs * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?includes=songs An album `:has_many` songs, so the side-loaded songs are paged. The `meta.songs` includes `previous_href` and `next_href` which point to the previous and next page of this side-loaded data. These URLs take the form: * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/songs.json?album_ids=1,2,3,4&page=2 #### Side-load related Artists and Songs * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?includes=artists,songs ## Filtering Simple filtering based on primary and foreign keys is possible: #### By primary key: * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?id=1 * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?ids=1,2,4 #### By foreign key: * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?artist_id=1 * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?artist_ids=2,3 Side-loading is available when filtering: * http://restpack-serializer-sample.herokuapp.com/albums.json?artist_ids=2,3&includes=artists,songs