require 'redis/key_hash/version' require 'redis/impending_cross_slot_error' module Redis::KeyHash def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # TODO: rubocop # TODO: rdoc # # TODO: KNOWN_STYLES hash, etc, move comments around # # The default for all_in_one_slot? and all_in_one_slot! is # [:rc,:rlec] to encourage the of portable persistent hashing # schemes. # # A scheme which works with both side-steps a potential vendor # lock-in. # DEFAULT_STYLES ||= [ :rc, :rlec ].freeze # The default style for hash_tag and hash_slot is :rc because we # only know the hashing algorithm for Redis Cluster. # # We can guess that the hash for RedisLabs Enterprise Cluster is # similar, but it is not documented. # DEFAULT_STYLE ||= :rc # Tests whether all of keys will hash to the same slot in all # specified sharding styles. # # @param keys String keys to be tested # # @param namespace String or nil if non-nil, applied as a prefix to # all keys as per the redis-namespace gem before testing. # # @param styles Array of Symbols and/or Regexps as per hash_tag(). # # @return true if all of keys provably have the same hash_slot under # all styles by virtue of having a single hash_tag, false otherwise. # def all_in_one_slot?(*keys, namespace: nil, styles: DEFAULT_STYLES) begin all_in_one_slot!(*keys, namespace: namespace, styles: styles) rescue Redis::ImpendingCrossSlotError return false else return true end end # Like all_in_one_slot?, mismatch raises Redis::ImpendingCrossSlotError. # # @param keys String keys to be tested # # @param namespace String or nil if non-nil, applied as a prefix to # all keys as per the redis-namespace gem before testing. # # @param styles Array of Symbols and/or Regexps as per hash_tag(). # # @return true if all of keys will hash to the same slot in all of # the styles, false if there is any doubt. # # @return true if all of keys provably have the same hash_slot # under all styles by virtue of having a single hash_tag. # # @raises Redis::ImpendingCrossSlotError if, for any styles, the # keys have a different hash_tag hence will not provably have the # same hash_slot # def all_in_one_slot!(*keys, namespace: nil, styles: DEFAULT_STYLES) nkeys = namespace ? { |key| "#{namespace}:#{key}" } : keys style2slot = problems = [] styles.each do |style| tags = { |nkey| hash_tag(nkey,style: style) }.uniq next if tags.size <= 1 problems << "style #{style} sees tags #{tags.join(',')}" end if 0 != problems.size err = "CROSSSLOT" err += " namespace=#{namespace}" err += " keys=#{keys}" err += " problems=#{problems}" raise Redis::ImpendingCrossSlotError, err end true end # Computes the hash tag for a given key under a given Redis # clustering algorithm. # # The :style => :rc implementation matches Redis Cluster exactly # and is taken largely from the reference example provided in # # # The :style => :rlec implementation is partly speculative. It is # mostly interpreted from the default RedisLabs Enterprise Cluster # document # # plus our experience at ProsperWorks that, out of the box, RLEC # uses the *last* {}-expr, not the first as in RC, from :rc (which # we would not care about), they are also structually different # (which can cause bugs unless we take special care). :rc uses # the first {}-expr in the, :rlec uses the last {}-expr. # # @param String key to be hashed # # @param Symbol :rc or rlec or Regexp which defines one capture group # # @param String the tag extracted from key as appropriate for :style. # def hash_tag(key, style: DEFAULT_STYLE) regexp = nil case style when :rc regexp = /{([^}]*)}/ # RC uses the first {}-expr when :rlec regexp = /.*\{(.*)\}.*/ # RLEC default per docs, uses last {}-expr when Regexp regexp = style # you can define your own end if !regexp raise ArgumentError, "bogus style #{style}" end match = regexp.match(key) return match ? match[1] : key end # Computes the Redis hash_slot for a given key. # # Uses :style as per hash_tag, but performs hashing as per RC # only. We know through documentation and experimentation that RC # uses crc16() and modulo 16384. We do not know what RLEC does, # but until we have a better model we assume it is the same. This # is probably a false assumption since the RLEC docs state that # the number of shards can vary from cluster to cluster. But for # many analyses, using the same hash as RC is still useful. # # @param String key to be hashed # # @param Symbol :rc or :rlec or Regexp which defines one capture group # # @param non-negative Integer the hash which Redis will use to slot key # def hash_slot(key, style: DEFAULT_STYLE) tag = hash_tag(key, style: style) crc16(tag) % 16384 end # Computes the Redis crc16 for a given key, as per the reference # implementation provided in # # This implementation is taken largely from that reference document, # changed only slightly to port to Ruby. # # @param String key # # @param non-negative Integer the crc16 which Redis will use to # compute a hash_key. # def crc16(key) crc = 0 key.each_char do |char| crc = ((crc << 8) & 0xFFFF) ^ CRC16TAB[((crc >> 8) ^ char.ord) & 0x00FF] end crc end CRC16TAB ||= [ 0x0000,0x1021,0x2042,0x3063,0x4084,0x50a5,0x60c6,0x70e7, 0x8108,0x9129,0xa14a,0xb16b,0xc18c,0xd1ad,0xe1ce,0xf1ef, 0x1231,0x0210,0x3273,0x2252,0x52b5,0x4294,0x72f7,0x62d6, 0x9339,0x8318,0xb37b,0xa35a,0xd3bd,0xc39c,0xf3ff,0xe3de, 0x2462,0x3443,0x0420,0x1401,0x64e6,0x74c7,0x44a4,0x5485, 0xa56a,0xb54b,0x8528,0x9509,0xe5ee,0xf5cf,0xc5ac,0xd58d, 0x3653,0x2672,0x1611,0x0630,0x76d7,0x66f6,0x5695,0x46b4, 0xb75b,0xa77a,0x9719,0x8738,0xf7df,0xe7fe,0xd79d,0xc7bc, 0x48c4,0x58e5,0x6886,0x78a7,0x0840,0x1861,0x2802,0x3823, 0xc9cc,0xd9ed,0xe98e,0xf9af,0x8948,0x9969,0xa90a,0xb92b, 0x5af5,0x4ad4,0x7ab7,0x6a96,0x1a71,0x0a50,0x3a33,0x2a12, 0xdbfd,0xcbdc,0xfbbf,0xeb9e,0x9b79,0x8b58,0xbb3b,0xab1a, 0x6ca6,0x7c87,0x4ce4,0x5cc5,0x2c22,0x3c03,0x0c60,0x1c41, 0xedae,0xfd8f,0xcdec,0xddcd,0xad2a,0xbd0b,0x8d68,0x9d49, 0x7e97,0x6eb6,0x5ed5,0x4ef4,0x3e13,0x2e32,0x1e51,0x0e70, 0xff9f,0xefbe,0xdfdd,0xcffc,0xbf1b,0xaf3a,0x9f59,0x8f78, 0x9188,0x81a9,0xb1ca,0xa1eb,0xd10c,0xc12d,0xf14e,0xe16f, 0x1080,0x00a1,0x30c2,0x20e3,0x5004,0x4025,0x7046,0x6067, 0x83b9,0x9398,0xa3fb,0xb3da,0xc33d,0xd31c,0xe37f,0xf35e, 0x02b1,0x1290,0x22f3,0x32d2,0x4235,0x5214,0x6277,0x7256, 0xb5ea,0xa5cb,0x95a8,0x8589,0xf56e,0xe54f,0xd52c,0xc50d, 0x34e2,0x24c3,0x14a0,0x0481,0x7466,0x6447,0x5424,0x4405, 0xa7db,0xb7fa,0x8799,0x97b8,0xe75f,0xf77e,0xc71d,0xd73c, 0x26d3,0x36f2,0x0691,0x16b0,0x6657,0x7676,0x4615,0x5634, 0xd94c,0xc96d,0xf90e,0xe92f,0x99c8,0x89e9,0xb98a,0xa9ab, 0x5844,0x4865,0x7806,0x6827,0x18c0,0x08e1,0x3882,0x28a3, 0xcb7d,0xdb5c,0xeb3f,0xfb1e,0x8bf9,0x9bd8,0xabbb,0xbb9a, 0x4a75,0x5a54,0x6a37,0x7a16,0x0af1,0x1ad0,0x2ab3,0x3a92, 0xfd2e,0xed0f,0xdd6c,0xcd4d,0xbdaa,0xad8b,0x9de8,0x8dc9, 0x7c26,0x6c07,0x5c64,0x4c45,0x3ca2,0x2c83,0x1ce0,0x0cc1, 0xef1f,0xff3e,0xcf5d,0xdf7c,0xaf9b,0xbfba,0x8fd9,0x9ff8, 0x6e17,0x7e36,0x4e55,0x5e74,0x2e93,0x3eb2,0x0ed1,0x1ef0 ].freeze end end