module CamaleonCms::UploaderHelper include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper include CamaleonCms::CamaleonHelper # upload a file into server # settings: # folder: Directory where the file will be saved (default: "") # sample: temporal => will save in /rails_path/public/temporal # generate_thumb: true, # generate thumb image if this is image format (default true) # maximum: maximum bytes permitted to upload (default: 1000MG) # dimension: dimension for the image (sample: 30x30 | x30 | 30x | 300x300?) # formats: extensions permitted, sample: jpg,png,... or generic: images | videos | audios | documents (default *) # remove_source: Boolean (delete source file after saved if this is true, default false) # same_name: Boolean (save the file with the same name if defined true, else search for a non used name) # versions: (String) Create addtional multiple versions of the image uploaded, sample: '300x300,505x350' ==> Will create two extra images with these dimensions # sample "test.png", versions: '200x200,450x450' will generate: thumb/test-png_200x200.png, test-png_450x450.png # thumb_size: String (redefine the dimensions of the thumbnail, sample: '100x100' ==> only for images) # temporal_time: if great than 0 seconds, then this file will expire (removed) in that time (default: 0) # To manage jobs, please check # Note: if you are using temporal_time, you will need to copy the file to another directory later # sample: upload_file(params[:my_file], {formats: "images", folder: "temporal"}) # sample: upload_file(params[:my_file], {formats: "jpg,png,gif,mp3,mp4", temporal_time: 10.minutes, maximum: 10.megabytes}) def upload_file(uploaded_io, settings = {}) cached_name = uploaded_io.is_a?(ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile) ? uploaded_io.original_filename : nil return {error: "File is empty", file: nil, size: nil} unless uploaded_io.present? if uploaded_io.is_a?(String) && uploaded_io.match(/^https?:\/\//).present? # download url file tmp = cama_tmp_upload(uploaded_io) return tmp if tmp[:error].present? settings[:remove_source] = true uploaded_io = tmp[:file_path] end uploaded_io = if uploaded_io.is_a?(String) uploaded_io =, settings[:dimension])) if settings[:dimension].present? # resize file into specific dimensions settings = settings.to_sym settings[:uploaded_io] = uploaded_io settings = { folder: "", maximum: current_site.get_option('filesystem_max_size', 100).to_f.megabytes, formats: "*", generate_thumb: true, temporal_time: 0, filename: ((cached_name || uploaded_io.original_filename) rescue uploaded_io.path.split("/").last).cama_fix_filename, file_size: File.size(uploaded_io.to_io), remove_source: false, same_name: false, versions: '', thumb_size: nil }.merge(settings) hooks_run("before_upload", settings) res = {error: nil} # formats validations return {error: "#{ct("file_format_error")} (#{settings[:formats]})"} unless cama_uploader.class.validate_file_format(uploaded_io.path, settings[:formats]) # file size validations if settings[:maximum] < settings[:file_size] res[:error] = "#{ct("file_size_exceeded", default: "File size exceeded")} (#{number_to_human_size(settings[:maximum])})" return res end # save file key = File.join(settings[:folder], settings[:filename]).to_s.cama_fix_slash res = cama_uploader.add_file(settings[:uploaded_io], key, {same_name: settings[:same_name]}) {} if settings[:temporal_time] > 0 # temporal file upload (always put as local for temporal files) (TODO: use delayjob) # generate image versions if res['file_type'] == 'image' settings[:versions].to_s.gsub(' ', '').split(',').each do |v| version_path = cama_resize_upload(settings[:uploaded_io].path, v, {replace: false}) cama_uploader.add_file(version_path, cama_uploader.version_path(res['key'], v), is_thumb: true, same_name: true) FileUtils.rm_f(version_path) end end # generate thumb cama_uploader_generate_thumbnail(uploaded_io.path, res['key'], settings[:thumb_size], settings[:remove_source]) if settings[:generate_thumb] && res['thumb'].present? FileUtils.rm_f(uploaded_io.path) if File.exist?(uploaded_io.path) if settings[:remove_source] hooks_run('after_upload', settings) res end # generate thumbnail of a existent image # key: key of the current file # the thumbnail will be saved in my_images/my_img.png => my_images/thumb/my_img.png def cama_uploader_generate_thumbnail(uploaded_io, key, thumb_size = nil, remove_source = false) w, h = cama_uploader.thumb[:w], cama_uploader.thumb[:h] w, h = thumb_size.split('x') if thumb_size.present? uploaded_io = if uploaded_io.is_a?(String) path_thumb = cama_resize_and_crop(uploaded_io.path, w, h) thumb = cama_uploader.add_file(path_thumb, cama_uploader.version_path(key).sub('.svg', '.jpg'), is_thumb: true, same_name: true) FileUtils.rm_f(path_thumb) if remove_source thumb end # helper to find an available filename for file_path in that directory # sample: uploader_verify_name("/var/www/my_image.jpg") # return "/var/www/my_image_1.jpg" => if "/var/www/my_image.jpg" exist # return "/var/www/my_image.jpg" => if "/var/www/my_image.jpg" doesn't exist def uploader_verify_name(file_path) dir, filename = File.dirname(file_path), File.basename(file_path).to_s.cama_fix_filename files = Dir.entries(dir) if files.include?(filename) i, _filename = 1, filename while files.include?(_filename) do _filename = "#{File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename))}_#{i}#{File.extname(filename)}" i += 1 end filename = _filename end "#{File.dirname(file_path)}/#{filename}" end # convert downloaded file path into public url def cama_file_path_to_url(file_path) file_path.sub(Rails.public_path.to_s, (root_url rescue cama_root_url)) end # convert public url to file path def cama_url_to_file_path(url) File.join(Rails.public_path, URI(url.to_s).path) end # crop and image and saved as imagename_crop.ext # file: file path # w: new width # h: new height # w_offset: left offset # w_offset: top offset # resize: true/false # (true => resize the image to this dimension) # (false => crop the image with this dimension) # replace: Boolean (replace current image or create another file) def cama_crop_image(file_path, w=nil, h=nil, w_offset = 0, h_offset = 0, resize = false , replace = true) force = "" force = "!" if w.present? && h.present? && !w.include?("?") && !h.include?("?") img = w = img[:width].to_f > w.sub('?', '').to_i ? w.sub('?', "") : img[:width] if w.present? && w.to_s.include?('?') h = img[:height].to_f > h.sub('?', '').to_i ? h.sub('?', "") : img[:height] if h.present? && h.to_s.include?('?') data = {img: img, w: w, h: h, w_offset: w_offset, h_offset: h_offset, resize: resize, replace: replace}; hooks_run("before_crop_image", data) data[:img].combine_options do |i| i.resize("#{w if w.present?}x#{h if h.present?}#{force}") if data[:resize] i.crop "#{w if w.present?}x#{h if h.present?}+#{w_offset}+#{h_offset}#{force}" unless data[:resize] end res = file_path unless data[:replace] ext = File.extname(file_path) res = file_path.gsub(ext, "_crop#{ext}") end data[:img].write res res end # resize and crop a file # SVGs are converted to JPEGs for editing # Params: # file: (String) File path # w: (Integer) width # h: (Integer) height # settings: # gravity: (Sym, default :north_east) Crop position: :north_west, :north, :north_east, :east, :south_east, :south, :south_west, :west, :center # overwrite: (Boolean, default true) true for overwrite current image with resized resolutions, false: create other file called with prefix "crop_" # output_name: (String, default prefixd name with crop_), permit to define the output name of the thumbnail if overwrite = true # Return: (String) file path where saved this cropped # sample: cama_resize_and_crop(my_file, 200, 200, {gravity: :north_east, overwrite: false}) def cama_resize_and_crop(file, w, h, settings = {}) settings = {gravity: :north_east, overwrite: true, output_name: ""}.merge(settings) img = if file.end_with? '.svg' img.format 'jpg' file.sub! '.svg', '.jpg' settings[:output_name].sub!('.svg', '.jpg') if settings[:output_name] end w = img[:width].to_f > w.sub('?', '').to_i ? w.sub('?', "") : img[:width] if w.present? && w.to_s.include?('?') h = img[:height].to_f > h.sub('?', '').to_i ? h.sub('?', "") : img[:height] if h.present? && h.to_s.include?('?') w_original, h_original = [img[:width].to_f, img[:height].to_f] w = w.to_i if w.present? h = h.to_i if h.present? # check proportions if w_original * h < h_original * w op_resize = "#{w.to_i}x" w_result = w h_result = (h_original * w / w_original) else op_resize = "x#{h.to_i}" w_result = (w_original * h / h_original) h_result = h end w_offset, h_offset = cama_crop_offsets_by_gravity(settings[:gravity], [w_result, h_result], [w, h]) data = {img: img, w: w, h: h, w_offset: w_offset, h_offset: h_offset, op_resize: op_resize, settings: settings}; hooks_run("before_resize_crop", data) data[:img].combine_options do |i| i.resize(data[:op_resize]) i.gravity(settings[:gravity]) i.crop "#{data[:w].to_i}x#{data[:h].to_i}+#{data[:w_offset]}+#{data[:h_offset]}!" end if settings[:overwrite] data[:img].write(file.sub '.svg', '.jpg') else if settings[:output_name].present? data[:img].write(file = File.join(File.dirname(file), settings[:output_name]).to_s) else data[:img].write(file = uploader_verify_name(File.join(File.dirname(file), "crop_#{File.basename(file.sub '.svg', '.jpg')}"))) end end file end # upload tmp file # support for url and local path # sample: # cama_tmp_upload('') ==> /var/rails/my_project/public/tmp/1/logo2.png # cama_tmp_upload('/var/www/media/132/logo 2.png') ==> /var/rails/my_project/public/tmp/1/logo-2.png # accept args: # name: to indicate the name to use, sample: cama_tmp_upload('/var/www/media/132/logo 2.png', {name: 'owen.png', formats: 'images'}) # formats: extensions permitted, sample: jpg,png,... or generic: images | videos | audios | documents (default *) # dimension: 20x30 # return: {file_path, error} def cama_tmp_upload(uploaded_io, args = {}) tmp_path = args[:path] || File.join(Rails.public_path, "tmp", FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_path) unless Dir.exist?(tmp_path) saved = false if uploaded_io.is_a?(String) && (uploaded_io.start_with?("data:")) # create tmp file using base64 format _tmp_name = args[:name] return {error: "#{cama_t("")}"} unless params[:name].present? return {error: "#{ct("file_format_error")} (#{args[:formats]})"} unless cama_uploader.class.validate_file_format(_tmp_name, args[:formats]) path = uploader_verify_name(File.join(tmp_path, _tmp_name)), 'wb'){|f| f.write(Base64.decode64(uploaded_io.split(';base64,').last)) } uploaded_io = saved = true elsif uploaded_io.is_a?(String) && (uploaded_io.start_with?("http://") || uploaded_io.start_with?("https://")) return {error: "#{ct("file_format_error")} (#{args[:formats]})"} unless cama_uploader.class.validate_file_format(uploaded_io, args[:formats]) uploaded_io = File.join(Rails.public_path, uploaded_io.sub(current_site.the_url(locale: nil), '')).to_s if uploaded_io.include?(current_site.the_url(locale: nil)) # local file _tmp_name = uploaded_io.split("/").last.split('?').first; args[:name] = args[:name] || _tmp_name uploaded_io = open(uploaded_io) end uploaded_io = if uploaded_io.is_a?(String) return {error: "#{ct("file_format_error")} (#{args[:formats]})"} unless cama_uploader.class.validate_file_format(_tmp_name || uploaded_io.path, args[:formats]) return {error: "#{ct("file_size_exceeded", default: "File size exceeded")} (#{number_to_human_size(args[:maximum])})"} if args[:maximum].present? && args[:maximum] < (uploaded_io.size rescue File.size(uploaded_io)) name = args[:name] || uploaded_io.try(:original_filename) || uploaded_io.path.split("/").last; name = "#{File.basename(name, File.extname(name)).underscore}#{File.extname(name)}" path ||= uploader_verify_name(File.join(tmp_path, name)), "wb"){|f| f.write( } unless saved path = cama_resize_upload(path, args[:dimension]) if args[:dimension].present? {file_path: path, error: nil} end # resize image if the format is correct # return resized file path def cama_resize_upload(image_path, dimesion, args = {}) if cama_uploader.class.validate_file_format(image_path, 'image') && dimesion.present? r= {file: image_path, w: dimesion.split('x')[0], h: dimesion.split('x')[1], w_offset: 0, h_offset: 0, resize: !dimesion.split('x')[2] || dimesion.split('x')[2] == "resize", replace: true, gravity: :north_east}.merge(args); hooks_run("on_uploader_resize", r) if r[:w].present? && r[:h].present? image_path = cama_resize_and_crop(r[:file], r[:w], r[:h], {overwrite: r[:replace], gravity: r[:gravity] }) else image_path = cama_crop_image(r[:file], r[:w], r[:h], r[:w_offset], r[:h_offset], r[:resize] , r[:replace]) end end image_path end # return the current uploader def cama_uploader @cama_uploader ||= lambda{ thumb = current_site.get_option('filesystem_thumb_size', '100x100').split('x') args= { server: current_site.get_option("filesystem_type", "local").downcase, thumb: {w: thumb[0], h: thumb[1]}, aws_settings: { region: current_site.get_option("filesystem_region", 'us-west-2'), access_key: current_site.get_option("filesystem_s3_access_key"), secret_key: current_site.get_option("filesystem_s3_secret_key"), bucket: current_site.get_option("filesystem_s3_bucket_name"), cloud_front: current_site.get_option("filesystem_s3_cloudfront"), aws_file_upload_settings: lambda{|settings| settings }, # permit to add your custom attributes for file_upload aws_file_read_settings: lambda{|data, s3_file| data } # permit to read custom attributes from aws file and add to file parsed object }, custom_uploader: nil # posibility to use custom file uploader } hooks_run("on_uploader", args) return args[:custom_uploader] if args[:custom_uploader].present? case args[:server] when 's3', 'aws'{current_site: current_site, thumb: args[:thumb], aws_settings: args[:aws_settings]}, self) else{current_site: current_site, thumb: args[:thumb]}, self) end }.call end def slugify(val) val.to_s.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^\w-]/, '') end def slugify_folder(val) splitted_folder = val.split('/') splitted_folder[-1] = slugify(splitted_folder.last) splitted_folder.join('/') end private # helper for resize and crop method def cama_crop_offsets_by_gravity(gravity, original_dimensions, cropped_dimensions) original_width, original_height = original_dimensions cropped_width, cropped_height = cropped_dimensions vertical_offset = case gravity when :north_west, :north, :north_east then 0 when :center, :east, :west then [ ((original_height - cropped_height) / 2.0).to_i, 0 ].max when :south_west, :south, :south_east then (original_height - cropped_height).to_i end horizontal_offset = case gravity when :north_west, :west, :south_west then 0 when :center, :north, :south then [ ((original_width - cropped_width) / 2.0).to_i, 0 ].max when :north_east, :east, :south_east then (original_width - cropped_width).to_i end return [ horizontal_offset, vertical_offset ] end # convert file path into thumb path format # return the image name into thumb format: owewen.png into thumb/owen-png.png def cama_parse_for_thumb_name(file_path) "#{@fog_connection_hook_res[:thumb_folder_name]}/#{File.basename(file_path).parameterize}#{File.extname(file_path)}" end end