#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # check-consul-kv-ttl # # DESCRIPTION: # This plugin assists in checking a Consul KV namespace for timed out global operations # # OUTPUT: # plain text # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # gem: diplomat # # USAGE: # ./check-consul-kv-ttl -kv 'ttl/service/tag' -w 30 -c 60 # ./check-consul-kv-ttl -kv 'ttl/service/tag' -w 30 -c 60 -j -t 'date' # ./check-consul-kv-ttl -kv 'ttl/service/tag' -w 30 -c 60 -j -t 'date' -s 'status' # # NOTES: # # LICENSE: # Copyright 2015 Yieldbot, Inc. # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli' require 'diplomat' require 'json' require 'time' class Hash def dig(dotted_path) parts = dotted_path.split '.', 2 match = self[parts[0]] if !parts[1] || match.nil? # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause return match else return match.dig(parts[1]) end end end # # Service Status # class CheckConsulKvTTL < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI option :consul, description: 'consul server', long: '--consul SERVER', default: 'http://localhost:8500' option :kv, description: 'kv namespace to pull data from', short: '-k NAMESPACE', long: '--kv NAMESPACE', default: nil, required: true option :json, description: 'Process the value as JSON', short: '-j', long: '--json', default: true option :timestamp_key, description: 'Use the given dotted path to alert based on the time(ISO8601), if processing as JSON', short: '-t PATH', long: '--timestamp PATH', default: nil option :status_key, description: 'Use the given dotted path to alert based on the status, if processing as JSON', short: '-s PATH', long: '--status PATH', default: nil option :warning, description: 'Warning TTL Threshold', short: '-w THRESHOLD', long: '--warning THRESHOLD', proc: proc { |a| a.to_i }, default: 30 option :critical, description: 'Critical TTL Threshold', short: '-c THRESHOLD', long: '--critical THRESHOLD', proc: proc { |a| a.to_i }, default: 60 # Do work def run Diplomat.configure do |dip| dip.url = config[:consul] end begin # Retrieve the kv data = Diplomat::Kv.get(config[:kv]) rescue Faraday::ResourceNotFound critical "Key/Value(#{config[:kv]}) pair does not exist in Consul." rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException critical "Unhandled exception(#{e.class}) -- #{e.message}" end # Check if the data is JSON or a timestamp if config[:json] begin # Convert the data to JSON json_data = JSON.parse(data) # If the status is set add that to the processing chain if config[:status_key] # Dig to the status kv_status = json_data.dig(config[:status_key]) # Critical if we can not retrieve the status critical "Unable to retrieve status from JSON data: #{data}" if kv_status.nil? # Downcase to ease integration kv_status = kv_status.downcase # Flag based off of status warning 'Warning status detected!' if %w(warning).include? kv_status critical 'Critical status detected!' if %w(critical unknown).include? kv_status end # Dig to the time kv_time = json_data.dig(config[:timestamp_key]) # Critical if we can not retrieve the time critical "Unable to retrieve time from JSON data: #{data}" if kv_time.nil? rescue JSON::ParserError => e # rubocop:disable Lint/UselessAssignment critical "Unable to parse JSON data: #{data}" end else kv_time = data end # Timestamp calculation begin # Convert the time into ISO8601 DateTime object start_time = Time.iso8601(kv_time) # Get the current time UTC end_time = Time.now.utc # Get diff in seconds between start and end time elapsed_seconds = (end_time - start_time).to_i critical "TTL calculation issue -- check date formats -- elapsed seconds is negative(#{elapsed_seconds})" if elapsed_seconds <= -1 critical "TTL Expired! Elapsed Time: #{elapsed_seconds}" if elapsed_seconds > config[:critical] warning "TTL Expiration Approaching! Elapsed Time: #{elapsed_seconds}" if elapsed_seconds > config[:warning] ok rescue critical 'Unable to process DateTime objects!' end end end