(function(exports) { /* * jQuery UI Autocomplete SC Extension */ $.widget('ui.sc_autocomplete', $.ui.autocomplete, { _renderItem: function(ul, item) { var view = this.options.itemViewClass.create({content:item, widget: this}); view.appendTo(ul); return view.$(); } }); })({}); (function(exports) { if ('undefined' === typeof JUI) { /** @namespace @name JUI @version 1.0.alpha */ JUI = {}; // aliases needed to keep minifiers from removing the global context if ('undefined' !== typeof window) { window.JUI = JUI; } } /** @static @type String @default '1.0.alpha' @constant */ JUI.VERSION = '1.0.beta.1.pre'; })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get, set = SC.set, none = SC.none; /** @mixin @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Widget */ JUI.Widget = SC.Mixin.create({ uiWidget: function() { return jQuery.ui[this.get('uiType')]; }.property().cacheable(), didInsertElement: function() { this._super(); var options = this._gatherOptions(); this._gatherEvents(options); var ui = get(this, 'uiWidget')(options, get(this, 'element')); set(this, 'ui', ui); }, willDestroyElement: function() { var ui = get(this, 'ui'); if (ui) { var observers = this._observers; for (var prop in observers) { if (observers.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { this.removeObserver(prop, observers[prop]); } } ui._destroy(); } }, didCreateWidget: SC.K, concatenatedProperties: ['uiEvents', 'uiOptions', 'uiMethods'], uiEvents: ['create'], uiOptions: ['disabled'], uiMethods: [], _gatherEvents: function(options) { var uiEvents = get(this, 'uiEvents'); uiEvents.forEach(function(eventType) { var eventHandler = eventType === 'create' ? this.didCreateWidget : this[eventType]; if (eventHandler) { options[eventType] = $.proxy(function(event, ui) { eventHandler.call(this, event, ui); }, this); } }, this); }, _gatherOptions: function() { var uiOptions = get(this, 'uiOptions'), options = {}, defaultOptions = get(this, 'uiWidget').prototype.options; uiOptions.forEach(function(key) { var value = get(this, key), uiKey = key.replace(/^_/, ''); if (!none(value)) { options[uiKey] = value; } else { set(this, key, defaultOptions[uiKey]); } var observer = function() { var value = get(this, key); ui = get(this, 'ui'); if (ui.options[uiKey] != value) { ui._setOption(uiKey, value); } }; this.addObserver(key, observer); //this._observers = this._observers || {}; //this._observers[key] = observer; }, this); return options; } }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get; /** @mixin @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.TargetSupport */ JUI.TargetSupport = SC.Mixin.create({ // @private targetObject: function() { var target = get(this, 'target'); if (SC.typeOf(target) === 'string') { return SC.getPath(this, target); } else { return target; } }.property('target').cacheable(), // @private executeAction: function() { var args = SC.$.makeArray(arguments), action = args.shift(), target = get(this, 'targetObject'); if (target && action) { if (SC.typeOf(action) === 'string') { action = target[action]; } action.apply(target, args); } } }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.AutocompleteItem */ JUI.AutocompleteItem = SC.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', defaultTemplate: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{content.label}}'), didInsertElement: function() { this._super(); this.$().data('item.autocomplete', { value: this.getPath('content.value'), label: this.getPath('content.label') }); this.get('widget').menu.refresh(); } }); /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.AutocompleteTextField */ JUI.AutocompleteTextField = SC.TextField.extend(JUI.Widget, JUI.TargetSupport, { uiType: 'sc_autocomplete', uiOptions: ['_source', 'delay', 'autoFocus', 'position', 'minLength', 'itemViewClass'], uiEvents: ['select', 'focus', 'open', 'close'], itemViewClass: JUI.AutocompleteItem, requestContent: SC.K, content: [], _source: function() { var source = this.get('source'); if (source) { this.set('content', source); return source; } else { return $.proxy(this, '_requestContent'); } }.property('source').cacheable(), _requestContent: function (data, callback) { this._lastCallback = callback; this.requestContent(data); }, _contentDidChange: function() { if (this._lastCallback) { this._lastCallback(this.get('content')); this._lastCallback = null; } }.observes('content'), select: function(event, ui) { if (ui.item) { this.executeAction(get(this, 'action'), ui.item.value); event.preventDefault(); } } }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Button */ JUI.Button = SC.Button.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'button', uiOptions: ['label'], isActiveBinding: SC.Binding.oneWay('.disabled'), _icons: function() { var icons = {}; icons.primary = get(this, 'icon'); if (icons.primary) { icons.primary = 'ui-icon-'.fmt(icons.primary); } return icons; }.property('icon').cacheable() }); })({}); (function(exports) { var set = SC.set; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Slider */ JUI.Slider = SC.View.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'slider', uiOptions: ['value', 'min', 'max', 'step', 'orientation', 'range'], uiEvents: ['slide', 'start', 'stop'], slide: function(event, ui) { set(this, 'value', ui.value); } }); })({}); (function(exports) { var set = SC.set; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Spinner */ JUI.Spinner = SC.TextField.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'spinner', uiOptions: ['value', 'min', 'max', 'step'], uiEvents: ['spin', 'start', 'stop'], uiMethods: ['pageDown', 'pageUp', 'stepDown', 'stepUp'], spin: function(event, ui) { set(this, 'value', ui.value); } }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get, set = SC.set, none = SC.none; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.ProgressBar */ JUI.ProgressBar = SC.View.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'progressbar', uiOptions: ['_value', 'max'], uiEvents: ['change', 'complete'], _value: function(key, value) { if (!none(value)) { set(this, 'value', parseInt(value)); } return parseInt(get(this, 'value')); }.property('value').cacheable() }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Menu */ JUI.Menu = SC.CollectionView.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'menu', uiEvents: ['select'], tagName: 'ul', arrayDidChange: function(content, start, removed, added) { this._super(content, start, removed, added); var ui = get(this, 'ui'); if (ui) { ui.refresh(); } } }); })({}); (function(exports) { /* * jQuery UI Dialog Auto Reposition Extension * * Copyright 2010, Scott González (http://scottgonzalez.com) * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * http://github.com/scottgonzalez/jquery-ui-extensions */ $.ui.dialog.prototype.options.autoReposition = true; jQuery(window).resize(function() { $('.ui-dialog-content:visible').each(function() { var dialog = $(this).data('dialog'); if (dialog.options.autoReposition) { dialog.option('position', dialog.options.position); } }); }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get, set = SC.set; JUI.DialogButton = SC.Object.extend(JUI.TargetSupport, { label: 'OK', action: 'close', executeAction: function() { this._super(get(this, 'action')); } }); /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Dialog */ JUI.Dialog = SC.View.extend(JUI.Widget, JUI.TargetSupport, { uiType: 'dialog', uiEvents: ['beforeClose'], uiOptions: ['title', '_buttons', 'position', 'closeOnEscape', 'modal', 'draggable', 'resizable', 'autoReposition', 'width', 'height', 'maxWidth', 'maxHeight', 'minWidth', 'minHeight'], isOpen: false, message: '', buttons: [], defaultTemplate: SC.Handlebars.compile('


'), open: function() { if (get(this, 'state') !== 'inDOM') { this._insertElementLater(SC.K); } else { get(this, 'ui').open(); } }, close: function() { get(this, 'ui').close(); }, didInsertElement: function() { this._super(); get(this, 'ui')._bind({ dialogopen: $.proxy(this._open, this), dialogclose: $.proxy(this._close, this) }); }, _buttons: function() { return get(this, 'buttons').map(this._buildButton, this); }.property('buttons').cacheable(), _buildButton: function(buttonPath) { var button = this.getPath(buttonPath); if (!button.isInstance) { button = button.create({ target: get(this, 'targetObject') || this }); set(this, buttonPath, button); } var props = {text: get(button, 'label')}; props.click = $.proxy(button, 'executeAction') return props; }, _open: function() { set(this, 'isOpen', true); this.didOpenDialog(); }, _close: function() { set(this, 'isOpen', false); this.didCloseDialog(); }, didOpenDialog: SC.K, didCloseDialog: SC.K }); JUI.Dialog.close = function() { $('.ui-dialog-content:visible').dialog('close'); }; JUI.ModalDialog = JUI.Dialog.extend({ buttons: ['ok'], ok: JUI.DialogButton, resizable: false, draggable: false, modal: true }); JUI.AlertDialog = JUI.ModalDialog.create({ open: function(message, title, type) { set(this, 'title', title); set(this, 'message', message); set(this, 'icon', type); this._super(); }, info: function(message, title) { this.open(message, title, 'info'); }, error: function(message, title) { this.open(message, title, 'error'); } }); JUI.ConfirmDialog = JUI.ModalDialog.create({ buttons: ['yes', 'no'], yes: JUI.DialogButton.extend({ label: 'YES', action: 'didConfirm' }), no: JUI.DialogButton.extend({label: 'NO'}), didConfirm: function() { get(this, 'answer').resolve(); this.close(); }, didCloseDialog: function() { var answer = get(this, 'answer'); if (answer && !answer.isResolved()) { answer.reject(); } set(this, 'answer', null); }, open: function(message, title) { var answer = SC.$.Deferred(); set(this, 'answer', answer); set(this, 'title', title); set(this, 'message', message); this._super(); return answer.promise(); } }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get, set = SC.set, none = SC.none; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Datepicker */ JUI.Datepicker = SC.TextField.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'datepicker', uiOptions: ['dateFormat', 'maxDate', 'minDate', 'defaultDate'], uiEvents: ['onSelect'], date: function(key, value) { var ui = get(this, 'ui'); if (!none(value)) { ui.setDate(value); } return ui.getDate(); }.property('value').cacheable(), open: function() { get(this, 'ui').show(); }, close: function() { get(this, 'ui').hide(); }, // @private uiWidget: function() { var datepicker = function(options, elem) { return SC.$(elem).datepicker(options).datepicker('widget'); }; datepicker.prototype.options = SC.$.datepicker._defaults; return datepicker; }.property().cacheable(), // @private onSelect: function(dateText, ui) { this.select(); }, select: SC.K }); JUI.Datepicker.formatDate = SC.$.datepicker.formatDate; JUI.Datepicker.parseDate = SC.$.datepicker.parseDate; })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get, set = SC.set; /** @mixin @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.Tooltip */ JUI.Tooltip = SC.Mixin.create({ tooltip: '', hasTooltip: false, // @private toggleTooltip: function() { var flag = get(this, 'hasTooltip'), ui = get(this, 'tooltipWidget'); if (flag && !ui) { ui = this.$().tooltip({ content: get(this, 'tooltipTemplate') }).tooltip('widget'); set(this, 'tooltipWidget', ui); } else if (ui) { ui._destroy(); } }.observes('hasTooltip'), // @private tooltipTemplate: function() { return SC.Handlebars.compile(get(this, 'tooltip')); }.property('tooltip').cacheable() }); })({}); (function(exports) { var get = SC.get, set = SC.set; /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.SortableCollectionView */ JUI.SortableCollectionView = SC.CollectionView.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'sortable', uiEvents: ['start', 'stop'], draggedStartPos: null, start: function(event, ui) { set(this, 'dragging', true); set(this, 'draggedStartPos', ui.item.index()); }, stop: function(event, ui) { var oldIdx = get(this, 'draggedStartPos'); var newIdx = ui.item.index(); if (oldIdx != newIdx) { var content = get(this, 'content'); content.beginPropertyChanges(); var el = content.objectAt(oldIdx); content.removeAt(oldIdx); content.insertAt(newIdx, el); content.endPropertyChanges(); } set(this, 'dragging', false); }, // @private // Overriding these to prevent CollectionView from reapplying content array modifications arrayWillChange: function(content, start, removedCount, addedCount) { if (get(this, 'dragging')) { //this._super(content, 0, 0, 0); } else { this._super(content, start, removedCount, addedCount); } }, // @private arrayDidChange: function(content, start, removedCount, addedCount) { if (get(this, 'dragging')) { //this._super(content, 0, 0, 0); } else { this._super(content, start, removedCount, addedCount); } } }); })({}); (function(exports) { /** @class @since SproutCore JUI 1.0 @extends JUI.ResizableView */ JUI.ResizableView = SC.View.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'resizable', uiEvents: ['start', 'stop', 'resize'], uiOptions: ['aspectRatio', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth', 'minHeight', 'minWidth', 'containment', 'autoHide'] }); })({}); (function(exports) { /*! * jQuery UI Throbber * * Copyright (c) 2011 Paul Chavard * Licensed under the MIT license * * Author: Paul Chavard [paul at chavard dot net] * Version: 0.5.0 * * Credits: Felix Gnass [fgnass at neteye dot de] * */ (function($, undefined) { $.widget('ui.throbber', { options: { segments: 12, space: 3, length: 7, width: 4, speed: 1.2, align: 'center', valign: 'center', padding: 4, autoStart: false, outside: true }, _create: function() { this.options = $.extend({color: this.element.css('color')}, this.options); this._prepare(); if (this.options.autoStart) { this._activate(); } }, _setOption: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; if (key === 'disabled') { if (this.throbber) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.throbber.remove(); } if (value === false) { this._activate(); } } return this; }, _activate: function() { var options = this.options; this.throbber = this._render().css('position', 'absolute').prependTo(options.outside ? 'body' : this.element); var h = this.element.outerHeight() - this.throbber.height(); var w = this.element.outerWidth() - this.throbber.width(); var margin = { top: options.valign == 'top' ? options.padding : options.valign == 'bottom' ? h - options.padding : Math.floor(h / 2), left: options.align == 'left' ? options.padding : options.align == 'right' ? w - options.padding : Math.floor(w / 2) }; var offset = this.element.offset(); if (options.outside) { this.throbber.css({top: offset.top + 'px', left: offset.left + 'px'}); } else { margin.top -= this.throbber.offset().top - offset.top; margin.left -= this.throbber.offset().left - offset.left; } this.throbber.css({marginTop: margin.top + 'px', marginLeft: margin.left + 'px'}); this._animate(options.segments, Math.round(10 / options.speed) / 10); }, _prepare: function() { if ($.ui.throbber.renderMethod) { this.renderMethod = $.ui.throbber.renderMethod; this.animateMethod = $.ui.throbber.animateMethod; return; } if (document.createElementNS && document.createElementNS( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").createSVGRect) { $.ui.throbber.renderMethod = 'SVG'; if (document.createElement('div').style.WebkitAnimationName !== undefined) { $.ui.throbber.animateMethod = 'CSS'; } else { $.ui.throbber.animateMethod = 'SVG'; } } else if (this._prepareVML()) { $.ui.throbber.renderMethod = $.ui.throbber.animateMethod = 'VML'; } else { $.ui.throbber.renderMethod = $.ui.throbber.animateMethod = 'DOM'; } this.renderMethod = $.ui.throbber.renderMethod; this.animateMethod = $.ui.throbber.animateMethod; }, _prepareVML: function() { var s = $('').css('behavior', 'url(#default#VML)'); var ok = false; $('body').append(s); if (s.get(0).adj) { // VML support detected. Insert CSS rules for group, shape and stroke. var sheet = document.createStyleSheet(); $.each(['group', 'shape', 'stroke'], function() { sheet.addRule(this, "behavior:url(#default#VML);"); }); ok = true; } $(s).remove(); return ok; }, _getOpacity: function(i) { var steps = this.options.steps || this.options.segments-1; var end = this.options.opacity !== undefined ? this.options.opacity : 1/steps; return 1 - Math.min(i, steps) * (1 - end) / steps; }, _render: function() { return this['_render'+this.renderMethod](); }, _renderDOM: function() { return $('
').addClass('ui-throbber'); }, _renderSVG: function() { var o = this.options; var innerRadius = o.width*2 + o.space; var r = (innerRadius + o.length + Math.ceil(o.width / 2) + 1); var el = svg().width(r*2).height(r*2); var g = svg('g', { 'stroke-width': o.width, 'stroke-linecap': 'round', stroke: o.color }).appendTo(svg('g', {transform: 'translate('+ r +','+ r +')'}).appendTo(el)); for (var i = 0; i < o.segments; i++) { g.append(svg('line', { x1: 0, y1: innerRadius, x2: 0, y2: innerRadius + o.length, transform: 'rotate(' + (360 / o.segments * i) + ', 0, 0)', opacity: this._getOpacity(i) })); } return $('
').append(el).width(2*r).height(2*r); }, _renderVML: function() { var o = this.options; var innerRadius = o.width*2 + o.space; var r = (innerRadius + o.length + Math.ceil(o.width / 2) + 1); var s = r*2; var c = -Math.ceil(s/2); var el = $('', {coordsize: s + ' ' + s, coordorigin: c + ' ' + c}).css({top: c, left: c, width: s, height: s}); for (var i = 0; i < o.segments; i++) { el.append($('', {path: 'm ' + innerRadius + ',0 l ' + (innerRadius + o.length) + ',0'}).css({ width: s, height: s, rotation: (360 / o.segments * i) + 'deg' }).append($('', {color: o.color, weight: o.width + 'px', endcap: 'round', opacity: this._getOpacity(i)}))); } return $('', {coordsize: s + ' ' + s}).css({width: s, height: s, overflow: 'hidden'}).append(el); }, _animate: function(steps, duration) { this['_animate'+this.animateMethod](steps, duration); }, _animateCSS: function(steps, duration) { if (!animations[steps]) { var name = 'spin' + steps; var rule = '@-webkit-keyframes '+ name +' {'; for (var i=0; i < steps; i++) { var p1 = Math.round(100000 / steps * i) / 1000; var p2 = Math.round(100000 / steps * (i+1) - 1) / 1000; var value = '% { -webkit-transform:rotate(' + Math.round(360 / steps * i) + 'deg); }\n'; rule += p1 + value + p2 + value; } rule += '100% { -webkit-transform:rotate(100deg); }\n}'; document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(rule); animations[steps] = name; } this.throbber.css('-webkit-animation', animations[steps] + ' ' + duration +'s linear infinite'); }, _animateSVG: function(steps, duration) { var rotation = 0; var g = this.throbber.find('g g').get(0); this.interval = setInterval(function() { g.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', 'rotate(' + (++rotation % steps * (360 / steps)) + ')'); }, duration * 1000 / steps); }, _animateVML: function(steps, duration) { var rotation = 0; var g = this.throbber.get(0); this.interval = setInterval(function() { g.style.rotation = ++rotation % steps * (360 / steps); }, duration * 1000 / steps); }, _animateDOM: function(steps, duration) {} }); /** * Utility function to create elements in the SVG namespace. */ function svg(tag, attr) { var el = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", tag || 'svg'); if (attr) { $.each(attr, function(k, v) { el.setAttributeNS(null, k, v); }); } return $(el); } var animations = {}; })(jQuery); })({}); (function(exports) { /* * JUI.Throbber */ JUI.Throbber = SC.View.extend(JUI.Widget, { uiType: 'throbber', uiOptions: ['segments', 'space', 'length', 'width', 'speed', 'align', 'valign', 'padding', 'autoStart', 'outside'] }); })({}); (function(exports) { })({}); (function(exports) { // ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore JUI // Copyright: ©2011 Paul Chavard // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== //require('jquery-ui'); })({});