# Change Log ## [2.1.0] - Added new attributes to ArtifactInfo - product_name, product_description, license, license_content, software_dependencies - Added static `#available_versions` method to API - Architecture normalization cleanup - Fixed race condition in acceptance suites ## [2.0.4] - Normalize auto detect platform architectures ## [2.0.3] - Add harmony as a supported product ## [2.0.2] - Fix install.sh to include fetch_package.sh ## [2.0.1] - Fix install.sh and install.ps1 scripts to install unstable packages ## [2.0.0] - Replaced all backends with PackageRouter - All channels are now available using the single backend - Enabled unstable channel for install.sh and install.ps1 scripts - Added chef-acceptance test suites and configured them to run in Travis - Relaxed several test dependency versions ## [1.2.3] - Add inspec as a supported product ## [1.2.2] - Add a .gitattributes file to ensure files are checked out with lf line endings ## [1.2.1] - Fix nano appx installs replacing the symlink with a full copy ## [1.2.0] - Fix omnibus project mappings - Add `available_versions` method to API - Add `chef-automate` product - Add install support for Arista EOS - Add p5p package support - Add s390x architecture support - Add Nano support ## [1.1.0] - Remove delivery-cli from Product Matrix since we are now shipping it within ChefDK ## [1.0.13] - Fix Windows architecture detection for stable channel - Added support for retrying project msi installation for exit code 1618 (another installation is in progress) ## [1.0.12] - Normalize the architecture detection to return either x86_64, i386 or sparc. - Remove the powershell product_name validation to support delivery-cli and push-jobs-client in install.ps1. - Retry MSI installation when it fails with 1618 (another installation in progress). ## [1.0.11] - Add `platform_version_compatibility_mode` option which makes mixlib-install select an artifact built for an earlier version of a platform when set. ## [1.0.10] - Correctly parse architecture for ppc64el. - Return chef.bintray.com based urls for solaris9 and solaris10. - Handle historical artifacts published for solaris. ## [1.0.9] - Update platform detection scripts to recognize debian 8 correctly. ## [1.0.8] - Resolving artifacts from unstable channel properly map the product name to the relative package name when querying Artifactory. ## [1.0.7] - Relax all gemspec dependency versions ## [1.0.6] - Exclude metadata.json files from Artifactory package queries ## [1.0.5] - Return chef.bintray.com based urls for el5 artifacts. ## [1.0.4] - use `SHA256Managed` instead of `SHA256CryptoServiceProvider` to be compatible with .Net 2.0 which is the default runtime on Windows 2008 R2 ## [1.0.3] - Artifactory credentials are no longer required. A designated account has been hard-coded as default. - Exception is raised if Bintray can not find the version for channel/product. - freebsd 9 artifacts return chef.bintray.com based urls ## [1.0.2] - Use 32 bit windows artifacts for 64-bit, when there is no 64-bit native artifact. ## [1.0.1] - detect_platform method for Windows - added stopaction to kick in the catch statement if manifest is missing - wait for msiexec to exit - Replace md5sum checks with sha256 checks in install_command.ps1 ## [1.0.0] - Ability to query product artifacts from multiple channels - Ability to generate installation scripts for `sh` and `ps1`