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The log is generated in parallel with the object and all actions to the object needs to be stored to the log by a separate method call. With event sourcing the history log is now integrated with the object and generated based on the actions that are made on the object, the log is now the fact that the object is built upon. ## Why Sandthorn? If you have been following [Uncle Bob](http://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2014/05/11/FrameworkBound.html) you know what he thinks of the "Rails way" and how we get bound to the Rails framework. We have created Sandthorn to decouple our models from Active Record and restore them to what they should be, i.e., Plain Old Ruby Objects (PORO) with a twist of Sandthorn magic. Check out examples of Sandthorn: * [Examples](https://github.com/Sandthorn/sandthorn_examples) including a product shop and TicTacToe game. * Live [demo](http://demo.sandthorn.org) comparing Active Record and Sandthorn. ## How do I use Sandthorn? Think of it as an object database where you store not only what the new value of an attribute is, but also when and why it changed. _Example:_ ```ruby # Setup the Aggregate # The one available right now require 'sandthorn' require 'sandthorn_driver_sequel' class Ship include Sandthorn::AggregateRoot attr_reader :name def initialize name: nil, shipping_company: nil @name = name end # State-changing command def rename! new_name: "" unless new_name.empty? or new_name == name @name = new_name ship_was_renamed end end private # Commit the event and state-change is automatically recorded. def ship_was_renamed commit end end # Setup the framework with the sequel driver for persistance url = "sqlite://spec/db/sequel_driver.sqlite3" catch_all_config = [ { driver: SandthornDriverSequel.driver_from_url(url: url) } ] Sandthorn.configuration = catch_all_config # Migrate db schema for the sequel driver migrator = SandthornDriverSequel::Migration.new url: url SandthornDriverSequel.migrate_db url: url # Usage ship = Ship.new name: "Titanic" ship.rename! new_name: "Vasa" ship.save new_ship = Ship.find ship.id puts new_ship.name ``` # Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'sandthorn' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install sandthorn # Configuring Sandthorn Sandthorn relies on a driver is specific to the data storage that you are using. This means Sandthorn can be used with any data storage given that a driver exists. To setup a driver you need to add it to your project's Gemfile and configure it in your application code. gem 'sandthorn_driver_sequel' The driver is configured when your application launches. Here's an example of how to do it using the Sequel driver and a sqlite3 database. ```ruby url = "sqlite://spec/db/sequel_driver.sqlite3" driver = SandthornDriverSequel.driver_from_url(url: url) catch_all_config = [ { driver: driver } ] Sandthorn.configuration = catch_all_config ``` First we specify the path to the sqlite3 database in the `url` variable. Secondly, the specific driver is instantiated with the `url`. Hence, the driver could be instantiated using a different configuration, for example, an address to a Postgres database. Finally, `Sandthorn.configure` accepts a keyword list with options. The only option which is required is `driver`. The first time you use the Sequel driver it is necessary to install the database schema. ```ruby url = "sqlite://spec/db/sequel_driver.sqlite3" SandthornDriverSequel::Migration.new url: url SandthornDriverSequel.migrate_db url: url ``` Optionally, when using Sandthorn in your tests you can configure it in a `spec_helper.rb` which is then required by your test suites [example](https://github.com/Sandthorn/sandthorn_examples/blob/master/sandthorn_tictactoe/spec/spec_helper.rb#L20-L30). Note that the Sequel driver accepts a special parameter to empty the database between each test. The Sequel driver is the only production-ready driver to date. # Usage Any object that should have event sourcing capability must include the methods provided by `Sandthorn::AggregateRoot`. These make it possible to `commit` events and `save` changes to an aggregate. Use the `include` directive as follows: ```ruby require 'sandthorn' class Board include Sandthorn::AggregateRoot end ``` All objects that include `Sandthorn::AggregateRoot` is provided with an `aggregate_id` which is a [UUID](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier). ### `Sandthorn::AggregateRoot.commit` It is required that an event is commited to the aggregate to be stored as an event. `commit` extracts the object's delta and locally caches the state changes that has been applied to the aggregate. Commonly, commit is called when an event is applied. In [CQRS](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html), events are named using past tense. ```ruby def mark player, pos_x, pos_y # change some state marked end def marked commit end ``` `commit` determines the state changes by monitoring the object's readable fields. ### `Sandthorn::AggregateRoot.save` Once one or more commits have been applied to an aggregate it should be saved. This means all commited events will be persisted by the specific Sandthorn driver. `save` is called by the owning object. ```ruby board = Board.new board.mark :o, 0, 1 board.save ``` ### `Sandthorn::AggregateRoot.all` It is possible to retrieve an array with all instances of a specific aggregate. ```ruby Board.all ``` Since it return's an `Array` you can, for example, filter on an aggregate's fields ```ruby Board.all.select { |board| board.active == true } ``` ### `Sandthorn::AggregateRoot.find` Using `find` it is possible to retrieve a specific aggregate using it's id. ```ruby uuid = '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' board = Board.find(uuid) board.aggregate_id == uuid ``` If no aggregate with the specifid id is found, a `Sandthorn::Errors::AggregateNotFound` exception is raised. ### `Sandthorn::AggregateRoot.aggregate_trace` Using `aggregate_trace` one can store meta data with events. The data is not aggregate specific, for example, one can store who executed a specific command on the aggregate. ```ruby board.aggregate_trace {player: "Fred"} do |aggregate| aggregate.mark :o, 0, 1 aggregate.save end ``` `aggregate_trace` can also be specified on a class. ````ruby Board.aggregate_trace {ip: :} do board = Board.new board.mark :o , 0, 1 board.save end ``` In this case, the resulting events from the commands `new` and `mark` will have the trace `{ip: :}` attached to them. # Development Run tests: `rake` Run benchmark tests: `rake benchmark` Load a console: `rake console` # Contributing We're happy to accept pull requests that makes the code cleaner or more idiomatic, the documentation more understandable, or improves the testsuite. Even considering opening an issue for what's troubling you or writing a blog post about how you used Sandthorn is worth a lot too! In general, the contribution process for code works like this. 1. Fork this repo 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request