require 'spec_helper' describe ::Rpromise do let(:n) { 0 } subject(:promise) do do |resolve, reject| end end it { have_attributes( :state => described_class::State::PENDING ) } describe '#initialize' do it 'uses the resolve! method as callback' do t = nil p = do |resolve, reject| t = do'hi') end end t.join expect(p).to be_resolved end it 'uses the reject! method as callback' do t = nil p = do |resolve, reject| t = do'hi') end end t.join expect(p).to be_rejected end end describe '#then' do it 'returns a new promise' do expect(promise.then).to be_kind_of described_class end it 'takes an optional block as first argument' do expect { promise.then(nil,lambda {}) }.not_to raise_error expect { promise.then(nil, promise.method(:reject!)) }.not_to raise_error expect { promise.then(nil, "test") }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'takes an optional block as second argument' do expect { promise.then(lambda {}, nil) }.not_to raise_error expect { promise.then(promise.method(:resolve!), nil) }.not_to raise_error expect { promise.then("test", nil) }.to raise_error ArgumentError end context 'when promise is resolved' do let(:value) { Random.rand } let(:value2) { Random.rand + value } let(:value3) { Random.rand + value + value2 } context 'with async task' do before(:each) do @thread = nil @promise = do |resolve, reject| @thread = do sleep(0.5) end end end it 'returns the resolved value' do lambda_value = nil @promise.then(lambda do |v| lambda_value = v end) expect(lambda_value).to be_nil expect(@promise).to be_pending @thread.join expect(@promise).to be_resolved expect(lambda_value).to eq value end context 'when multiple then are chained together' do it 'passes its returned value to the next then' do lambda_value_1 = nil lambda_value_2 = nil lambda_value_3 = nil @promise.then(lambda do |v1| lambda_value_1 = v1 return value2 end).then(lambda do |v2| lambda_value_2 = v2 return value3 end).then(lambda do |v3| lambda_value_3 = v3 end) @thread.join expect(lambda_value_1).to eq value expect(lambda_value_2).to eq value2 expect(lambda_value_3).to eq value3 end end context 'when then resolve callback returns a promise' do it 'uses the next then as handler' do thread2 = nil lambda_value = nil lock = true @promise.then(lambda do |v| return do |resolve, reject| thread2 = do sleep(0)'Hello world!') end end end).then(lambda do |hello_world| lambda_value = hello_world lock = false end) loop { break unless lock } expect(lambda_value).to eq 'Hello world!' end end context 'when no callback is passed' do it 'passes original returned value to the next then' do lambda_value = nil @promise.then.then(lambda do |v| lambda_value = v end) @thread.join expect(lambda_value).to eq value end end end context 'with non-async task' do let(:promise) do do |resolve, reject| end end it 'returns the resolved value' do lambda_value = nil promise.then(lambda do |v| lambda_value = v end) expect(lambda_value).to be value end context 'when multiple then are chained together' do it 'passes its returned value to the next then' do lambda_value_1 = nil lambda_value_2 = nil lambda_value_3 = nil promise.then(lambda do |v1| lambda_value_1 = v1 return value2 end).then(lambda do |v2| lambda_value_2 = v2 return value3 end).then(lambda do |v3| lambda_value_3 = v3 end) expect(lambda_value_1).to eq value expect(lambda_value_2).to eq value2 expect(lambda_value_3).to eq value3 end end context 'when no callback is passed' do it 'does not raise any error' do expect { promise.then }.not_to raise_error end it 'passes original returned value to the next then' do lambda_value = nil promise.then.then(lambda do |v| lambda_value = v end) expect(lambda_value).to eq value end end end end context 'when promise is rejected' do context 'with non-async task' do let(:error) { Random.rand } let(:promise) do do |resolve, reject| end end it 'returns exception' do lambda_error = nil promise.then(nil, lambda do |e| lambda_error = e end) expect(lambda_error).to eq error end it 'handles raised exceptions within the promise' do lambda_error = nil promise = do |resolve, reject| raise 'Oops' end promise.then(nil, lambda do |e| lambda_error = e end) expect(lambda_error).to be_kind_of RuntimeError expect(lambda_error.message).to eq 'Oops' end end end end context 'when it is pending' do before(:each) { promise.instance_variable_set(:@state, described_class::State::PENDING) } describe '#pending?' do it 'returns true' do expect(promise).to be_pending end end describe '#rejected?' do it 'returns false' do expect(promise).not_to be_rejected end end describe '#resolved?' do it 'returns false' do expect(promise).not_to be_resolved end end end context 'when it is rejected' do before(:each) { promise.instance_variable_set(:@state, described_class::State::REJECTED) } describe '#pending?' do it 'returns false' do expect(promise).not_to be_pending end end describe '#rejected?' do it 'returns true' do expect(promise).to be_rejected end end describe '#resolved?' do it 'returns false' do expect(promise).not_to be_resolved end end end context 'when it is resolved' do before(:each) { promise.instance_variable_set(:@state, described_class::State::RESOLVED) } describe '#pending?' do it 'returns false' do expect(promise).not_to be_pending end end describe '#rejected?' do it 'returns false' do expect(promise).not_to be_rejected end end describe '#resolved?' do it 'returns true' do expect(promise).to be_resolved end end end end