require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_credentials.rb' class TestSdb < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup TestCredentials.get_credentials STDOUT.sync = true @domain = 'right_sdb_awesome_test_domain' @item = 'toys' @attr = { 'Jon' => %w{beer car} } # Interface instance @sdb =, TestCredentials.aws_secret_access_key) end SDB_DELAY = 2 def wait(delay, msg='') print "waiting #{delay} seconds #{msg}" while delay>0 do delay -= 1 print '.' sleep 1 end puts end #--------------------------- # Aws::SdbInterface #--------------------------- def test_00_delete_domain # delete the domain to reset all the things assert @sdb.delete_domain(@domain), 'delete_domain fail' wait SDB_DELAY, 'after domain deletion' end def test_01_create_domain # check that domain does not exist assert !@sdb.list_domains[:domains].include?(@domain) # create domain assert @sdb.create_domain(@domain), 'create_domain fail' wait SDB_DELAY, 'after domain creation' # check that we have received new domain from Amazin assert @sdb.list_domains[:domains].include?(@domain) end def test_02_put_attributes # put attributes assert @sdb.put_attributes(@domain, @item, @attr) wait SDB_DELAY, 'after putting attributes' end def test_03_get_attributes # get attributes values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Jon'].to_a.sort # compare to original list assert_equal values, @attr['Jon'].sort end def test_04_add_attributes # add new attribute new_value = 'girls' @sdb.put_attributes @domain, @item, {'Jon' => new_value} wait SDB_DELAY, 'after putting attributes' # get attributes ('girls' must be added to already existent attributes) values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Jon'].to_a.sort assert_equal values, (@attr['Jon'] << new_value).sort end def test_05_replace_attributes # replace attributes @sdb.put_attributes @domain, @item, {'Jon' => 'pub'}, :replace wait SDB_DELAY, 'after replacing attributes' # get attributes (all must be removed except of 'pub') values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Jon'] assert_equal values, ['pub'] end def test_06_delete_attribute # add value 'girls' and 'vodka' to 'Jon' @sdb.put_attributes @domain, @item, {'Jon' => ['girls', 'vodka']} wait SDB_DELAY, 'after adding attributes' # get attributes ('girls' and 'vodka' must be added 'pub') values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Jon'].to_a.sort assert_equal values, ['girls', 'pub', 'vodka'] # delete a single value 'girls' from attribute 'Jon' @sdb.delete_attributes @domain, @item, 'Jon' => ['girls'] wait SDB_DELAY, 'after the deletion of attribute' # get attributes ('girls' must be removed) values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Jon'] assert_equal values, ['pub', 'vodka'] # delete all values from attribute 'Jon' @sdb.delete_attributes @domain, @item, ['Jon'] wait SDB_DELAY, 'after the deletion of attributes' # get attributes (values must be empty) values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Jon'] assert_equal values, nil end def test_07_delete_item @sdb.put_attributes @domain, @item, {'Volodya' => ['girls', 'vodka']} wait SDB_DELAY, 'after adding attributes' # get attributes ('girls' and 'vodka' must be there) values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Volodya'].to_a.sort assert_equal ['girls', 'vodka'], values # delete an item @sdb.delete_attributes @domain, @item sleep 1 # get attributes (values must be empty) values = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['Volodya'] assert_nil values end def test_11_signature_version_2 sdb =, TestCredentials.aws_secret_access_key, :signature_version => '2') domains = nil assert_nothing_thrown "Failed to use signature V2" do domains = sdb.list_domains end assert domains end def test_12_unicode # This was creating a bad signature s = ''"unicode.txt", "r") { |f| s = } # s = s.force_encoding("UTF-8") puts 's=' + s.inspect puts "encoding? " + # s = s.encode("ASCII") # todo: I'm thinking just iterate through characters and swap out ones that aren't in ascii range. @sdb.put_attributes @domain, @item, {"badname"=>[s]} sleep 1 value = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, @item)[:attributes]['badname'][0] puts 'value=' + value.inspect assert value == s end def test_15_array_of_attrs item = 'multiples' assert_nothing_thrown "Failed to put multiple attrs" do @sdb.put_attributes(@domain, item, {:one=>1, :two=>2, :three=>3}) end end def test_16_zero_len_attrs item = 'zeroes' assert_nothing_thrown "Failed to put zero-length attributes" do @sdb.put_attributes(@domain, item, {:one=>"", :two=>"", :three=>""}) end end def test_17_nil_attrs item = 'nils' res = nil assert_nothing_thrown do @sdb.put_attributes(@domain, item, {:one=>nil, :two=>nil, :three=>'chunder'}) end sleep 1 assert_nothing_thrown do res = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, item) end assert_nil(res[:attributes]['one'][0]) assert_nil(res[:attributes]['two'][0]) assert_not_nil(res[:attributes]['three'][0]) end def test_18_url_escape item = 'urlescapes' content = {:a=>"one & two & three", :b=>"one ? two / three"} @sdb.put_attributes(@domain, item, content) res = @sdb.get_attributes(@domain, item) assert_equal(content[:a], res[:attributes]['a'][0]) assert_equal(content[:b], res[:attributes]['b'][0]) end def test_19_put_attrs_by_post item = 'reqgirth' i = 0 sa = "" while (i < 64) do sa += "aaaaaaaa" i += 1 end @sdb.put_attributes(@domain, item, {:a => sa, :b => sa, :c => sa, :d => sa, :e => sa}) end def test_21_query_with_atributes # not applicable anymore end # Keep this test last, because it deletes the domain... def test_40_delete_domain assert @sdb.delete_domain(@domain), 'delete_domain fail' wait SDB_DELAY, 'after domain deletion' # check that domain does not exist assert !@sdb.list_domains[:domains].include?(@domain) end end