The BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT_D macro folds (or accumulates) the elements of a list right-to-left.
It reenters BOOST_PP_WHILE with maximum efficiency.
BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT_D(d, op, state, list)
- d
The next available BOOST_PP_WHILE iteration.
- op
A ternary operation of the form op(d, state, elem).
This macro is called for each element in list--each time returning a new state.
This operation is expanded by BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT with the next available BOOST_PP_WHILE iteration,
the current state, and the current element.
- state
The initial state of the fold.
- list
The list to be folded.
This macro does not have the same signature as it previously did.
The arguments have been swapped to provide a uniform interface with BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_LEFT.
For the
list, (
0, (
1, (
BOOST_PP_NIL))), this macro expands to:
op(d, op(d, op(d, state, 2), 1), 0)
This macro has been superceded by BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT_d and is deprecated.
It only allows a single reentry into BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT.
See Also
Sample Code
#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_right.hpp>
#define L1 (a, (b, (c, BOOST_PP_NIL)))
#define L2 (L1, (L1, (L1, BOOST_PP_NIL)))
#define OP(d, state, x) (BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT_D(d, OP_2, _, x), state)
#define OP_2(d, state, x) BOOST_PP_CAT(state, x)
expands to:
(_cba, (_cba, (_cba, BOOST_PP_NIL)))