require 'spec_helper' class Subject include Arachni::UI::Output include Arachni::Utilities end describe Arachni::Utilities do before( :each ) do @opts = Arachni::Options.reset end subject { } let(:response) { Factory[:response] } let(:page) { Factory[:page] } describe '#caller_name' do it 'returns the filename of the caller' do expect(subject.caller_name).to eq('instance_eval_with_args') end end describe '#caller_path' do it 'returns the filepath of the caller' do expect(subject.caller_path).to eq(Kernel.caller.first.match( /^(.+):\d/ )[1]) end end { forms_from_response: [Arachni::Element::Form, :from_response], forms_from_parser: [Arachni::Element::Form, :from_parser], form_encode: [Arachni::Element::Form, :encode], form_decode: [Arachni::Element::Form, :decode], request_parse_body: [Arachni::HTTP::Request, :parse_body], links_from_response: [Arachni::Element::Link, :from_response], links_from_parser: [Arachni::Element::Link, :from_parser], cookies_from_response: [Arachni::Element::Cookie, :from_response], cookies_from_parser: [Arachni::Element::Cookie, :from_parser], cookies_from_file: [Arachni::Element::Cookie, :from_file], cookie_encode: [Arachni::Element::Cookie, :encode], cookie_decode: [Arachni::Element::Cookie, :decode], parse_set_cookie: [Arachni::Element::Cookie, :parse_set_cookie], page_from_response: [Arachni::Page, :from_response], page_from_url: [Arachni::Page, :from_url], html_decode: [CGI, :unescapeHTML], html_unescape: [CGI, :unescapeHTML], html_encode: [CGI, :escapeHTML], html_escape: [CGI, :escapeHTML], uri_parse: [Arachni::URI, :parse], uri_rewrite: [Arachni::URI, :rewrite], uri_parse_query: [Arachni::URI, :parse_query], uri_encode: [Arachni::URI, :encode], uri_decode: [Arachni::URI, :decode], normalize_url: [Arachni::URI, :normalize], to_absolute: [Arachni::URI, :to_absolute], full_and_absolute_url?: [Arachni::URI, :full_and_absolute?] }.each do |m, (klass, delegated)| describe "##{m}" do it "delegates to #{klass}.#{delegated}" do ret = :blah allow(klass).to receive(delegated){ ret } expect(subject.send( m, 'stuff' )).to eq(ret) end end end describe '#uri_parser' do it 'returns a URI::Parser' do expect(subject.uri_parser.class).to eq(::URI::Parser) end end { get_path: :up_to_path, }.each do |k, v| describe "##{k}" do it "delegates to #{Arachni::URI}##{v}" do allow_any_instance_of(Arachni::URI).to receive(v) { :stuff } expect(subject.send( k, 'http://url/' )).to eq(:stuff) end end end { :redundant_path? => :redundant?, :path_in_domain? => :in_domain?, :path_too_deep? => :too_deep?, :exclude_path? => :exclude?, :include_path? => :include?, :follow_protocol? => :follow_protocol?, }.each do |k, v| describe "##{k}" do it "delegates to #{Arachni::URI::Scope}##{v}" do allow_any_instance_of(Arachni::URI::Scope).to receive(v) { :stuff } expect(subject.send( k, 'http://url/' )).to eq(:stuff) end end end describe '#port_available?' do context 'when a port is available' do it 'returns true' do expect(subject.port_available?( 7777 )).to be_truthy end end context 'when a port is not available' do it 'returns true' do s = "", 7777 ) expect(subject.port_available?( 7777 )).to be_falsey s.close end end end describe '#skip_page?' do it "delegates to #{Arachni::Page::Scope}#out?" do allow_any_instance_of(Arachni::Page::Scope).to receive(:out?) { :stuff } expect(subject.skip_page?( page )).to eq(:stuff) end end describe '#skip_response?' do it "delegates to #{Arachni::HTTP::Response::Scope}#out?" do allow_any_instance_of(Arachni::HTTP::Response::Scope).to receive(:out?) { :stuff } expect(subject.skip_response?( response )).to eq(:stuff) end end describe '#skip_resource?' do context 'when passed a' do context 'Arachni::HTTP::Response' do context 'and #skip_response? returns' do context 'true' do it 'returns true' do allow(subject).to receive(:skip_response?){ true } expect(subject.skip_resource?( response )).to be_truthy end end context 'false' do it 'returns false' do allow(subject).to receive(:skip_response?){ false } expect(subject.skip_resource?( response )).to be_falsey end end end end context 'Arachni::Page' do context 'and #skip_page? returns' do context 'true' do it 'returns true' do allow(subject).to receive(:skip_page?){ true } expect(subject.skip_resource?( page )).to be_truthy end end context 'false' do it 'returns false' do allow(subject).to receive(:skip_page?){ false } expect(subject.skip_resource?( page )).to be_falsey end end end end context 'String' do context 'and #skip_path? returns' do context 'true' do it 'returns true' do allow(subject).to receive(:skip_path?){ true } expect(subject.skip_resource?( 'stuff' )).to be_truthy end end context 'false' do it 'returns false' do allow(subject).to receive(:skip_path?){ false } expect(subject.skip_resource?( 'stuff' )).to be_falsey end end end end end end describe '#random_seed' do it 'returns a random string' do expect(subject.random_seed).to be_kind_of String end end describe '#seconds_to_hms' do it 'converts seconds to HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS' do expect(subject.seconds_to_hms( 0 )).to eq('00:00:00') expect(subject.seconds_to_hms( 1 )).to eq('00:00:01') expect(subject.seconds_to_hms( 60 )).to eq('00:01:00') expect(subject.seconds_to_hms( 60*60 )).to eq('01:00:00') expect(subject.seconds_to_hms( 60*60 + 60 + 1 )).to eq('01:01:01') end end describe '#hms_to_seconds' do it 'converts seconds to HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS' do expect(subject.hms_to_seconds( '00:00:00' )).to eq(0) expect(subject.hms_to_seconds( '00:00:01' )).to eq(1) expect(subject.hms_to_seconds( '00:01:00' )).to eq(60) expect(subject.hms_to_seconds( '01:00:00' )).to eq(60*60) expect(subject.hms_to_seconds( '01:01:01')).to eq(60 * 60 + 60 + 1) end end describe '#exception_jail' do context 'when no error occurs' do it 'returns the return value of the block' do expect(subject.exception_jail { :stuff }).to eq(:stuff) end end context "when a #{RuntimeError} occurs" do context 'and raise_exception is' do context 'default' do it 're-raises the exception' do expect do subject.exception_jail { raise } raise_error RuntimeError end end context 'true' do it 're-raises the exception' do expect do subject.exception_jail( true ) { raise } raise_error RuntimeError end end context 'false' do it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.exception_jail( false ) { raise }).to be_nil end end end end context "when an #{Exception} occurs" do context 'and raise_exception is' do context 'default' do it 'does not rescue it' do expect do subject.exception_jail { raise Exception } raise_error Exception end end context 'true' do it 'does not rescue it' do expect do subject.exception_jail( true ) { raise Exception } raise_error Exception end end context 'false' do it 'does not rescue it' do expect do subject.exception_jail( false ) { raise Exception } raise_error Exception end end end end end end