/** * @depend ../sinon.js * @depend stub.js * @depend mock.js */ /*jslint eqeqeq: false, onevar: false, forin: true*/ /*global module, require, sinon*/ /** * Collections of stubs, spies and mocks. * * @author Christian Johansen (christian@cjohansen.no) * @license BSD * * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Christian Johansen */ "use strict"; (function (sinon) { var commonJSModule = typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports && typeof require == "function"; var push = [].push; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; if (!sinon && commonJSModule) { sinon = require("../sinon"); } if (!sinon) { return; } function getFakes(fakeCollection) { if (!fakeCollection.fakes) { fakeCollection.fakes = []; } return fakeCollection.fakes; } function each(fakeCollection, method) { var fakes = getFakes(fakeCollection); for (var i = 0, l = fakes.length; i < l; i += 1) { if (typeof fakes[i][method] == "function") { fakes[i][method](); } } } function compact(fakeCollection) { var fakes = getFakes(fakeCollection); var i = 0; while (i < fakes.length) { fakes.splice(i, 1); } } var collection = { verify: function resolve() { each(this, "verify"); }, restore: function restore() { each(this, "restore"); compact(this); }, verifyAndRestore: function verifyAndRestore() { var exception; try { this.verify(); } catch (e) { exception = e; } this.restore(); if (exception) { throw exception; } }, add: function add(fake) { push.call(getFakes(this), fake); return fake; }, spy: function spy() { return this.add(sinon.spy.apply(sinon, arguments)); }, stub: function stub(object, property, value) { if (property) { var original = object[property]; if (typeof original != "function") { if (!hasOwnProperty.call(object, property)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot stub non-existent own property " + property); } object[property] = value; return this.add({ restore: function () { object[property] = original; } }); } } if (!property && !!object && typeof object == "object") { var stubbedObj = sinon.stub.apply(sinon, arguments); for (var prop in stubbedObj) { if (typeof stubbedObj[prop] === "function") { this.add(stubbedObj[prop]); } } return stubbedObj; } return this.add(sinon.stub.apply(sinon, arguments)); }, mock: function mock() { return this.add(sinon.mock.apply(sinon, arguments)); }, inject: function inject(obj) { var col = this; obj.spy = function () { return col.spy.apply(col, arguments); }; obj.stub = function () { return col.stub.apply(col, arguments); }; obj.mock = function () { return col.mock.apply(col, arguments); }; return obj; } }; sinon.collection = collection; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["module"], function(module) { module.exports = collection; }); } else if (commonJSModule) { module.exports = collection; } }(typeof sinon == "object" && sinon || null));