package Javonet::Sdk::Core::PerlCommand; use strict; use warnings; use lib 'lib'; use Exporter; use Moose; use Scalar::Util; has 'runtime' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', required => 1, reader => '_get_runtime' ); has 'command_type' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', required => 1, reader => '_get_command_type' ); has 'payload' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub {[]}, writer => '_set_payload', reader => '_get_payload' ); sub addArgumentToPayload{ my ($self, $payload_ref) = @_; my @payload_array = @$payload_ref; my $firstVar = $self->{payload}[0]; my @merged_payload; if (!defined $firstVar){ @merged_payload = @payload_array; } else{ my $current_payload_ref = $self->{payload}; my @cur_payload = @$current_payload_ref; @merged_payload = (@cur_payload, @payload_array); } return Javonet::Sdk::Core::PerlCommand->new(runtime => $self->{runtime}, command_type => $self->{command_type}, payload => \@merged_payload); } # sub size{ # my ($self) = @_; # my $command_size = 0; # my $current_payload_ref = $self->{payload}; # my @cur_payload = @$current_payload_ref; # for (my $i = 0; $i < @cur_payload; $i++) { # if ($cur_payload[$i]->isa("Javonet::Sdk::Core::PerlCommand")) { # $command_size += $cur_payload[$i]->size(); # } # if (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($cur_payload[$i])){ # $command_size += 4 # } # if ( ! defined $cur_payload[$i]){ # # undefined # $command_size += 0; # } # elsif ( ref $cur_payload[$i] ) { # # reference (return of ref will give the type) # $command_size += 0; # } # else{ # $command_size += length($cur_payload[$i]); # } # } # return $command_size; # } sub drop_first_payload_argument { my ($self) = @_; my $current_payload_ref = $self->{payload}; my @cur_payload = @$current_payload_ref; my $payload_length = @cur_payload; if ($payload_length != 0){ shift(@cur_payload); } return Javonet::Sdk::Core::PerlCommand->new(runtime => $self->{runtime}, command_type => $self->{command_type}, payload => \@cur_payload); } sub prepend_arg_to_payload{ my ($self, $current_command) = @_; my $current_payload_ref = $self->{payload}; my @cur_payload = @$current_payload_ref; my @merged_payload; if(defined $current_command) { @merged_payload = ($current_command, @cur_payload); } else { @merged_payload = @cur_payload; } return Javonet::Sdk::Core::PerlCommand->new(runtime => $self->{runtime}, command_type => $self->{command_type}, payload => \@merged_payload); } no Moose; 1;