#include "sass.hpp" #include "operators.hpp" namespace Sass { namespace Operators { inline double add(double x, double y) { return x + y; } inline double sub(double x, double y) { return x - y; } inline double mul(double x, double y) { return x * y; } inline double div(double x, double y) { return x / y; } // x/0 checked by caller inline double mod(double x, double y) { // x/0 checked by caller if ((x > 0 && y < 0) || (x < 0 && y > 0)) { double ret = std::fmod(x, y); return ret ? ret + y : ret; } else { return std::fmod(x, y); } } typedef double (*bop)(double, double); bop ops[Sass_OP::NUM_OPS] = { 0, 0, // and, or 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // eq, neq, gt, gte, lt, lte add, sub, mul, div, mod }; /* static function, has no pstate or traces */ bool eq(Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs) { // operation is undefined if one is not a number if (!lhs || !rhs) throw Exception::UndefinedOperation(lhs, rhs, Sass_OP::EQ); // use compare operator from ast node return *lhs == *rhs; } /* static function, throws OperationError, has no pstate or traces */ bool cmp(Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs, const Sass_OP op) { // can only compare numbers!? Number_Obj l = Cast(lhs); Number_Obj r = Cast(rhs); // operation is undefined if one is not a number if (!l || !r) throw Exception::UndefinedOperation(lhs, rhs, op); // use compare operator from ast node return *l < *r; } /* static functions, throws OperationError, has no pstate or traces */ bool lt(Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs) { return cmp(lhs, rhs, Sass_OP::LT); } bool neq(Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs) { return eq(lhs, rhs) == false; } bool gt(Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs) { return !cmp(lhs, rhs, Sass_OP::GT) && neq(lhs, rhs); } bool lte(Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs) { return cmp(lhs, rhs, Sass_OP::LTE) || eq(lhs, rhs); } bool gte(Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs) { return !cmp(lhs, rhs, Sass_OP::GTE) || eq(lhs, rhs); } /* static function, throws OperationError, has no traces but optional pstate for returned value */ Value_Ptr op_strings(Sass::Operand operand, Value& lhs, Value& rhs, struct Sass_Inspect_Options opt, const ParserState& pstate, bool delayed) { enum Sass_OP op = operand.operand; String_Quoted_Ptr lqstr = Cast(&lhs); String_Quoted_Ptr rqstr = Cast(&rhs); std::string lstr(lqstr ? lqstr->value() : lhs.to_string(opt)); std::string rstr(rqstr ? rqstr->value() : rhs.to_string(opt)); if (Cast(&lhs)) throw Exception::InvalidNullOperation(&lhs, &rhs, op); if (Cast(&rhs)) throw Exception::InvalidNullOperation(&lhs, &rhs, op); std::string sep; switch (op) { case Sass_OP::ADD: sep = ""; break; case Sass_OP::SUB: sep = "-"; break; case Sass_OP::DIV: sep = "/"; break; case Sass_OP::EQ: sep = "=="; break; case Sass_OP::NEQ: sep = "!="; break; case Sass_OP::LT: sep = "<"; break; case Sass_OP::GT: sep = ">"; break; case Sass_OP::LTE: sep = "<="; break; case Sass_OP::GTE: sep = ">="; break; default: throw Exception::UndefinedOperation(&lhs, &rhs, op); break; } if (op == Sass_OP::ADD) { // create string that might be quoted on output (but do not unquote what we pass) return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(String_Quoted, pstate, lstr + rstr, 0, false, true); } // add whitespace around operator // but only if result is not delayed if (sep != "" && delayed == false) { if (operand.ws_before) sep = " " + sep; if (operand.ws_after) sep = sep + " "; } if (op == Sass_OP::SUB || op == Sass_OP::DIV) { if (lqstr && lqstr->quote_mark()) lstr = quote(lstr); if (rqstr && rqstr->quote_mark()) rstr = quote(rstr); } return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(String_Constant, pstate, lstr + sep + rstr); } /* static function, throws OperationError, has no traces but optional pstate for returned value */ Value_Ptr op_colors(enum Sass_OP op, const Color& lhs, const Color& rhs, struct Sass_Inspect_Options opt, const ParserState& pstate, bool delayed) { if (lhs.a() != rhs.a()) { throw Exception::AlphaChannelsNotEqual(&lhs, &rhs, op); } if (op == Sass_OP::DIV && (!rhs.r() || !rhs.g() || !rhs.b())) { throw Exception::ZeroDivisionError(lhs, rhs); } return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Color, pstate, ops[op](lhs.r(), rhs.r()), ops[op](lhs.g(), rhs.g()), ops[op](lhs.b(), rhs.b()), lhs.a()); } /* static function, throws OperationError, has no traces but optional pstate for returned value */ Value_Ptr op_numbers(enum Sass_OP op, const Number& lhs, const Number& rhs, struct Sass_Inspect_Options opt, const ParserState& pstate, bool delayed) { double lval = lhs.value(); double rval = rhs.value(); if (op == Sass_OP::DIV && rval == 0) { std::string result(lval ? "Infinity" : "NaN"); return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(String_Quoted, pstate, result); } if (op == Sass_OP::MOD && rval == 0) { throw Exception::ZeroDivisionError(lhs, rhs); } size_t l_n_units = lhs.numerators.size(); size_t l_d_units = lhs.numerators.size(); size_t r_n_units = rhs.denominators.size(); size_t r_d_units = rhs.denominators.size(); // optimize out the most common and simplest case if (l_n_units == r_n_units && l_d_units == r_d_units) { if (l_n_units + l_d_units <= 1 && r_n_units + r_d_units <= 1) { if (lhs.numerators == rhs.numerators) { if (lhs.denominators == rhs.denominators) { Number_Ptr v = SASS_MEMORY_COPY(&lhs); v->value(ops[op](lval, rval)); return v; } } } } Number_Obj v = SASS_MEMORY_COPY(&lhs); if (lhs.is_unitless() && (op == Sass_OP::ADD || op == Sass_OP::SUB || op == Sass_OP::MOD)) { v->numerators = rhs.numerators; v->denominators = rhs.denominators; } if (op == Sass_OP::MUL) { v->value(ops[op](lval, rval)); v->numerators.insert(v->numerators.end(), rhs.numerators.begin(), rhs.numerators.end() ); v->denominators.insert(v->denominators.end(), rhs.denominators.begin(), rhs.denominators.end() ); v->reduce(); } else if (op == Sass_OP::DIV) { v->value(ops[op](lval, rval)); v->numerators.insert(v->numerators.end(), rhs.denominators.begin(), rhs.denominators.end() ); v->denominators.insert(v->denominators.end(), rhs.numerators.begin(), rhs.numerators.end() ); v->reduce(); } else { Number ln(lhs), rn(rhs); ln.reduce(); rn.reduce(); double f(rn.convert_factor(ln)); v->value(ops[op](lval, rn.value() * f)); } v->pstate(pstate); return v.detach(); } /* static function, throws OperationError, has no traces but optional pstate for returned value */ Value_Ptr op_number_color(enum Sass_OP op, const Number& lhs, const Color& rhs, struct Sass_Inspect_Options opt, const ParserState& pstate, bool delayed) { double lval = lhs.value(); switch (op) { case Sass_OP::ADD: case Sass_OP::MUL: { return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Color, pstate, ops[op](lval, rhs.r()), ops[op](lval, rhs.g()), ops[op](lval, rhs.b()), rhs.a()); } case Sass_OP::SUB: case Sass_OP::DIV: { std::string color(rhs.to_string(opt)); return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(String_Quoted, pstate, lhs.to_string(opt) + sass_op_separator(op) + color); } default: break; } throw Exception::UndefinedOperation(&lhs, &rhs, op); } /* static function, throws OperationError, has no traces but optional pstate for returned value */ Value_Ptr op_color_number(enum Sass_OP op, const Color& lhs, const Number& rhs, struct Sass_Inspect_Options opt, const ParserState& pstate, bool delayed) { double rval = rhs.value(); if (op == Sass_OP::DIV && rval == 0) { // comparison of Fixnum with Float failed? throw Exception::ZeroDivisionError(lhs, rhs); } return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Color, pstate, ops[op](lhs.r(), rval), ops[op](lhs.g(), rval), ops[op](lhs.b(), rval), lhs.a()); } } }