maintainer "Opscode, Inc." maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" description "Installs and configures nginx" version "0.100.0" recipe "nginx", "Installs nginx package and sets up configuration with Debian apache style with sites-enabled/sites-available" recipe "nginx::source", "Installs nginx from source and sets up configuration with Debian apache style with sites-enabled/sites-available" %w{ ubuntu debian centos redhat fedora }.each do |os| supports os end %w{ build-essential runit bluepill }.each do |cb| depends cb end attribute "nginx/dir", :display_name => "Nginx Directory", :description => "Location of nginx configuration files", :default => "/etc/nginx" attribute "nginx/log_dir", :display_name => "Nginx Log Directory", :description => "Location for nginx logs", :default => "/var/log/nginx" attribute "nginx/user", :display_name => "Nginx User", :description => "User nginx will run as", :default => "www-data" attribute "nginx/binary", :display_name => "Nginx Binary", :description => "Location of the nginx server binary", :default => "/usr/sbin/nginx" attribute "nginx/gzip", :display_name => "Nginx Gzip", :description => "Whether gzip is enabled", :default => "on" attribute "nginx/gzip_http_version", :display_name => "Nginx Gzip HTTP Version", :description => "Version of HTTP Gzip", :default => "1.0" attribute "nginx/gzip_comp_level", :display_name => "Nginx Gzip Compression Level", :description => "Amount of compression to use", :default => "2" attribute "nginx/gzip_proxied", :display_name => "Nginx Gzip Proxied", :description => "Whether gzip is proxied", :default => "any" attribute "nginx/gzip_types", :display_name => "Nginx Gzip Types", :description => "Supported MIME-types for gzip", :type => "array", :default => [ "text/plain", "text/html", "text/css", "application/x-javascript", "text/xml", "application/xml", "application/xml+rss", "text/javascript" ] attribute "nginx/keepalive", :display_name => "Nginx Keepalive", :description => "Whether to enable keepalive", :default => "on" attribute "nginx/keepalive_timeout", :display_name => "Nginx Keepalive Timeout", :default => "65" attribute "nginx/worker_processes", :display_name => "Nginx Worker Processes", :description => "Number of worker processes", :default => "1" attribute "nginx/worker_connections", :display_name => "Nginx Worker Connections", :description => "Number of connections per worker", :default => "1024" attribute "nginx/server_names_hash_bucket_size", :display_name => "Nginx Server Names Hash Bucket Size", :default => "64" attribute "nginx/disable_access_log", :display_name => "Disable Access Log", :default => "false"