ENV['RDOCOPT'] = "-S -f html -T hanna" require "rubygems" require "hoe" require File.dirname(__FILE__) << "/lib/settingslogic/version" Hoe.new("Settingslogic", Settingslogic::Version::STRING) do |p| p.name = "settingslogic" p.author = "Ben Johnson of Binary Logic" p.email = 'bjohnson@binarylogic.com' p.summary = "A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern." p.description = "A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern." p.url = "http://github.com/binarylogic/settingslogic" p.history_file = "CHANGELOG.rdoc" p.readme_file = "README.rdoc" p.extra_rdoc_files = ["CHANGELOG.rdoc", "README.rdoc"] p.remote_rdoc_dir = '' p.test_globs = ["test/*/test_*.rb", "test/*_test.rb", "test/*/*_test.rb"] p.extra_deps = %w(activesupport) end