require 'chef/knife' require 'knife-solo' require 'knife-solo/ssh_command' require 'knife-solo/node_config_command' require 'knife-solo/tools' class Chef class Knife # Approach ported from spatula ( # Copyright 2009, Trotter Cashion class SoloCook < Knife CHEF_VERSION_CONSTRAINT = ">=0.10.4" unless defined? CHEF_VERSION_CONSTRAINT include KnifeSolo::SshCommand include KnifeSolo::NodeConfigCommand include KnifeSolo::Tools deps do require 'chef/cookbook/chefignore' require 'erubis' require 'pathname' require 'tempfile' KnifeSolo::SshCommand.load_deps KnifeSolo::NodeConfigCommand.load_deps end banner "knife solo cook [USER@]HOSTNAME [JSON] (options)" option :chef_check, :long => '--no-chef-check', :description => 'Skip the Chef version check on the node', :default => true option :skip_chef_check, :long => '--skip-chef-check', :description => 'Deprecated. Replaced with --no-chef-check.' option :sync_only, :long => '--sync-only', :description => 'Only sync the cookbook - do not run Chef' option :librarian, :long => '--no-librarian', :description => 'Skip librarian-chef install' option :why_run, :short => '-W', :long => '--why-run', :description => 'Enable whyrun mode' option :override_runlist, :short => '-o RunlistItem,RunlistItem...,', :long => '--override-runlist', :description => 'Replace current run list with specified items' option :provisioning_path, :long => '--provisioning-path path', :description => 'Where to store kitchen data on the node' def run time('Run') do if config[:skip_chef_check] ui.warn '`--skip-chef-check` is deprecated, please use `--no-chef-check`.' config[:chef_check] = false end validate! ui.msg "Running Chef on #{host}..." check_chef_version if config[:chef_check] generate_node_config librarian_install if config_value(:librarian, true) sync_kitchen generate_solorb cook unless config[:sync_only] end end def validate! validate_ssh_options! if File.exist? 'solo.rb' ui.warn "solo.rb found, but since knife-solo v0.3.0 it is not used any more" ui.warn "Please read the upgrade instructions:" end end def provisioning_path # TODO ~ will likely break on cmd.exe based windows sessions config_value(:provisioning_path, '~/chef-solo') end def sync_kitchen ui.msg "Uploading the kitchen..." run_portable_mkdir_p(provisioning_path, '0700') cookbook_paths.each_with_index do |path, i| upload_to_provision_path(path, "/cookbooks-#{i + 1}", 'cookbook_path') end upload_to_provision_path(nodes_path, 'nodes') upload_to_provision_path(:role_path, 'roles') upload_to_provision_path(:data_bag_path, 'data_bags') upload_to_provision_path(:encrypted_data_bag_secret, 'data_bag_key') end def expanded_config_paths(key) Array(Chef::Config[key]).map { |path| } end def cookbook_paths @cookbook_paths ||= expanded_config_paths(:cookbook_path) + [patch_cookbooks_path] end def add_cookbook_path(path) cookbook_paths.unshift(path) unless cookbook_paths.include?(path) end def patch_cookbooks_path KnifeSolo.resource('patch_cookbooks') end def nodes_path 'nodes' end def chefignore @chefignore ||="./") end # cygwin rsync path must be adjusted to work def adjust_rsync_path(path) path_s = path.to_s path_s.gsub(/^(\w):/) { "/cygdrive/#{$1}" } end def adjust_rsync_path_on_node(path) return path unless windows_node? adjust_rsync_path(path) end def adjust_rsync_path_on_client(path) return path unless windows_client? adjust_rsync_path(path) end # see def rsync_permissions '--chmod=ugo=rwX' if windows_client? end def rsync_excludes (%w{revision-deploys tmp .git .hg .svn .bzr} + chefignore.ignores).uniq end def debug? config[:verbosity] and config[:verbosity] > 0 end # Time a command def time(msg) return yield unless debug? ui.msg "Starting '#{msg}'" start = yield ui.msg "#{msg} finished in #{ - start} seconds" end def librarian_install if !File.exist? 'Cheffile' Chef::Log.debug "Cheffile not found" elsif !load_librarian ui.warn "Librarian-Chef could not be loaded" ui.warn "Please add the librarian-chef gem to your Gemfile or install it manually with `gem install librarian-chef`" else ui.msg "Installing Librarian cookbooks..." add_cookbook_path librarian_env.install_path end end def load_librarian begin require 'librarian/action' require 'librarian/chef' rescue LoadError false else true end end def librarian_env @librarian_env ||= end def generate_solorb ui.msg "Generating solo config..." template ='solo.rb.erb').read) write(template.result(binding), provisioning_path + '/solo.rb') end def upload(src, dest) rsync(src, dest) end def upload_to_provision_path(src, dest, key_name = 'path') if src.is_a? Symbol key_name = src.to_s src = Chef::Config[src] end if src.nil? Chef::Log.debug "'#{key_name}' not set" elsif !File.exist?(src) ui.warn "Local #{key_name} '#{src}' does not exist" else upload("#{src}#{'/' if}", File.join(provisioning_path, dest)) end end # TODO probably can get Net::SSH to do this directly def write(content, dest) file = file.write(content) file.close upload(file.path, dest) ensure file.unlink end def rsync(source_path, target_path, extra_opts = '--delete') cmd = %Q{rsync -rl #{rsync_permissions} --rsh="ssh #{ssh_args}" #{extra_opts} #{rsync_excludes.collect{ |ignore| "--exclude #{ignore} " }.join} #{adjust_rsync_path_on_client(source_path)} :#{adjust_rsync_path_on_node(target_path)}} ui.msg cmd if debug? system! cmd end def check_chef_version ui.msg "Checking Chef version..." unless raise "Couldn't find Chef #{CHEF_VERSION_CONSTRAINT} on #{host}. Please run `knife solo prepare #{ssh_args}` to ensure Chef is installed and up to date." end end # Parses "Chef: x.y.z" from the chef-solo version output def chef_version v = run_command('sudo chef-solo --version').stdout.split(':') v[0].strip == 'Chef' ? v[1].strip : '' end def cook ui.msg "Running Chef..." cmd = "sudo chef-solo -c #{provisioning_path}/solo.rb -j #{provisioning_path}/#{node_config}" cmd << " -l debug" if debug? cmd << " -N #{config[:chef_node_name]}" if config[:chef_node_name] cmd << " -W" if config[:why_run] cmd << " -o #{config[:override_runlist]}" if config[:override_runlist] result = stream_command cmd raise "chef-solo failed. See output above." unless result.success? end end end end