'use strict'; define ['stampit/stampit', 'observable'], (stampit, observable) -> scopingable = stampit start: -> deferred = @widget.sandbox.data.deferred() # Update the scope after resolution deferred.done -> for scope_name, data of @widget.scopings @widget.forward_scope_data scope_name, data # TODO think of a better method name than repopulate @widget.repopulate() @deferred = deferred reset: -> @start() # TODO move bindings logic to here enqueue: (scope_name, value) -> @widget.scopings[scope_name] = value , deferred: null scopings: null , -> @widget.scopings ||= {} # Resolve scopings after scoping has ended @resolve = _.debounce => @deferred.resolveWith @, [@scopings] @reset() @ scopable = stampit forward_scope_data: (scope_name, data) -> scope = @scope['$' + scope_name] throw new TypeError "viewer.scopable: Scope '#{scope_name}' not found for resource '#{@scope.resource}'." unless scope switch scope.constructor when Array data = [data] unless $.type(data) == 'array' @scope[scope_name] data... else @scope[scope_name] data scopable_presentation_options: (options) -> widget = @ scoping = scopingable widget: @ scoping.start() # Update presenter interface to support binders customization options.presentation ||= {binders: {}} options.presentation.binders ||= {} {presentation: {binders}} = options # Create custom bindings for this scope, for storing scope # changes per widget instance binders['scope-*'] = bind: -> @scope_name = @args[0].replace /-/g, '_' @widget = widget routine: (element, value) -> scoping.enqueue @scope_name, value scoping.resolve() binders.scope = bind: -> @widget = widget routine: (element, value) -> keypath = @keypath.substring 1 if @keypath[0] == '_' name = "by_#{@key}_#{keypath || @keypath}" scoping.enqueue name, value scoping.resolve() , scopings: null , -> observable @widget # TODO compose this factory with the widget factory instead of # creating a new instance and merging methods stampit.mixIn @widget, scopable.fixed.methods # TODO transfer data from old scope to new one # widget.subscribe 'scope', -> # TODO @widget.scopings = scopings = [] @widget.scopings = {} @scopable_presentation_options.call @widget, @widget.options @widget (widget) -> scopable widget: widget