**2013-03-25** ## 0.0.12 rbcurse-core * Minor tweaks and fixes to statusline (tested in ribhu gem) **2013-03-22** ## 0.0.11 rbcurse-core * Added textpad (tested in cygnus gem) **2013-03-22** ## 0.0.10 rbcurse-core * Added method_missing to chunkline, required for ribhu gem **2013-03-21** ## 0.0.9 rbcurse-core * Made several fixed so it works on 1.8.7 (thanks hramrach) **2012-01- ** ## 0.0.4 rbcurse-core * added RESIZE event to form, so resizing app components is possible when window/terminal is resized * changes to ncurses setting as a result of above (wtimeout commented off) * Moving help system to Form * minor addition of define_prefix_command to Form - experimental **2012-01-04** ## 0.0.3 rbcurse-core * ActionManager added to widgets so actions can be used from multiple places * changes in ncurses setting cbreak and halfdelay etc since C-c was crashing program out * Added history to field **2011-12-13** ## 0.0.2 rbcurse-core Mostly refactoring of multi-row components ## 0.0.1 rbcurse-core Added help system, and printing of key bindings **2011-12-05** ## 0.0.0 rbcurse-core 1. Added a help system - on F1. '?' reveals key-bindings for form and current widget. 2. bind_key includes string parameter which documents binding 3. KEY_RETURN and KEY_ENTER fixed (values switched) 4. textview can extend MultiBuffer (simple multibuffering) 5. Moving map_keys prior to super in constructor of widgets so app can override keys. 6. textview: set_content second param is a Hash. 7. App.rb: shortcuts and stack flow removed and replaced with widgetshortcuts.rb. Now there should be an outer flow or stack. Earlier, there could be two stacks with no outer stack or flow. New implementation allows height_pc and width_pc. Widgets can also have height_pc and width_pc if placed in stacks or flows in an App. Please check samples to see. 8. Window has close event, to do any tidying up, releasing etc Also a confirm_close option. **2011-11-17** ## 1.5.0 ### split rbcurse into core, extras and experimental Now rbcurse is a meta-gem which includes the other three. ### major rehaul of directory structures ilb/core/widgets, lib/core/include, lib/core/system etc ### class name changes * rbasiclistbox -> rlist, shortcut: basic_list -> listbox * rlistbox , shortcut: list_box -> edit_list * rtable , shortcut: table -> edit_table * rtabularwidget , shortcut: tabular_widget -> table (alias) **2011-11-06** ## 1.4.1 ### More cleanup of widget and form and window ### Rewrite of tabbedpane and messagebox but not replaced old classes ### Textview and Window and Statusline now can print colored text Colored interface not yet final. ### Some experimental work that will trickle into core classes in 1.5.0 ### Some standardization of core classes, more to follow. **2011-10-06** ## 1.3.1 or 1.4.0 ### Major cleanup of widget class Scrollpane support (buffering stuff all removed) ### TabbedPane Corrected, major changes ### dsl_accessor and dsl_property Now return self so we can chain. ### return values of some keys (Class Form) Earlier not returning anything meaningful or returning last_key Now return NO_NEXT_FIELD or NO_PREVIOUS_FIELD ### j and k keys used for down and up where possible e.g. button and its children including checkbox ### Miscellaneous * Dynamic menuitems in menu (see menu1.tb) * rework on menu and menubar, and keys using them * FieldVetoException (see test2.rb) * valid_range for Field (see test2.rb) * fixed field's type method, earlier non-functional * array and 4 integer constructor for Window * StatusWindow class - 2 line window for alert, confirm and statuses as an alternative to dialogs. * status_dialog returning a handle so we can keep updating status then close. * many more minor adjustments, tweaks, issues **2011-09-26** ## 1.3.0 ### Moving to ffi-ncurses Essentially code changes for ffi-ncurses. ncurses gem no longer supported as it was painful to install. Required ffi-ncurses >= 0.4.0 Some bugfixes in demos and samples due to changes in 1.2.0, or ruby 1.9, which went unnoticed. ### Deprecations Some classes being deprecated: - SplitPane (use vimsplit instead) - ScrollPane (no substitute) Code supporting scrollpane will be removed by 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 and this will not work. ### Tabbedpane Not working correctly since moving to ffi-ncurses. Will be completely rewritten by 1.3.2. **2010-09-11** ## 1.2.0 ### Additions - App class that allows easy application development (like Shoes) - MultiSplit class: Multicolumn widget (like SplitPane but allows many splits). aka Column Browse pattern (like OSX Finder). See examples/testmultisplit.rb - Added Progress Bar class - Added methods to Menu (rmenu.rb), so easy creation through DSL. See examples/menu1.rb - Added VimSplit - can have multiple splits stacked and flowed - Added Tree - tree control - Added Scrollbar class - Added Tabular - quick readonly tabular data generator that can be used with listboxes or textviews. - Added BasicList - a stripped down, readonly version of Listbox. - ### Changes - Field class now passes InputDataEvent when firing event, not self. Earlier, user trapping :CHANGE would not know what happened (delete, insert, etc) and what char was added, deleted. - List and ListData and ListSelection listener Many changes, new methods, def list(), space bar selects, List listens to selection changes, selectionEvent contains List as source not ListSelectionModel. - Widget checks event names before firing and binding to save time in wrong events. - Listbox, some refactoring of `repaint`. Added convert_value_to_text since we subclass this a lot. - Listcellrenderer: refactoring and changes, will break extending classes!! - Combolist - popup on spacebar - replaced to_print_borders with suppress_borders in list related classes ### Bugfixes - TextArea would crash if user entered long line with no space (line > display length) - fixed - Menu items will not show mnemonic highlighted, if disabled. They will not fire if mnemonic key pressed, when disabled. **2010-08-30 11:59** ## 1.1.4 - Some missing files such as tableextended.rb and vieditable These got missed out in the gemspec. - Added slice! to listdatamodel - Also see ruby 1.9.2 changes below **2010-08-23 11:50** ## ruby 1.9.2 related changes Changes in 1.9.2 require the following changes: - $: no longer includes ".". Fixed 2 examples. - hash_update: cannot update hash during iteration Modified rwidget.rb and rtable.rb (Ref http://svn.ruby-lang.org/repos/ruby/tags/v1_9_2_0/ChangeLog) **2010-05-19 00:00** ## Table - added tableextended.rb for extended functions on tables Currently, increase or decrease column width using numeric args. You will have to bind the method to a key in your app. **2010-05-13 00:00** ## Table - adding vim keys for navigation If table is not editable, then j k l h gg G etc may be used for navigation. **2010-03-01 00:00** ## Overhaul of tabbedpane Simplified, and it more or less completely makes sense now. A component may be added directly without creating a form which allows the TP to set row, col, and height width. At this moment, it no longer creates a form automatically, you have to call tp.form(tab) to get a form associated with the tab. Check code for latest on this. Or check samples: testtpane.rb and testtpane2.rb. **2010-02-18 22:58** ## RFED16 new simplified buffering Major changes. Most widgets redone (buffer part). Containers majorly done. Table and TabbedPane still pending. **2009-11-03 23:30** ## tabbedpanes ## Now on first click of tabbed button, form is painted. A form.repaint for the lower form was required. frmincr200911032330.tgz * * * **2009-11-03 00:19** ## some progress on tabbedpanes ## Ugly hacking and I really haven't a clue what's happening since there's internal forms working. Anyhow, its now showing up, can see form cursor moving. Does not show up immediately, have to press key several times for form to display. frmincr200911030018.tgz * * * **2009-11-02 13:15** ## before rtabbedpane ## After all the changes, the new tabbedpane is not printing the form fields. Working on that now. frmincr200911021314.tgz * * * **2009-11-02 12:13** ## splitpane and scrollpane working ## Both are working. Changes to copywin had caused issues. And printborder. Decreasing comp width does not reduce pad size, but pad keeps printing larger size. So in Splitpane it was overwriting. Now in Pad we maintain sheight as comp's height. Major change in pad, but hope it works and doesn't bomb out somewhere. frmincr200911021212.tgz * * * **2009-11-02 01:03** ## SplitPane retouching ## began majorly misprinting after changes to printborder and copywin(). ALmost corrected. Still some issues in copywin which are making separator and border to get eaten up. frmincr200911020102.tgz * * * **2009-11-01 22:28** ## scrollbars in scrollpane ## Added scrollbars in scrollpane. Sized and positioned nicely. frmincr200911012228.tgz * * * **2009-11-01 01:05** ## scrollpane WIP ## scrollpane with viewport and child object i can see the child within. have to test scrolling now. Issue is largely with copywin which gives errors. frmincr200911010104.tgz * * * **2009-10-31 22:07** ## scrollpane WIP ## ,,, frmincr200910312206.tgz * * * **2009-10-30 23:32** ## more testing with SplitPane and 2 splitpanes in it ## vertical and horizontal check against min sizes frmincr200910302331.tgz * * * **2009-10-30 17:47** ## buffering ## major change is buffering added (using pad) height and width added to Widget Splitpane added (midway) frmincr200910301746.tgz * * * **2009-10-07 10:14** ## Prior to change in next_column ## Currently, after last visible column tab goes to next row. We want to scroll if more columns. At present, table will not print if a col goes out of bounds. but this does not impact first or last column to print variables. frmincr200910071012.tgz * * * ** 2009-10-05 11:00 ** ## Horizontal scrolling in tables - some cleaning ## When increasing the size of a column, other cols could write outside the table. Fixed. * * * ** 2009-10-05 00:00 ** ## Making changes for 1.9 and testing ## Mostly key related changes. However, there could be some string index change lurking around * * * ** 2009-02-22 20:48 ** ## Released 0.1.2 ## - search in textview with wrap, case insensitive, highlighting searched text - table can have nil data - tabbed pane has ok_cancel button, ok by default - table autosizing - required for adhoc queries - table horizontal scrolling - editing when more columns than viewable in table - confirm dialog, normal mnemonics for buttons * * * ** 2009-02-17 12:10 ** ## added table markers for data and columns before and after on border ## also added putting space in intercell area, but today i am not getting any junk there anywaym while scrolling etc. * * * ** 2009-02-16 22:10 ** ## added edit_length to TableColumn ## This is max editable length of editor component in tables. * * * ** 2009-02-13 13:48 ** ## added button_type to tabbed pane ## Now buttons at bottom of tabbed pane. Will return selected_index to caller. Uploaded to github, will be included in 0.1.2. * * * ** 2009-02-12 22:48 ** ## Code to stop table from printing a column if exceeding bounds ## Uploaded to github, will be included in 0.1.2. EXPERIMENTAL CODE: Affects only tables. Now table will not print a column or header if columns width causes it to exceed width of table. This means if you have a single column which is wider than table then it wont print. In Listboxes we always truncate data and pass to renderer. We could do that here, but it could get messy. * * * **2009-02-12 ** ## Missed one parameter in Table's repaint, and some Table Cell Renderers Fixed and uploaded as 0.1.1 * * * **2009-02-11 00:57** ## Path changes in order to make first gem ## the first gem is ready 0.1.0. So various path changes (removed all the lib's in require) frmincr200902110056.tgz * * * **2009-01-21 18:30** ## Class Action ## Added a class Action to centralize actions or behavior. Popupmenu creates a jmenuitem with an action. frmincr200901211826.tgz * * * **2009-01-20 22:50** ## Class PopupMenu ## Based on menubar, a popup menu. Intended to be used with widgets / components. frmincr200901202248.tgz * * * **2009-01-20 00:22** ## Application Header like Alpine ## Similar application header made in applicationheader.rb frmincr200901200022.tgz * * * **2009-01-19 21:41** ## Alpine Style Key Label Printing ## See testtodo.rb for example. Print Alpine Style labels at bottom frmincr200901192140.tgz * * * **2009-01-19 15:53** ## Table Changed Event ## One may either trap the CHANGED event of a component OR a TABLE_EDITING_EVENT which gives us previous and new values, previous row and col. This will fire for each cell exited, and on editing stopped (if a user presses ENTER after editing). One example would be to set a date_modified if any column of a row changes. Also am firing CHANGED from table for its cells. frmincr200901191548.tgz * * * **2009-01-18 22:11** ## listbox, combo case insensitive match ## Char matches use casecmp Field was not calling process_key(ch) - now calling super in handle_key, so process_key is called in handle_key. frmincr200901182210.tgz * * * ** 2009-01-18 12:37 ** ## modified? and def modified tf## changed fields modified? to check for change in field value Field ESC puts back original value TAB and BACKTAB in table. so you need to M-tab out of it. **2009-01-17 01:56** ## Tables: editing options more polishing ## also, columns may be marked as non-editable calling on_leave of component frmincr200901170155.tgz * * * **2009-01-16 20:13** ## Table - cyclic traversal to next column, auto editing of cells ## Automatic editing on tabbing in and out on Table. Trying this out. USe Alt-Tab for going to next cell if you are editing a cell. If not editing then RIGHT and LEFT work. frmincr200901162012.tgz * * * **2009-01-16 00:31** ## Tables: Events and Listeners implemented ## on enter row, col and cell. Table Column property change Various others. frmincr200901160030.tgz * * * **2009-01-15 01:23** ## Events in tables added ## (just days backup) frmincr200901150122.tgz * * * ** 2009-01-15 00:17 ** Table on_enter and on_leave row, column and cell events Also put key definitions for table and listbox in listkeys.rb so they can be shared. Fixed def handle_key of listbox so if key not handled, it still tries further. **2009-01-14 12:56** ## Forward and backward searching in Listbox ## M-f to start a forward search (asks for regex) M-F to start a backward search (asks for regex) M-g to keep searching forward M-G to reverse direction of search * * * **2009-01-13 23:29** ## Split messagebox and listbox to separate files ## * * * **2009-01-13 01:39** ## Table Editing ## String, number, checkbox and combolist frmincr200901130139.tgz * * * **2009-01-13 01:03** ## Table editing is on ## Testing and working out visual glitch in checkbox edit. One extra char displayed by editor but not by renderer. So a white space gets left over. frmincr200901130102.tgz * * * **2009-01-11 20:06** ## editable lists: check and combo boxes ## Now you may edit a list of checkboxes or combo boxes frmincr200901112006.tgz * * * **2009-01-11 16:32** ## combo box cell renderer in listbox ## almost done. some touching up frmincr200901111632.tgz * * * **2009-01-11 00:28** ## ComboBoxCellRenderer ## For lists, to display combo boxes. Althoght does not make much sense. THe normal list box already has selection of rows. so its like a list which is now editable and selectable. This has only checkboxes. How do i pass in text in addition to booleans given that the method interface of renderers takes one value. frmincr200901110026.tgz * * * **2009-01-10 23:18** ## About to move selector code up ## To avoid duplication in renderers frmincr200901102317.tgz * * * **2009-01-10 01:22** ## listbox editing ## WIP, but i've got editing in. To sort out key related issues. Editing keys are clashing with selection and navig keys. Touching up also. frmincr200901100121.tgz * * * **2009-01-08 23:34** ## class Textarea moved to new scrollable ## Thank God, done away with the old scrollable module. Textarea is now in rtextarea.rb frmincr200901082333.tgz * * * **2009-01-08 20:57** ## wrapping option in TextArea ## WRAP_WORD passed with set_content frmincr200901082057.tgz * * * **2009-01-08 19:21** ## New Listbox ## Movement between selected items (using ' and ") and C-e to clear selection. frmincr200901081921.tgz * * * **2009-01-08 14:38** ## before moving TextView to listscrollable ## about to move frmincr200901081438.tgz * * * **2009-01-08 01:41** ## firing property change and others ## Some major changes (internal) 1. In order not to repaint the entire form each time, we must only repaint a widget when modified. However, as can be seen, widgets are being modified by other widgets. Thus whenever a property is changed, we need a flag to be set that repainting is required. Thus, copied dsl_accessor and made dsl_property. Whenever, such props are modified, a property change is now fired, and repaint_required is set to true. I am currently changing this. What this means is that on startup, fire_prop_change will be called many times, and i need to avoid this on first time instantiation. TODO. 2. The tricky part was text_variables. When there value changes any widget (such as label) auto changes. When a text_variable is defined for field, internally that field, adds itself as a dependent. When its value is changed, it fires a change to the dependent field. 3. The real worrisome part was this: When user passes in a hash in the constructor, i was directly setting variables, NOT calling methods. Tracked this down. Now i am calling methods and not setting variables. See rwidget.rb instance_variable_set (top). Only throrough testing will tell how much this change will affect stuff. Maybe not. frmincr200901080133.tgz * * * **2009-01-07 23:35** ## New Listbox ## with cleaner scrolling code, and cell renderer Largely done. frmincr200901072335.tgz * * * **2009-01-07 00:36** ## Field storing datatypes ## 1. set_buffer updates datatype of data 2. get_value reverts to original datatype (stored as a string since many methods do check length etc Widget binds_keys Certain widgets like tables etc would like to bind_keys which could be used by other widgets. Such as left and right keys or del key. So these should not be at the program level, but only at widget level. frmincr200901070034.tgz * * * **2009-01-05 01:51** ## rtable with scrolling ## simple scrolling unlike scrollable which sucked biggie time frmincr200901050150.tgz * * * **2009-01-05 01:21** ## rtable.rb ## more wip frmincr200901050121.tgz * * * **2009-01-04 01:01** ## table wip ## frmincr200901040100.tgz * * * **2009-01-01 23:45** ## before change to textare ## abot to put back \n and see frmincr200901012345.tgz * * * **2009-01-01 13:01** ## Boolean buttons use "variable" not "text_variable" ## That was a misunderstanding. Checkbutton, Toggle and Radio use "variable" which updates or gets updated by any changes. frmincr200901011300.tgz * * * **2008-12-31 23:46** ## Variable modifications ## Had to move to get_value and set_value so that Variable could support a hash or array without anything else changing. That means if a set of checkboxes and radio buttons are based on one Variable which is a Hash, they will continue working as before, since they always pass t heir name as a second parm to set_value (whch is used as a key, if Variable is a hash). Earlier i was using value= but that does not allow 2 params. In the case of a hash, even retrieving requires the widgt name as key. So seeing how many params are coming in does not work. Thus moving from value() and value= to get and set value. Currently, its there as RVariable. Will be moved to Variable in a day or so. frmincr200812312341.tgz * * * **2008-12-29 17:50** ## textarea bugfixes in wrap and wrapping ## more bug fixes also added wrap_para (see menu Wrap) * * * **2008-12-28 21:05** ## Textarea wrapping bugs fixed ## I believe things are working now. ALso added footers to the text area and view. That could help me in debugging too. frmincr200812282104.tgz * * * **2008-12-28 01:25** ## WIP in Table ## working frmincr200812280125.tgz * * * **2008-12-27 01:07** ## bug fixes in textarea cursor movement ## with respect to wrapping lines backspace behaviour. newlines still some glitches. * * * **2008-12-26 20:07** ## Missed one case of wrapping in Textarea ## Whene there IS data in next row. Fixed. * * * **2008-12-25 18:30** ## ACS_ boxes in TextArea and TextView ## ACS_ used for boxes * * * **2008-12-25 18:22** ## better boxes using ACS_ for messagebox and Listbox ## Using ACS_ code to get boxes. * * * **2008-12-24 20:20** ## InputDataEvent: firing events on changes in TextArea ## Now reporting changes in text happening in TextArea via InputDataEvent * * * **2008-12-24 15:51** ## Alt-keys in TextArea and View were getting eaten up ## Returning alt keys so buttons and mnemonics can process * * * **2008-12-24 15:40** ## vertical alignment of combolists ## ABove, below, center, and same row as field. * * * **2008-12-24 13:00** ## added autoscroll to TextArea ## Goes to end with each "<<" command. Also fixed goto_end and goto_start. I had changed the names in TextArea but not in scrollable. * * * **2008-12-23 23:49** ## Migrated buttons to mnemonic and ampersand for hotkeys ## Unerline will result in underline, overriding that created by ampersand, but not register key. mnemonic will register alt-key and underline first occurence Using ampersand will register and underline given occurrence. frmincr200812232347.tgz * * * **2008-12-23 13:38** ## Added observers to events ## An object can listen in to events of another. Could be a hack. Helps if user creates an object which further creates others. User binds actioon to top level object. But we want internal objects events to also fire action. frmincr200812231337.tgz * * * ## Multiple bindings for each event ## Each object can bind its actions without fear of overwriting each other. Variables update_command also stacked. **2008-12-22 15:13** ## class Field: CHANGED event, triggered when tabbing out after changing ## . frmincr200812221513.tgz * * * **2008-12-22 12:52** ## Added null_allowed to class Field ## if null_allowed, validation will be skipped if empty, however LEAVE event will be triggered. frmincr200812221251.tgz * * * **2008-12-22 02:02** ## xterm-color key hacks and vt100/200 fixes ## F1..F4 hack for xterm color in getchar(). Menu selection (highlighting) in rform.rb frmincr200812220201.tgz * * * **2008-12-20 22:05** ## Removed CommonIO includes ## replaced with @window.printstring frmincr200812202204.tgz * * * **2008-12-20 13:23** ## toggle_key for menu bar ## menu bar now can define and bind its toggle key. frmincr200812201322.tgz * * * **2008-12-19 21:28** ## scrolling in edit box ## Implemented horiz scrolling in single line edit box Forgot to add: Editable and non-editabl combo-boxes were also added the other day. frmincr200812192127.tgz * * * **2008-12-15 14:16** ## tabbedpanes - with radio buttons ## Much improved. Uses an extended radio button, so states of selected, focussed and unfocussed are easy to display. frmincr200812151415.tgz * * * **2008-12-14 16:50** ## tabbedpane-part2 ## with panels and forms. but how to navigate between buttons and form. frmincr200812141650.tgz * * * **2008-12-14 14:24** ## preliminary tabbed pane ## need to create form earlier so user can get the form and set it. frmincr200812141424.tgz * * * **2008-12-11 22:32** ## Popuplist in action ## sample of popuplist called whenever cursor falls in User field. Pressing Enter passes the value. frmincr200812112231.tgz * * * **2008-12-11 01:27** ## class PopupList ## wip but almost done. pops up a list which can be selected from. frmincr200812110126.tgz * * * **2008-12-03 20:13** ## Field accepts values() and valid_regex() ## Restrict entry to values Validate field against valid_regex. frmincr200812032012.tgz * * * **2008-12-01 18:34** ## Messagebox takes list ## Allow user to make a messagebox passing a list. frmincr200812011834.tgz * * * **2008-11-30 00:58** ## friendly colors - under testing ## Have implemented human friendly colors for foreground and background Tested out on some widgets but not all. Need to totally test and clean code. Is functioning. See radio buttons and their label, see checkbox which makes the label bold. frmincr200811300056.tgz * * * **2008-11-29 21:10** ## experimental Colormap to make color definitions easy ## Added a Colormap module that helps create and retrieve colors by human names so we can define colors in widgets without reference to color_pairs. frmincr200811292109.tgz * * * **2008-11-28 00:30** ## CheckBoxMenuItem ## Implemented a checkbox menu item, works but i am not pleased, quite dirty. Widgets are tied to a form, for ease of construction. In the case of menus they are not, and menus print in a different manner. Submenu should also have been a class, perhaps. frmincr200811280026.tgz * * * **2008-11-27 20:11** ## ToggleButton ## Now a togglebutton class that is extended by Radio and checkbox Togglebutton is itself a toggleable button. frmincr200811272010.tgz * * * **2008-11-27 18:54** ## extended radiobutton from checkbox ## to reduce code. Now i am thinkig both shuold extend one class. My ole Swing book gaves me a cool name to call it. ToggleButton! frmincr200811271853.tgz * * * **2008-11-27 12:13** ## menubar hotkey ## Done handling of hotkey/mnemonic in menu and closing of menubar when action complete frmincr200811271212.tgz * * * **2008-11-27 00:24** ## Titles in all scrollable views. ## Added titles and title attribs. frmincr200811270023.tgz * * * **2008-11-26 23:32** ## horiz scrolling in TextView ## Textview now can scroll horiz. Ctrl-E and Ctrl-A behavior in cases of data exceeding width taken care of. frmincr200811262331.tgz * * * **2008-11-26 22:26** ## TextView and other fixes ## Introduced a TextView widget which just shows multiline text, scrollable. Allows us to programmatically scroll the same. Tested and fixed LEAVE and ENTER of widgets (had forgotten that!). frmincr200811262224.tgz * * * **2008-11-26 11:49** ## field.show ## 1. implemented Field.show (password field in example will show *) 2. created a method getvalue_for_paint, so that getvalue returns actual value for field or widget and no display stuff. 3. Button. surround_chars. change the sq brackets to soething else. frmincr200811261147.tgz * * * **2008-11-25 23:58** ## selectable in ListBox ## added a new module selectable copying from sqlpopup however, this is a window and not a pad so its much more diffucult. Due to field_enter and exit, the selected row shows affter 2 movements! Clear selection not yet functioning here. But select/deselect/next sel and prev sel are working. frmincr200811252356.tgz * * * **2008-11-22 23:20** ## RadioButton ## Added another widget. took less than 2 mins: a radio button. Praps I should just extend CheckButton rather than copy. Just a couple of lines changed. Some bugs may have cropped up in Textarea after introduction of hard and soft returns. Entry was happening one col before where cursor was appearing. frmincr200811222319.tgz * * * **2008-11-22 21:50** ## CheckBox ## Took me less than 5 mins to implement a CheckBox inheriting from button. frmincr200811222149.tgz * * * **2008-11-22 19:43** ## textarea ## moving up characters when deleting soft and hard return so wrapping can be respected when deleting. frmincr200811221943.tgz * * * **2008-11-22 16:47** ## textarea ## incoming data wrap it. But i do need to look at newlines and preserve. current logic loses them. frmincr200811221647.tgz * * * **2008-11-22 01:41** ## textarea word wrap when pushing from behind ## still needs ironing out. could be some issues in rare cases. frmincr200811220140.tgz * * * **2008-11-22 00:45** ## textarea with wrapping #1 ## wrapping as cursor exceeds border. however, not yet when we insert chars anddelete. frmincr200811220044.tgz * * * **2008-11-21 23:42** ## textarea ## more issues in movement sorted out when end of length. Box showing correctly now. frmincr200811212342.tgz * * * **2008-11-21 22:16** ## textarea with newlines ## added in newlines, and we don't print them. also when joining we remove. be careful i dont put two. frmincr200811212215.tgz * * * **2008-11-21 21:54** ## Textarea more work on joining and spliting rows ## wip frmincr200811212153.tgz * * * **2008-11-21 17:39** ## Textarea starting ## Have a basic textarea working Still very rough. frmincr200811211738.tgz * * * **2008-11-21 01:38** ## Listbox ## created a scrollable listbox as a widget and put in my form. Also a scrollable module to include to get the functionality frmincr200811210137.tgz * * * **2008-11-20 15:58** ## Variable ## Added custom to MessageBox Added class Variable and tested out with button and label. frmincr200811201558.tgz * * * **2008-11-20 01:38** ## MessageBox ## Have made a messagebox just like links - uses Button class. - Not using labels etc yet. Not required. Keeping it simple. frmincr200811200137.tgz * * * **2008-11-19 19:59** ## Widget class as super ## Created the widget class with DSL properties Now all widgets extend it, so common functionality as well as DSLish. frmincr200811191958.tgz * * * **2008-11-19 01:07** ## FIELD navigation ## a small hack and we can circle and it does not cause an overflow now. But the focusables array was much neater and less risky. frmincr200811190106.tgz * * * **2008-11-19 00:53** ## FIELD ## I have reworked the logic of traversal to use a loop, no extra array and no recursion. Only issue is i cant circle around snce it goes into a stack overflow. The extra array was simpler though. frmincr200811190052.tgz * * * **2008-11-18 20:41** ## menubar working !!! ## menubar working with submenus. destroys and passes contrl back to parent on LEFT and goes to nezt on RIGHT. frmincr200811182040.tgz * * * **2008-11-18 19:43** ## menubar wip printing menu on leave and enter ## 1. now submenu showing , onleave onenter okay. 2. only thingie left is the navigation frmincr200811181942.tgz * * * **2008-11-18 19:05** ## menubar wip ## Now submenu is created at tright time and destroyed onleave. 1. to take care of priting of menu as a menuitem 2. to pass control ofkeys into the new menu frmincr200811181904.tgz * * * **2008-11-18 18:18** ## menubar wip ## paint does not create. wip but still to look into submenu frmincr200811181818.tgz * * * **2008-11-18 16:18** ## menubar wip ## submenu paints itself since it s on enter need to make some changes ... fire -paint submenu frmincr200811181617.tgz * * * **2008-11-18 03:04** ## submenu ## it is displaying now, but firing immeidately. also we will need to walk down it and select. frmincr200811180303.tgz * * * **2008-11-18 00:40** ## menu bar actions etc fine ## Barring ability to hav submenu's actions are working. frmincr200811180040.tgz * * * **2008-11-17 18:51** ## menubar wip ## its up but no actions yet. frmincr200811171851.tgz * * * **2008-11-17 03:14** ## menu menubar menuitem interim work ## interim work in progress things are showing need alignment and polishing actions to do frmincr200811170313.tgz * * * **2008-11-16 22:09** ## changed key handling down to objects ## so they can take and ignore what they want earlier form was trying to be too intelligent. frmincr200811162208.tgz * * * **2008-11-16 19:18** ## Field form and label ## Tried to do more of method_missing and define_method to make it dsl-ish but failed. Added datatype, chars_allowed and some bug-fixing. Need to put exit_proc. Now to try out a menubar. frmincr200811161916.tgz * * * **2008-11-16 03:16** ## Button which inherits label ## circular order of navigation editing taking care of different types of fields WAIT. What is label doing inside FORM Why ? it can remain on Window, no ? We are complicating code by inclusing in form and widgets. frmincr200811160315.tgz * * * **2008-11-16 01:17** ## form implemented buttons too ## but i dont like the focusable part. need to redo frmincr200811160117.tgz * * * **2008-11-15 13:06** ## changed in forms and fields as per TK ## changing things a bit. frmincr200811151306.tgz * * * **2008-11-15 02:33** ## rform ruby forms fields ## I am writing a simpler form and field thingie. I know thats awfully ambitious, but the sequence of ncurses sucks. We need to be more dynamic. I have made a displayable form. But need to trap some keys are kick some asss. frmincr200811150232.tgz * * * **2008-11-14 18:48** ## reintroduction of datasource ## testing sqlpopup wiht processes and data frmincr200811141847.tgz * * * **2008-11-14 00:01** ## Fixes for smaller screens ## A lot of hardcoding for large screens - changes in key labels - changes in data and col names - padrefresh - bug in pressing space - printing messages in centre, no more beeps please. Now small screens can be requested. frmincr200811140000.tgz * * * **2008-11-13 21:52** ## Cleanup , Refact and polishing output ## 1. cleaned up junk code 2. moved classes out. made key label printer into a class 3. common print modules 4. common db module 5. sizing of columns and formatting of titles 6. align of num fields frmincr200811132151.tgz * * * **2008-11-13 10:46** ## highlighting ## Using wchgat for highlighting pad instead of rewriting data Also, therefore changed select functionality. frmincr200811131045.tgz * * * **2008-11-13 01:15** ## key_labels ## Worked on much better coded key_labels which don't require the poor hacky format the old one did Saner. Also putting a message in -3 row and letting it go off. Its on the window. Goes off in next keystroke auto. frmincr200811130112.tgz * * * **2008-11-12 19:31** ## flickering and key movement ## - reduced flickering by doing werase only when absolutely nec. but this could lead to some situations where clearing is not done. to keep checking. - some errors in key movement due to wrong @window value or space etc having incorrect checks. Need to keep checking. frmincr200811121929.tgz * * * **2008-11-12 12:41** ## Regexp and symbols in mappings ## In order that printables can be used had to add REGEXP in mapping. Also added symbols So now we can't search Hash normally, have to iterate. So ordered hash hadto beused. Tried to move to arrays, but pendingkeys would have not been possible. Symbols are not tested yet. frmincr200811121239.tgz * * * **2008-11-12 00:39** ## sqlpopup and keymapper ## We have a much simpler than VER keymapper. Code is small. - Uses keyboard.rb from VER project to give us ESC and meta/alt keys. - We use same syntax for configuring such as class.let :mode do etc. - Provided: - single keys combinations - a mode with its set of keys - dual keys such as C-x C-c or C-x p etc which do not change mode. frmincr200811120036.tgz * * * **2008-11-11 23:40** ## sqlpopup our own modes and key ## allows cx mode with its keys but its looks okay for a mode for a multiple key we would prefer to say : C-c C-x and not create a separate context./mode. frmincr200811112339.tgz * * * **2008-11-11 23:12** ## sqlpopup my version ## trying to build a simpler version of sqlpopup that i can understand. VER is pretty complex and the scope is not relevant to our kind of app. frmincr200811112311.tgz * * * **2008-11-10 12:25** ## sqlpopup ## after some minor bugfixes in space bar, and better messages now i will try to integrate keymap and keyboard. frmincr200811101224.tgz * * * **2008-11-09 23:50** ## sqlpopup out own keymapper ## Implemented a small quick dirty key method mapper. This will make transition to keyboard.rb easier. frmincr200811092349.tgz * * * **2008-11-09 19:37** ## sqlpopup ## removed blank line and now selector on actual row 1. put columns on windw however, this means col names always shpwing but wont scroll!! frmincr200811091935.tgz * * * **2008-11-09 15:43** ## clearing selection ## sqlpopup also numbering of lines based on content.length frmincr200811091542.tgz * * * **2008-11-09 13:05** ## sqlpopup ## - row selection and navigation. - search was no longer scrolling, fixed that so prow is always displayed. frmincr200811091304.tgz * * * **2008-11-09 01:24** ## sqlview.rb ## TABULAR sql view with much better scrolling like our old tabular thingie scrolling like alpine allows selection, we need to allow UNselect all, goto-selected etc. frmincr200811090123.tgz * * * **2008-11-08 22:03** ## tabular view in pad ## Used the pad program to give TABULAR View too. SIMPLE view has column name and data per row. ALTERNATING has name followed by data in next row. TABULAR gives the entire result in one tabular form TABULAR implements a search using "/" and ^N and ^P to go back/forth in search. I need to make a selectable list which will return selectedrow, simple for use as help in dataentry forms. frmincr200811082201.tgz * * * **2008-11-08 13:17** ## sqlresultsetpadviewer ## Using pads, made a scrollable viewer for sql result sets. Has a goto record also. To make tabular, with option of selecting. frmincr200811081316.tgz * * * **2008-11-08 01:09** ## sqlview.rb ## a program to view an sql resultset on screen. allows going through mult rows, and paging if more columns than will come on a screen. Not tested with really long data. Will data get cut off or cause errors or what. frmincr200811080108.tgz * * * **2008-11-07 20:24** ## mandatory fields ## - checking at time of get_current_values_as_hash - display with asterisk if passed before form creation frmincr200811072023.tgz * * * **2008-11-07 13:10** ## messages on execute and checks ## insert/del/update messages check on update/del whether select was done or not. frmincr200811071309.tgz * * * **2008-11-07 01:42** ## on_exit and post_proc ## These 2 are duplicating each other, Got both to work though. samples in contractedit1101.rb frmincr200811070141.tgz * * * **2008-11-06 22:48** ## rowid and crud options ## Have checked out contractedit1101 with view, edit, delete etc options. Made sure that only relvnt keys are visible and active ## ROWID ## Now rowid can be switched on so edit and delete use that. Same for find all. frmincr200811062246.tgz * * * **2008-11-05 23:49** ## create_view_one_application ## the first of the easy to call applications for a table, tell him you only want to view one contract. The user can only quit from there. No operations possible. Similarly now to do the view_any, delete_one, edit_one etc combinations. frmincr200811052348.tgz * * * **2008-11-03 00:18** ## conditional submenu and sql options ## Using @sql_actions, one can specify which options should be shown to user - retrict only to select, or upd/del etc, or give him no options - have to take care of bind keys also in this situation. - can start the program with a keyfield supplied or with the values to display supplied. See contractedit1101.rb. frmincr200811030016.tgz * * * **2008-11-02 11:55** ## basiceditform.rb ## functionality moved down from rbeditform to basicedit which should be instantiated hightlighting and helpproc display moved Now rbedit may either be extended and its handlers overridden, or else you can set handlers (if composing). frmincr200811021154.tgz * * * **2008-11-01 23:47** ## contractedit1101.rb ## This conttains the contract edit with: - calls to create_default_application which takes care of windows etc So calling code is very few lines. Fully functional table realted CRUD screen. - ADded WHERE and ORDER BY in actions. - The search interface is still not clear. Using ^X-M for clearing screen and inserting. Can be confusing. frmincr200811012345.tgz * * * **2008-10-31 14:48** ## Actions: CRUD and FIND-all ## crud actions working findall, first, last, next, previous. frmincr200810311448.tgz * * * **2008-10-29 23:53** ## SingleTable ## Have moved generic methods into a module which can be called or bound to keys. generic update,delete,select, insert and create_fields. Or maybe we can extend a class from rbedit. lets see. frmincr200810292352.tgz * * * **2008-10-29 00:32** ## contractedit new_create_fields ## this method uses the newly pimped FIELD object, hoping to make it MUCHO easier to create fields. Still a lot more that can go in, validate against values. frmincr200810290030.tgz * * * **2008-10-28 11:26** ## more fields ## more touching. frmincr200810281126.tgz * * * **2008-10-28 11:16** ## work on create_field ## an easier create_field method and many convenence methods for field settings and creation. not tested. changes are in rbform.rb frmincr200810281115.tgz * * * **2008-10-28 00:13** ## contractedit.rb ## a lot of generic stuff does insert/update - generic field creation frmincr200810280013.tgz * * * **2008-10-26 13:27** ## new folder structure ## Finally used hoe - created new structure - called it rbcurse - updated requires - moved dsls to dsl and outputs to out. (older ones) - now i will create DSLS and OUTs in a totally different area so i don't clutter up the project. frmincr200810261325.tgz * * * **2008-10-26 00:57** ## contractedit.rb ## passing a values hash and displaying values to pass an ID and have it select to save data on screen frmincr200810260057.tgz * * * **2008-10-25 23:08** ## query and table app rewrite ## with yield and some awful changes in main variable so that printing of header and footer can happen header and footer win is driving me NUTS !!!!! frmincr200810252307.tgz * * * **2008-10-25 10:37** ## update DSL to give edit app for emailer.rb ## _skelform2.rb generates emailer.rb with the block. frmincr200810251036.tgz * * * **2008-10-25 00:20** ## more touches ## - moved commons into EditApplication, removed from main - entire header, footer creation in Edit Application. - Is this causing more confusion, or reducing, - main and app point to EA. - perhaps emailer should not extend Application ? frmincr200810250019.tgz * * * **2008-10-24 22:03** ## before yielding self ## making a zip before yielding self in EditApplication. frmincr200810242202.tgz * * * **2008-10-24 17:58** ## lambda and method from DSL ## Did some crappy stuff so that you can use method or lambda from DSL. frmincr200810241757.tgz * * * **2008-10-24 14:34** ## form and field handlers ## Done some changes to handlers, - moved handle_unhandled_keys up to rbform - used method(:) while passing procs - trying to enforce usage of Proc or Method in handlers and not going to main or datasource to check for an existing name i.e. reduce coupling. - tested with emailer.rb Am hoping to make sqlite etc based rbeditforms simpler to implement by cutting out dataasource nad passing handlers in to the form. frmincr200810241431.tgz * * * **2008-10-19 00:13** ## proc ## bind and keys_handled has a proc too now passing form to handlers not curritem and listselected from rbeditform. to be done in tableapplication too. frmincr200810190012.tgz * * * **2008-10-18 22:37** ## set_proc ## one can set a proc for populating form and saving. Some other cleaning up too. frmincr200810182236.tgz * * * **2008-10-17 12:51** ## FIELD related factoring ## A lot of stuff has gone into Field, valid, default, postproc This happens on get_value, set_value and field_term. frmincr200810171250.tgz * * * **2008-10-16 14:58** ## touching up ## a few more touches so that DSL generates exactly like pines mailer. Some form refreshing so that focus is on first field. Also, clearing error at top of loop. frmincr200810161457.tgz * * * **2008-10-15 15:07** ## cleanup ## removed @window, its already there are form_win() ! frmincr200810151506.tgz * * * **2008-10-15 12:57** ## set_value and get_value in FIELD ## Taking care of ML fields and chomp inside FIELD Next change is to knock off @current. frmincr200810151256.tgz * * * **2008-10-15 12:28** ## Changes to FIELD ## set_value and get_value doing ML processing. But not calling it yet. frmincr200810151227.tgz * * * **2008-10-15 11:34** ## email multiline format ## This was having to be called by the user in form_post_proc Now before save, heightwill be checked. Howevr, this should happen auto. Added get_value and set_value in FIELD. and maybe thats where it shouldhappen. But we have to use it, too. We are using @current. frmincr200810151133.tgz * * * **2008-10-15 01:40** ## Edit DSL ## Finally got the email program running from a DSL. One job pending still ... update_current_values. Some things could be generated at generate time, setup observers, rather than at load time. Still then need to start getting a proper datasource into place. frmincr200810150138.tgz * * * **2008-10-14 14:29** ## C-c ## 1. Now getting c-y, c-z, c-s and c-q 2. We seem to have lost C-c The trap is eating it up totally. Finally i am trapping and doing an ungetch for which had to open the Ncurses class and fix. 3. Also allowing user to bind_key and use the REQ_ values 4. Fixed bugs so that keys_handled is called in rbeditform. frmincr200810141427.tgz * * * **2008-10-13 20:44** ## Edit Emailer ## More cleaning u and corrections in C-x method. frmincr200810132044.tgz * * * **2008-10-13 18:50** ## highlighting field ## Some cute coding, and we've got the current field label hightlighted. Sadly Message Text shows that : after it ;-(. That's the default. Now to get the silly keylabels functional. frmincr200810131848.tgz * * * **2008-10-13 17:32** ## Edit screen ## More refactoring on editapplication and rbeditforms. Moved a lot iinto form. App should have less. Form should not keep calling into app. Also this version has fields centered abd reverse video. I am now going the alpine way. frmincr200810131731.tgz * * * **2008-10-13 12:57** ## gen4.rb EDIT FORM ## I have the old gen2.rb redone into a datasource, rbeditform, editapplication. Just about coming up! Still many errors de to references from form to app. Totally unclear here as to what the app is doing, and should it have all thefunctinolity in it or not. Too much calling from form to app. Its quite a mess and needs a major overhaul. I also need to make changes so that rt_hashes and rt_fields dont have to be passed. Application should only have what is required by the main app for setting up and cleaning == not all the stuff for regular work. Form should contain all else. frmincr200810131253.tgz * * * **2008-10-12 13:32** ## MENU ## Updated menu.skel so it generates a class that inherits from menuApplication. It generates a menu class. It is working ! frmincr200810121331.tgz * * * **2008-10-12 00:29** ## running from menu ## 1. Got the menu program working after all the changes in base classes. 2. Got programs running from menu. Apparently, some panels were not being destroyed, so there was a BUS ERROR in update_panels. 3. There was a warning of BOTTOM_WIN_WIDTH already defined that was messing the screen and i could not see it clearly, so it bugged me a long time. All's okay but the skel programs have to be updated. The menu DSL minp1 has to be rerun to see if it gives correct output as per menu1.rb. Basically, panels have to be returned with windows so they can be destroyed. frmincr200810120025.tgz * * * **2008-10-10 20:48** ## padreader and panelreader ## touched up both and maximized them. worked on keys of padreader. Called both from commons1. Seems okay. frmincr200810102048.tgz * * * **2008-10-10 18:19** ## padreader.rb ## Made a class out of it Can view files using padreader using view_file(filename). Have not put buttons, and headers like in panelreader yet. frmincr200810101818.tgz * * * **2008-10-10 14:36** ## form specific key labels - wip ## It is working but not standard Need to simplify it. qapp returns keylabels but does not support a keys_handled tapp has keyhasharray but does not generate its labels. we should junk app labels. that complicates things. frmincr200810101433.tgz * * * **2008-10-10 11:58** ## tab and enter behaviour in query apps ## Tab moves between fields in query form Tab in table moves back to query form. Enter in table runs query as b4, but now also moves focus to table frmincr200810101157.tgz **2008-10-09 22:23** ## HELP ## Using __FILE__ in constructor of major programs to determine a name for file to check for help when user presses ? Application.rb checks for this. * * * **2008-10-09 19:14** ## panelreader ## deleting panel in ensure otherwise previous screen wuld be scr00d. ## help ## Added a generic application_key_handler in Application.rb which shows page specific help. Currently, i have to work that out. Application should define a page. It by default pops up TODO ! * * * **2008-10-09 18:02** More polishing on panelreader.rb But cannot get the line numbers correct. Also if I display line # on top, then cursor remains there. If i put the print statemnet at beg of loop, the line number is wonky. It is correct at end of loop, but then the cursor is stuck on top. * * * **2008-10-09 13:34** panelreader and editor so i can pop it up and view or edit content or a file * * * **2008-10-09 01:05** ## datasource class ## Made this more reusable. Lots of silly stuff changed. * now it has a constructor. * does not do any work other than init. * more reusable than earlier. * * * **2008-10-08 18:16** ## handling of cursor and selection in subseq queries ## especially if: * fewer queries returned in second query * no queries returned in second query Now cursor will always be in row one after a fresh query when you tab. Can't tab in if no rows. * * * **2008-10-08 17:51** ## get_curr_index bug ## this was returning one more (base 1) so some users were doing -1 Some methods were getting wrong curr_item like the handle_? methods. User cannot tab into table if no data. Issue of wrong header count if no rows also fixed. * * * **2008-10-08 14:48** Moved stuff to Datasource class. Also checked out more stuff from DSL Added keys_handled to DLS and tested it. * * * **2008-10-07 22:40** 1. based on datatype, aligning fields in table 2. based on datatype, using = in search query for integer and real and smallint