module Stringex module Localization module Backend class I18n < Base LOAD_PATH_BASE = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '..', '..', '..', '..', 'locales') class << self def locale @locale || ::I18n.locale end def locale=(new_locale) @locale = new_locale end def default_locale ::I18n.default_locale end def default_locale=(new_locale) ::I18n.default_locale = new_locale end def with_locale(new_locale, &block) ::I18n.with_locale new_locale, &block end def store_translations(locale, scope, data) ::I18n.backend.store_translations(locale, { :stringex => { scope => data } }) reset_translations_cache end def translations # Set up hash like translations[:en][:transliterations]["é"] @translations ||= { |hsh, locale| hsh[locale] ={}).merge(i18n_translations_for(locale)) } end def initial_translation(scope, key, locale) translations[locale][scope][key.to_sym] end def load_translations(locale = nil) locale ||= self.locale path = Dir[File.join(LOAD_PATH_BASE, "#{locale}.yml")] ::I18n.load_path |= Dir[File.join(LOAD_PATH_BASE, "#{locale}.yml")] ::I18n.backend.load_translations reset_translations_cache end def i18n_translations_for(locale) ensure_locales_enforced_or_not ::I18n.translate("stringex", :locale => locale, :default => {}) end def reset_translations_cache @translations = nil end def ensure_locales_enforced_or_not return unless ::I18n.respond_to?(:enforce_available_locales) # Allow users to have set this to false manually but default to true return if ::I18n.enforce_available_locales != nil ::I18n.enforce_available_locales = ::I18n.available_locales != [] end end end class I18nNotDefined < RuntimeError def initialize super 'Stringex cannot use I18n backend: I18n is not defined' end end class I18nMissingTranslate < RuntimeError def initialize super 'Stringex cannot use I18n backend: I18n is defined but missing a translate method' end end end end end