#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rbbt/workflow' require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt/util/simpleopt' $0 = "rbbt #{$previous_commands*""} #{ File.basename(__FILE__) }" if $previous_commands options = SOPT.setup < -h--help Help -a--all Print all info entries -r--recursive Print recursive input values -o--original Print original object -w--width* Screen width EOF SOPT.usage if options[:help] file = ARGV.shift all = options.delete :all recursive = options.delete :recursive width = (options.delete(:width) || 80).to_i def get_step(file) file = file.sub(/\.(info|files)/,'') step = Workflow.load_step file step end def status_msg(status) color = case status.to_sym when :error, :aborted, :missing, :dead :red when :streaming, :started :cyan when :done :green when :noinfo :blue when :dependencies, :waiting, :setyp :yellow else if status.to_s.index ">" :cyan else :cyan end end Log.color(color, status.to_s) end def pid_msg(pid, done = false) color = if pid and (done or Misc.pid_exists? pid) :green else :red end if pid.nil? "" else Log.color(color, pid) end end step = get_step file info = step.info if options[:original] puts info.inspect exit 0 end dependencies = info[:dependencies] inputs = info[:inputs] status = info[:status] time = info[:time_elapsed] total_time = info[:total_time_elapsed] messages = info[:messages] backtrace = info[:backtrace] pid = info[:pid] exception = info[:exception] rest = info.keys - [:inputs, :dependencies, :status, :time_elapsed, :messages, :backtrace, :exception, :archived_info] puts Log.color(:magenta, "File") << ": " << step.path puts Log.color(:magenta, "Status") << ": " << status_msg(status) << ((step.aborted? || step.error?) && step.recoverable_error? ? " (recoverable)" : "" ) << (step.dirty? ? " (dirty)" : "") puts Log.color(:magenta, "Pid") << ": " << pid_msg(pid, status.to_s == "done") puts Log.color(:magenta, "Time") << ": " << time.to_i.to_s << " sec." if time puts Log.color(:magenta, "Total time") << ": " << total_time.to_i.to_s << " sec." if time if inputs and inputs.any? puts Log.color(:magenta, "Inputs") inputs.each do |input,value| case value when nil puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " + input.to_s, 'nil', width, 20, :blue) when Array puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " + input.to_s, (value.length > 6 ? value[0..5]*"\n" << "\n" << "..." : value * "\n" ), width, 20, :blue) when TrueClass, FalseClass puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " + input.to_s, value.to_s, width, 20, :blue) else text = value.to_s.split("\n")[0..5].compact * "\n\n" puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " + input.to_s, text, width, 20, :blue) end end end if dependencies and dependencies.any? puts Log.color(:magenta, "Dependencies") << ": " dependencies.each do |name,task,file| puts " " << file end end if messages and messages.any? puts Log.color(:magenta, "Messages") << ": " messages.each do |msg| puts " " << msg end end if status != :done && step.file('progress').exists? progress = step.file('progress').yaml str = Log.color(:magenta, "Progress") << ": " if progress[:last_percent] str << progress[:last_percent].to_s << "%" else str << progress[:ticks].to_s << " items" end puts str end if status == :error puts Log.color(:magenta, "Backtrace") << ": " puts Log.color_stack backtrace end if all puts Log.color(:magenta, "Other entries") << ": " rest.each do |key| puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(key, info[key].to_s) end end if recursive inputs = step.info[:inputs] || {} deps = step.dependencies while deps.any? do dep = deps.shift inputs = {} if inputs.nil? inputs = inputs.merge(dep.info[:inputs] || {}) deps = deps.concat dep.dependencies if dep.dependencies end inputs = inputs.merge step.archived_inputs if inputs.any? puts Log.color(:magenta, "Recursive inputs") << ": " inputs.each do |input,value| case value when nil puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " << input.to_s, 'nil', width, 20, :blue) when Array puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " << input.to_s, (value.length > 6 ? (value[0..5])*"\n\n" << "\n\n" << "..." : value * "\n\n" ), width, 20, :blue).gsub("\n\n","\n") when TrueClass, FalseClass puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " << input.to_s, value.to_s, width, 20, :blue) else lines = value.to_s.split("\n").collect{|l| l.length >= width - 5 ? l[0..width - 5] + " ..." : l } text = lines[0..5].compact * "\n\n" text << "\n\n...\n\n" if lines.length > 6 puts Misc.format_definition_list_item(" " << input.to_s, text, width, 20, :blue).gsub("\n\n","\n") end end end end