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# ActiveJobChannel
Use ActionCable to alert front-end users of finished ActiveJobs
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Setup](#setup)
1. [Create ActionCable Connection](#create-connection) (optional)
2. [Enable ActiveJobChannel for a job](#enable-active_job_channel)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [`global_brodcast`](#global_broadcast)
3. [Handle ActiveJobChannel broadcasts](#handle-broadcasts)
* [Caveats](#caveats)
* [Todo](#todo)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Dev setup](#dev-setup)
* [License](#license)
## Installation
1. Install in your Gemfile
gem 'active_job_channel'
## Setup
### 1. Create ActionCable Connection (optional)
You can skip this step if you're not concerned with authorizing or brodcasting
privately to ActionCable connections
1. Setup an [ActionCable subscription adapter](http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html#subscription-adapter)
* Note: A persisted subscription adapter is required for handling notifications
from background ActiveJob processes. Currently only PostgreSQL and Redis
are supported.
2. Follow the [official guide for setting up an ActionCable Connection](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html#server-side-components-connections)
3. If you would like notifications broadcast privately to ActionCable
connections, set up a connection identifier for your connection using
`identified_by`. The identifier you use will also need to be passed to your
### 2. Enable ActiveJobChannel for a job
1. For each job you'd like to be notified about, include `ActiveJobChannel` and
call `active_job_channel` in its class
2. Private vs. Public broadcasts
1. To broadcast notifications privately to a specific connection, set the
identifier you configured in your ActionCable Connection setup to either
the instance variable `@ajc_identifier` or the method `ajc_identifier`.
class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
include ActiveJobChannel
def perform(current_user)
@ajc_identifier = current_user
# def ajc_identifier
# User.find_by(key: value)
# end
2. To broadcast publicly to all ActionCable connections, pass
`{ global_broadcast: true }` to `active_job_channel` and do not set `ajc_identifier`
class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
include ActiveJobChannel
active_job_channel global_broadcast: true
def perform; end
#### Configuration
##### global_broadcast
Notifications will be broadcast to `ajc_identifier` by default. To broadcast
all notifications for a job to all ActionCable connections, pass
`{ global_broadcast: true }` to `active_job_channel`.
### 3. Handle ActiveJobChannel broadcasts
1. Include `active_job_channel.js` in your layouts
javascript_include_tag 'active_job_channel'
or include it in your `app/assets/javascripts/application.js`
//= require active_job_channel
2. Customize the callbacks for broadcasted notifications:
//= require notifyjs
ActiveJobChannel.onJobSuccess = function(job) { $.notify(job.data.job_class + ' succeeded!') };
ActiveJobChannel.onJobFailure = function(job) { $.notify(job.data.job_class + ' failed!') };
`job` is a JSON object that has the attributes `status` and `data`. The value
of `status` can be one of `success` or `failure`. The value of `data` is a
JSON object of [job data serialized by ActiveJob](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/649f19cab1d4dd805c915912ede29c86655084cd/activejob/lib/active_job/core.rb#L79).
It has the following keys:
- "job_class"
- "job_id" - Internal ActiveJob job identifier
- "provider_job_id" - ID optionally provided by ActiveJob queue adapter
- "queue_name"
- "priority"
- "arguments" - arguments passed to the job
- "executions" - how many times the job was attempted
- "locale"
A failed `job` includes an `error` attribute with the result of calling
`inspect` on the exception that precpitated the failure.
## Caveats
ActiveJobChannel depends on ActiveJob and ActionCable, and, as such, is
subject to their limitations:
* A persisted [subscription adapter](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html#subscription-adapter)
is required for ActionCable to handle notifications from background
ActiveJob processes
* Because ActiveJob does not know when a job has permanently failed,
ActiveJobChannel sends notfications for each failure, retried or final
## Todo
- Better default front-end notification behavior
## Contributing
Issues and pull requests are welcome.
### Dev setup
1. Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/shanecav84/active_job_channel
2. Install dependencies
bundle install
3. Run the tests
bundle exec rake
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).