require 'test_helper' class ErrorHandlingTest < Minitest::Test include Liquid def test_templates_parsed_with_line_numbers_renders_them_in_errors template = <<-LIQUID Hello, {{ errors.standard_error }} will raise a standard error. Bla bla test. {{ errors.syntax_error }} will raise a syntax error. This is an argument error: {{ errors.argument_error }} Bla. LIQUID expected = <<-TEXT Hello, Liquid error (line 3): standard error will raise a standard error. Bla bla test. Liquid syntax error (line 7): syntax error will raise a syntax error. This is an argument error: Liquid error (line 9): argument error Bla. TEXT output = Liquid::Template.parse(template, line_numbers: true).render('errors' => assert_equal expected, output end def test_standard_error template = Liquid::Template.parse(' {{ errors.standard_error }} ') assert_equal ' Liquid error: standard error ', template.render('errors' => assert_equal 1, template.errors.size assert_equal StandardError, template.errors.first.class end def test_syntax template = Liquid::Template.parse(' {{ errors.syntax_error }} ') assert_equal ' Liquid syntax error: syntax error ', template.render('errors' => assert_equal 1, template.errors.size assert_equal SyntaxError, template.errors.first.class end def test_argument template = Liquid::Template.parse(' {{ errors.argument_error }} ') assert_equal ' Liquid error: argument error ', template.render('errors' => assert_equal 1, template.errors.size assert_equal ArgumentError, template.errors.first.class end def test_missing_endtag_parse_time_error assert_raises(Liquid::SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse(' {% for a in b %} ... ') end end def test_unrecognized_operator with_error_mode(:strict) do assert_raises(SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse(' {% if 1 =! 2 %}ok{% endif %} ') end end end def test_lax_unrecognized_operator template = Liquid::Template.parse(' {% if 1 =! 2 %}ok{% endif %} ', error_mode: :lax) assert_equal ' Liquid error: Unknown operator =! ', template.render assert_equal 1, template.errors.size assert_equal Liquid::ArgumentError, template.errors.first.class end def test_with_line_numbers_adds_numbers_to_parser_errors err = assert_raises(SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse(%q( foobar {% "cat" | foobar %} bla ), line_numbers: true ) end assert_match(/Liquid syntax error \(line 4\)/, err.message) end def test_with_line_numbers_adds_numbers_to_parser_errors_with_whitespace_trim err = assert_raises(SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse(%q( foobar {%- "cat" | foobar -%} bla ), line_numbers: true ) end assert_match(/Liquid syntax error \(line 4\)/, err.message) end def test_parsing_warn_with_line_numbers_adds_numbers_to_lexer_errors template = Liquid::Template.parse(' foobar {% if 1 =! 2 %}ok{% endif %} bla ', error_mode: :warn, line_numbers: true ) assert_equal ['Liquid syntax error (line 4): Unexpected character = in "1 =! 2"'], end def test_parsing_strict_with_line_numbers_adds_numbers_to_lexer_errors err = assert_raises(SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse(' foobar {% if 1 =! 2 %}ok{% endif %} bla ', error_mode: :strict, line_numbers: true ) end assert_equal 'Liquid syntax error (line 4): Unexpected character = in "1 =! 2"', err.message end def test_syntax_errors_in_nested_blocks_have_correct_line_number err = assert_raises(SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse(' foobar {% if 1 != 2 %} {% foo %} {% endif %} bla ', line_numbers: true ) end assert_equal "Liquid syntax error (line 5): Unknown tag 'foo'", err.message end def test_strict_error_messages err = assert_raises(SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse(' {% if 1 =! 2 %}ok{% endif %} ', error_mode: :strict) end assert_equal 'Liquid syntax error: Unexpected character = in "1 =! 2"', err.message err = assert_raises(SyntaxError) do Liquid::Template.parse('{{%%%}}', error_mode: :strict) end assert_equal 'Liquid syntax error: Unexpected character % in "{{%%%}}"', err.message end def test_warnings template = Liquid::Template.parse('{% if ~~~ %}{{%%%}}{% else %}{{ hello. }}{% endif %}', error_mode: :warn) assert_equal 3, template.warnings.size assert_equal 'Unexpected character ~ in "~~~"', template.warnings[0].to_s(false) assert_equal 'Unexpected character % in "{{%%%}}"', template.warnings[1].to_s(false) assert_equal 'Expected id but found end_of_string in "{{ hello. }}"', template.warnings[2].to_s(false) assert_equal '', template.render end def test_warning_line_numbers template = Liquid::Template.parse("{% if ~~~ %}\n{{%%%}}{% else %}\n{{ hello. }}{% endif %}", error_mode: :warn, line_numbers: true) assert_equal 'Liquid syntax error (line 1): Unexpected character ~ in "~~~"', template.warnings[0].message assert_equal 'Liquid syntax error (line 2): Unexpected character % in "{{%%%}}"', template.warnings[1].message assert_equal 'Liquid syntax error (line 3): Expected id but found end_of_string in "{{ hello. }}"', template.warnings[2].message assert_equal 3, template.warnings.size assert_equal [1, 2, 3], end # Liquid should not catch Exceptions that are not subclasses of StandardError, like Interrupt and NoMemoryError def test_exceptions_propagate assert_raises Exception do template = Liquid::Template.parse('{{ errors.exception }}') template.render('errors' => end end def test_exception_handler_with_string_result template = Liquid::Template.parse('This is an argument error: {{ errors.argument_error }}') output = template.render({ 'errors' => }, exception_handler: ->(e) { '' }) assert_equal 'This is an argument error: ', output assert_equal [ArgumentError], end class InternalError < Liquid::Error end def test_exception_handler_with_exception_result template = Liquid::Template.parse('This is a runtime error: {{ errors.runtime_error }}', line_numbers: true) handler = ->(e) { e.is_a?(Liquid::Error) ? e :'internal') } output = template.render({ 'errors' => }, exception_handler: handler) assert_equal 'This is a runtime error: Liquid error (line 1): internal', output assert_equal [InternalError], end class TestFileSystem def read_template_file(template_path) "{{ errors.argument_error }}" end end def test_included_template_name_with_line_numbers old_file_system = Liquid::Template.file_system begin Liquid::Template.file_system = template = Liquid::Template.parse("Argument error:\n{% include 'product' %}", line_numbers: true) page = template.render('errors' => ensure Liquid::Template.file_system = old_file_system end assert_equal "Argument error:\nLiquid error (product line 1): argument error", page assert_equal "product", template.errors.first.template_name end end