ParameterType( name: 'property', regexp: /[^\"]*/, type: String, transformer: ->(s) { channel = @scenario_tags.grep(/@user/).first if ENV["PROPERTIES_PATH"] && channel && s.start_with?("<") && s.end_with?(">") s.slice!("<") s.slice!(">") file = open(ENV["PROPERTIES_PATH"]) content = properties = JSON.parse(content) raise "Property <#{s}> not found for #{channel}" if !properties[channel] || !properties[channel][s] return properties[channel][s] else return s end } ) Then /^I wait for a signal containing "([^\"]*)"$/ do |string| channel = @scenario_tags.grep(/@user/).first readSignal(channel, string, KrakenMobile::Constants::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) end Then /^I wait for a signal containing "([^\"]*)" for (\d+) seconds$/ do |string, int| channel = @scenario_tags.grep(/@user/).first readSignal(channel, string, int) end Then /^I wait for any signal for (\d+) seconds$/ do |int| channel = @scenario_tags.grep(/@user/).first readAnySignal(channel, int) end Then /^I send a signal to user (\d+) containing "([^\"]*)"$/ do |int, string| writeSignal("@user#{int}", string) end #Then /^I send a signal to any user containing "([^\"]*)"$/ do |string| # writeSignalToAnyDevice(string) #end Then /^I start a monkey with (\d+) events$/ do |int| channel = @scenario_tags.grep(/@user/).first run_monkey channel, int end Then /^I start a intelligent monkey with (\d+) events$/ do |int| channel = @scenario_tags.grep(/@user/).first run_intelligent_monkey channel, int end Then /^I start a monkey with (\d+) events from height (\d+)% to (\d+)% and width (\d+)% to (\d+)%$/ do |int, from_x, to_x, from_y, to_y| channel = @scenario_tags.grep(/@user/).first run_small_monkey channel, int, from_x, to_x, from_y, to_y end