# frozen_string_literal: true module Onotole module EditMenuQuestions def choose_frontend # do not forget add in def configure_simple_form new frameworks variants = { none: 'No front-end framework', bootstrap3_sass: 'Twitter bootstrap v.3 sass', bootstrap3: 'Twitter bootstrap v.3 asset pipeline' } gem = choice 'Select front-end framework: ', variants add_to_user_choise(gem) if gem end def choose_template_engine variants = { none: 'Erb', slim: 'Slim', haml: 'Haml' } gem = choice 'Select markup language: ', variants add_to_user_choise(gem) if gem end def choose_authenticate_engine variants = { none: 'None', devise: 'devise', devise_with_model: 'devise vs pre-installed model' } gem = choice 'Select authenticate engine: ', variants if gem == :devise_with_model AppBuilder.devise_model = ask_stylish 'Enter devise model name:' gem = :devise end add_to_user_choise(gem) if gem end def choose_cms_engine variants = { none: 'None', activeadmin: 'Activeadmin CMS (if devise selected Admin model will create automatic)', rails_admin: 'Rails admin CMS', rails_db: 'Rails DB. Simple pretty view in browser & xls export for models', typus: 'Typus control panel to allow trusted users edit structured content.' } gem = choice 'Select control panel or CMS: ', variants add_to_user_choise(gem) if gem show_active_admin_plugins_submenu end def show_active_admin_plugins_submenu return unless user_choose? :activeadmin variants = { none: 'None', active_admin_import: 'The most efficient way to import for ActiveAdmin', active_admin_theme: 'Theme, flat skin', active_skin: 'Theme, flat, nice, good maintenance', flattened_active_admin: 'Theme, bring your Active Admin up-to-date with this customizable add on', active_admin_bootstrap: 'Theme, simple bootstrap (sass) elements', face_of_active_admin: 'Theme for ActiveAdmin with glyphicons and flattens', active_admin_simple_life: 'Automatize routine with creation simple menus in ActiveAdmin with minimum code duplication.' } themes = [:active_admin_theme, :active_skin, :flattened_active_admin] multiple_choice('Select activeadmin plug-ins (Themes are SASS or SCSS only).', variants).each do |gem| add_to_user_choise gem if themes.include? gem AppBuilder.use_asset_pipelline = false AppBuilder.active_admin_theme_selected = true end end end def choose_pagimation if user_choose? :activeadmin add_to_user_choise(:kaminari) return end variants = { none: 'None', will_paginate: 'Will paginate', kaminari: 'Kaminari' } gem = choice 'Select paginator: ', variants add_to_user_choise(gem) if gem end def choose_develoder_tools variants = { none: 'None', faker: 'Gem for generate fake data in testing', rubocop: 'Code inspector and code formatting tool', rubycritic: 'A Ruby code quality reporter', guard: 'Guard (with RSpec, livereload, rails, migrate, bundler)', guard_rubocop: 'Auto-declare code miss in guard', bundler_audit: 'Extra possibilities for gems version control', airbrake: 'Airbrake error logging', annotate: 'Annotate Rails classes with schema and routes info', overcommit: 'A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager', railroady: 'Model and controller UML class diagram generator', hirbunicode: 'Hirb unicode support', dotenv_heroku: 'dotenv-heroku support', image_optim: 'Optimize images (jpeg, png, gif, svg) using external utilities', mailcatcher: 'Catches mail and serves it through a dream. http://mailcatcher.me', rack_mini_profiler: 'Middleware that displays speed badge for every html page.', flamegraph: 'Rack_mini_profiler awesome graphics generator. Need stackprof gem', stackprof: 'A sampling call-stack profiler for ruby 2.1+', meta_request: 'Rails meta panel in chrome console.'\ " Very usefull in\n#{' ' * 24}AJAX debugging. Link for chrome"\ " add-on in Gemfile.\n#{' ' * 24}Do not delete comments if you need this link" } multiple_choice('Write numbers of all preferred gems.', variants).each do |gem| add_to_user_choise gem end end def choose_wysiwyg variants = { none: 'None', ckeditor: 'CKEditor text editor designed for web content creation.', tinymce: 'TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline' } gem = choice 'Select wysiwyg: ', variants add_to_user_choise(gem) if gem end def choose_undroup_gems variants = { none: 'None', responders: 'A set of responders modules to dry up your Rails 4.2+ app.', activerecord_import: 'A library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord', paper_trail: 'Track changes to your models data. For auditing or versioning', cyrillizer: 'Character conversion from latin to cyrillic and vice versa', validates_timeliness: 'Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel and Rails', font_awesome_sass: 'Font-Awesome Sass gem for use in Ruby/Rails projects', fotoramajs: 'Fotorama JS gallery for Rails http://fotorama.io/', prawn: 'Prawn gem for PDF support vs prawn-table for easy tables', axlsx_rails: 'XLS support, cyrillic support, good support at all', geocoder: 'Complete Ruby geocoding solution. http://www.rubygeocoder.com', gmaps4rails: 'Enables easy Google map + overlays creation. http://apneadiving.github.io/', rack_cors: 'Rack Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).', newrelic_rpm: 'New Relic RPM Ruby Agent http://www.newrelic.com' } multiple_choice('Write numbers of all preferred gems.', variants).each do |gem| add_to_user_choise gem end add_to_user_choise :underscore_rails if user_choose?(:gmaps4rails) end # template for yes/no question # # def supeawesome_gem # gem_name = __callee__.to_s.gsub(/_gem$/, '') # gem_description = 'Awesome gem description' # add_to_user_choise( yes_no_question( gem_name, # gem_description)) unless options[gem_name] # end def users_init_commit_choice variants = { none: 'No', gitcommit: 'Yes' } sel = choice 'Make init commit in the end? ', variants add_to_user_choise(sel) unless sel == :none end def ask_cleanup_commens return if options[:clean_comments] variants = { none: 'No', clean_comments: 'Yes' } sel = choice 'Delete comments in Gemfile, routes.rb & config files? ', variants add_to_user_choise(sel) unless sel == :none end def add_github_repo_creation_choice variants = { none: 'No', create_github_repo: 'Yes' } sel = choice "Create github repo #{app_name}?", variants add_to_user_choise(sel) unless sel == :none end end end