class SparkleFormation class Translation # Translation for Rackspace class Rackspace < Heat # Rackspace translation mapping MAP = Heat::MAP MAP[:resources]['AWS::EC2::Instance'][:name] = 'Rackspace::Cloud::Server' MAP[:resources]['AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup'].tap do |asg| asg[:name] = 'Rackspace::AutoScale::Group' asg[:finalizer] = :rackspace_asg_finalizer asg[:properties].tap do |props| props['MaxSize'] = 'maxEntities' props['MinSize'] = 'minEntities' props['LaunchConfigurationName'] = :delete end end RACKSPACE_ASG_SRV_MAP = { 'imageRef' => 'image', 'flavorRef' => 'flavor' } # Finalizer for the rackspace autoscaling group resource. # Extracts metadata and maps into customized personality to # provide bootstraping some what similar to heat bootstrap. # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [Object] def rackspace_asg_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) new_resource['Properties'] = {}.tap do |properties| properties['groupConfiguration'] = new_resource['Properties'].merge('name' => resource_name) properties['launchConfiguration'] = {}.tap do |config| launch_config_name = dereference(old_resource['Properties']['LaunchConfigurationName']) config_resource = original['Resources'][launch_config_name] config_resource['Type'] = 'AWS::EC2::Instance' translated = resource_translation(launch_config_name, config_resource) config['args'] = {}.tap do |lnch_args| lnch_args['server'] = {}.tap do |srv| srv['name'] = launch_config_name RACKSPACE_ASG_SRV_MAP.each do |k, v| srv[k] = translated['Properties'][v] end srv['personality'] = build_personality(config_resource) end end config['type'] = 'launch_server' end end end # Custom mapping for server user data. Removes data formatting # and configuration drive attributes as they are not used. # # @param value [Object] original property value # @param args [Hash] # @option args [Hash] :new_resource # @option args [Hash] :new_properties # @option args [Hash] :original_resource # @return [Array] name and new value def nova_server_user_data(value, args={}) result = super args[:new_properties].delete(:user_data_format) args[:new_properties].delete(:config_drive) result end # Max chunk size for server personality files CHUNK_SIZE = 400 # Build server personality structure # # @param resource [Hash] # @return [Hash] personality hash # @todo update chunking to use join! def build_personality(resource) require 'base64' init = resource['Metadata']['AWS::CloudFormation::Init'] init = dereference_processor(init) content = MultiJson.dump('AWS::CloudFormation::Init' => init) parts = {}.tap do |files| (content.length.to_f / CHUNK_SIZE) do |i| files["/etc/sprkl/#{i}.cfg"] = Base64.urlsafe_encode64( content.slice(CHUNK_SIZE * i, CHUNK_SIZE) ) end end parts['/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99_s.cfg'] = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(RUNNER) parts end # Metadata init runner RUNNER = <<-EOR #cloud-config runcmd: - wget -O /tmp/.z --tries=0 --retry-connrefused - chmod 755 /tmp/.z - /tmp/.z -meta-directory /etc/sprkl EOR end end end