require "spec_helper" require "isobib" RSpec.describe Asciidoctor::Standoc do ISO_123_SHORT = <<~EOS Rubber latex -- Sampling ISO 123 International Organization for Standardization ISO Published EOS ISO_124_SHORT = <<~EOS Latex, rubber -- Determination of total solids content ISO 124 International Organization for Standardization ISO Published EOS ISO_124_SHORT_ALT = <<~EOS Latex, rubber -- Replacement ISO 124 International Organization for Standardization ISO Published EOS ISO_123_DATED = <<~EOS Rubber latex -- Sampling Latex de caoutchouc -- ?chantillonnage!iso:std:23281:en ISO 123:2001 2001 International Organization for Standardization ISO 3 en fr Published 2001 ISO ISO 123:1985 ISO 123:2001 EOS ISO_123_UNDATED = <<~EOS Rubber latex -- Sampling Latex de caoutchouc -- ?chantillonnage!iso:std:23281:en ISO 123 2001 International Organization for Standardization ISO 3 en fr Published 2001 ISO ISO 123:1985 ISO 123:2001 EOS ISO_124_DATED = <<~EOS Latex, rubber -- Determination of total solids content Latex de caoutchouc -- Détermination des matières solides totales!iso:std:61884:en ISO 124:2014 2014 International Organization for Standardization ISO 7 en fr ISO 124:2014 specifies methods for the determination of the total solids content of natural rubber field and concentrated latices and synthetic rubber latex. These methods are not necessarily suitable for latex from natural sources other than the Hevea brasiliensis, for vulcanized latex, for compounded latex, or for artificial dispersions of rubber. L'ISO 124:2014 spécifie des méthodes pour la détermination des matières solides totales dans le latex de plantation, le latex de concentré de caoutchouc naturel et le latex de caoutchouc synthétique. Ces méthodes ne conviennent pas nécessairement au latex d'origine naturelle autre que celui de l'Hevea brasiliensis, au latex vulcanisé, aux mélanges de latex, ou aux dispersions artificielles de caoutchouc. Published 2014 ISO ISO 124:2011 EOS it "does not activate biblio caches if isobib disabled" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "mv ~/.iev.pstore ~/.iev.pstore1" system "rm -f test.relaton.pstore" system "rm -f test.iev.pstore" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore")).to be false expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.iev.pstore")).to be false expect(File.exist?("test.relaton.pstore")).to be false expect(File.exist?("test.iev.pstore")).to be false system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "rm ~/.iev.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.iev.pstore1 ~/.iev.pstore" end it "does not activate biblio caches if isobib caching disabled" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "mv ~/.iev.pstore ~/.iev.pstore1" system "rm -f test.relaton.pstore" system "rm -f test.iev.pstore" mock_isobib_get_123 Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore")).to be false expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.iev.pstore")).to be false expect(File.exist?("test.relaton.pstore")).to be false expect(File.exist?("test.iev.pstore")).to be false system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "rm ~/.iev.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.iev.pstore1 ~/.iev.pstore" end it "flushes biblio caches" do system "cp ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "cp ~/.iev.pstore ~/.iev.pstore1""#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", "w") { |f| f.write "XXX" } system "rm ~/.iev.pstore" mock_isobib_get_123 Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{FLUSH_CACHE_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore")).to be true expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.iev.pstore")).to be true db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)") expect(entry["fetched"].to_s).to eq( expect(entry["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_123_DATED) system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "rm ~/.iev.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.iev.pstore1 ~/.iev.pstore" end it "does not fetch references for ISO references in preparation" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "rm -f test.relaton.pstore" Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:--]]] footnote:[The standard is in press] _Standard_ INPUT expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore")).to be true db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:--)") expect(entry).to be nil system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end it "activates global cache" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "rm -f test.relaton.pstore" mock_isobib_get_123 Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore")).to be true expect(File.exist?("test.relaton.pstore")).to be false db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)") expect(entry).to_not be nil system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end it "activates local cache" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "rm -f test.relaton.pstore" mock_isobib_get_123 Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{LOCAL_CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore")).to be true expect(File.exist?("test.relaton.pstore")).to be true db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)") expect(entry).to_not be nil db = "test.relaton.pstore", nil entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)") expect(entry).to_not be nil system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end it "activates only local cache" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "rm -f test.relaton.pstore" mock_isobib_get_123 Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{LOCAL_ONLY_CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ INPUT expect(File.exist?("#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore")).to be false expect(File.exist?("test.relaton.pstore")).to be true db = "test.relaton.pstore", nil entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)") expect(entry).to_not be nil system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end it "fetches uncached references" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil db.save_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)", { "fetched" =>, "bib" => IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_123_DATED) } ) mock_isobib_get_124 Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ * [[[iso124,ISO 124:2014]]] _Standard_ INPUT entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)") expect(entry["fetched"].to_s).to eq( expect(entry["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_123_DATED) entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 124:2014)") expect(entry["fetched"].to_s).to eq( expect(entry["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_124_DATED) system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end it "expires stale undated references" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil db.save_entry("ISO 123", { "fetched" => ( - 90), "bib" => IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_123_SHORT) } ) mock_isobib_get_123_undated Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123]]] _Standard_ INPUT entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123)") expect(entry["fetched"].to_s).to eq( expect(entry["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_123_UNDATED) system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end it "does not expire stale dated references" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil db.save_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)", { "fetched" => ( - 90), "bib" => IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_123_DATED) } ) Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) #{CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[iso123,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ INPUT entry = db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)") expect(entry["fetched"].to_s).to eq(( - 90).to_s) expect(entry["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_123_DATED) system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end it "prioritises local over global cache values" do system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1" system "rm test.relaton.pstore" db = "#{Dir.home}/.relaton-bib.pstore", nil db.save_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)", { "fetched" =>, "bib" => IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_123_DATED) } ) db.save_entry("ISO(ISO 124)", { "fetched" =>, "bib" => IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_124_SHORT) } ) localdb = "test.relaton.pstore", nil localdb.save_entry("ISO(ISO 124)", { "fetched" =>, "bib" => IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_124_SHORT_ALT) } ) input = <<~EOS #{LOCAL_CACHED_ISOBIB_BLANK_HDR} [bibliography] == Normative References * [[[ISO123-2001,ISO 123:2001]]] _Standard_ * [[[ISO124,ISO 124]]] _Standard_ EOS output = <<~EOS #{BLANK_HDR} Normative References #{ISO_123_DATED} #{ISO_124_SHORT_ALT} EOS expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to(output) expect(db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)")["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_123_DATED) expect(db.load_entry("ISO(ISO 124)")["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_124_SHORT) expect(localdb.load_entry("ISO(ISO 123:2001)")["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_123_DATED) expect(localdb.load_entry("ISO(ISO 124)")["bib"].to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(ISO_124_SHORT_ALT) system "rm ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" system "mv ~/.relaton-bib.pstore1 ~/.relaton-bib.pstore" end private def mock_isobib_get_123 expect(Isobib::IsoBibliography).to receive(:get).with("ISO 123", "2001", {}).and_return(IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_123_DATED)) end def mock_isobib_get_123_undated expect(Isobib::IsoBibliography).to receive(:get).with("ISO 123", nil, {}).and_return(IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_123_UNDATED)) end def mock_isobib_get_124 expect(Isobib::IsoBibliography).to receive(:get).with("ISO 124", "2014", {}).and_return(IsoBibItem.from_xml(ISO_124_DATED)) end end