require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/inputs/salesforce" require "vcr" require 'json' RSpec.describe LogStash::Inputs::Salesforce do describe "inputs/salesforce" do let(:options) do { "client_id" => "", "client_secret" =>"secret-key"), "username" => "", "password" =>"secret-password"), "security_token" =>"secret-token"), "sfdc_object_name" => "" } end let(:input) { } subject { input } it "should convert to lowercase with underscores" do camel_cased_words = ['CleanStatus','CreatedBy', 'of_Open_Opp_related_account__c', 'USAField','ABCD_ABCDE_Threshold__c'] underscore_words = ['clean_status','created_by', 'of_open_opp_related_account__c', 'usa_field','abcd_abcde_threshold__c'] do |c,u| expect(subject.send(:underscore,c)).to eq(u) end end context "add fields and filters" do let(:options) do { "client_id" => "", "client_secret" =>"secret-key"), "username" => "", "password" =>"secret-password"), "security_token" =>"secret-token"), "sfdc_object_name" => "Lead", "sfdc_fields" => ["Something"] } end let(:input) { } it "should build a query" do expect(subject.send(:get_query)).to eq('SELECT Something FROM Lead') end end context "describe Lead object" do VCR.configure do |config| config.cassette_library_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', 'vcr_cassettes') config.hook_into :webmock config.before_record do |i| if i.response.body.encoding.to_s == 'ASCII-8BIT' # required because sfdc doesn't send back the content encoding and it # confuses the yaml parser json_body = JSON.load(i.response.body.encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("utf-8")) i.response.body = json_body.to_json i.response.update_content_length_header end end end let(:options) do { "client_id" => "", "client_secret" =>"secret-key"), "username" => "", "password" =>"secret-password"), "security_token" =>"secret-token"), "sfdc_object_name" => "Lead" } end let(:input) { } let(:expected_fields_result) { ["Id", "IsDeleted", "LastName", "FirstName", "Salutation"] } let(:expected_types_result) { [["FirstName", "string"], ["Id", "id"], ["IsDeleted", "boolean"], ["LastName", "string"], ["Salutation", "picklist"]] } subject { input } it "loads the Lead object fields" do VCR.use_cassette("describe_lead_object",:decode_compressed_response => true) do subject.register expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@sfdc_field_types)).to match_array(expected_types_result) expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@sfdc_fields)).to match_array(expected_fields_result) end end context "load Lead objects" do let(:options) do { "client_id" => "", "client_secret" =>"secret-key"), "username" => "", "password" =>"secret-password"), "security_token" =>"secret-token"), "sfdc_object_name" => "Lead", "sfdc_fields" => ["Id", "IsDeleted", "LastName", "FirstName", "Salutation"], "sfdc_filters" => "Email LIKE ''" } end let(:input) { } subject { input } let(:queue) { [] } it "loads some lead records" do VCR.use_cassette("load some lead objects",:decode_compressed_response => true) do subject.register expect(queue.length).to eq(3) e = queue.pop expected_fields_result.each do |f| expect(e.to_hash).to include(f) end end end end end context "use sfdc instance url" do VCR.configure do |config| config.cassette_library_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', 'vcr_cassettes') config.hook_into :webmock config.before_record do |i| if i.response.body.encoding.to_s == 'ASCII-8BIT' # required because sfdc doesn't send back the content encoding and it # confuses the yaml parser json_body = JSON.load(i.response.body.encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("utf-8")) i.response.body = json_body.to_json i.response.update_content_length_header end end end let(:options) do { "client_id" => "", "client_secret" =>"secret-key"), "username" => "", "password" =>"secret-password"), "security_token" =>"secret-token"), "sfdc_instance_url" => "", "sfdc_object_name" => "Lead" } end let (:input) { } let(:expected_fields_result) { ["Id", "IsDeleted", "LastName", "FirstName", "Salutation"] } let(:expected_types_result) { [["FirstName", "string"], ["Id", "id"], ["IsDeleted", "boolean"], ["LastName", "string"], ["Salutation", "picklist"]] } subject { input } it "logs into sfdc instance url" do VCR.use_cassette("login_into_mydomain", :decode_compressed_response => true) do subject.register expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@sfdc_field_types)).to match_array(expected_types_result) expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@sfdc_fields)).to match_array(expected_fields_result) end end context "...but not use_test_sandbox" do let(:options) do { "client_id" => "", "client_secret" =>"secret-key"), "username" => "", "password" =>"secret-password"), "security_token" =>"secret-token"), "sfdc_instance_url" => "", "sfdc_object_name" => "Lead", "use_test_sandbox" => true } end let (:input) { } subject { input } it "should raise a LogStash::ConfigurationError" do expect { subject.register }.to raise_error(::LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end end context "use Tooling Api" do VCR.configure do |config| config.cassette_library_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', 'vcr_cassettes') config.hook_into :webmock config.before_record do |i| if i.response.body.encoding.to_s == 'ASCII-8BIT' # required because sfdc doesn't send back the content encoding and it # confuses the yaml parser json_body = JSON.load(i.response.body.encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("utf-8")) i.response.body = json_body.to_json i.response.update_content_length_header end end end let(:options) do { "api_version" => "52.0", "client_id" => "", "client_secret" =>"secret-key"), "username" => "", "password" =>"secret-password"), "security_token" =>"secret-token"), "use_tooling_api" => true, "sfdc_object_name" => "ApexTestRunResult" } end let(:input) { } subject { input } it "should use the Tooling Api Query resource path" do VCR.use_cassette("describe_apex_test_run_result_object",:decode_compressed_response => true) do subject.register expect(subject.send(:client).send(:api_path, "query")).to eq('/services/data/v52.0/tooling/query') end end end end end