require 'fileutils' require 'os' require 'facets' class Scaffold class << self include FileUtils VERSION ='../../../VERSION', __FILE__)).strip RUBY_VERSION ='../../../RUBY_VERSION', __FILE__)).strip # TODO externalize all constants into scaffold/files GITIGNORE = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING *.gem *.rbc /.config /coverage/ /InstalledFiles /pkg/ /spec/reports/ /spec/examples.txt /test/tmp/ /test/version_tmp/ /tmp/ # Used by dotenv library to load environment variables. # .env ## Specific to RubyMotion: .dat* .repl_history build/ *.bridgesupport build-iPhoneOS/ build-iPhoneSimulator/ ## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods): # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # # # vendor/Pods/ ## Documentation cache and generated files: /.yardoc/ /_yardoc/ /doc/ /rdoc/ ## Environment normalization: /.bundle/ /vendor/bundle /lib/bundler/man/ # for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: Gemfile.lock # .ruby-version # .ruby-gemset # unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this: .rvmrc # Mac .DS_Store # Gladiator (Glimmer Editor) .gladiator # Glimmer dist packages MULTI_LINE_STRING GEMFILE_APP = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING # frozen_string_literal: true source "" git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "\#{repo_name}" } gem 'glimmer', '~> #{VERSION}' group :test do gem 'rspec' end MULTI_LINE_STRING GEMFILE_GEM = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING # frozen_string_literal: true source "" git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "\#{repo_name}" } gem 'glimmer', '~> #{VERSION}' group :development do gem "rspec", "~> 3.5.0" gem "jeweler", "2.3.9" gem "simplecov", ">= 0" end MULTI_LINE_STRING RAKEFILE = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING require 'glimmer/rake_task' ## Uncomment the following section if you would like to customize javapackager ## arguments for `glimmer package` command. # # Glimmer::Package.javapackager_extra_args = # " -BlicenseType=" + # " -Bmac.CFBundleIdentifier=" + # " -Bmac.category=" + # " -Bmac.signing-key-developer-id-app=" MULTI_LINE_STRING RVM_FUNCTION = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function* if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then # First try to load from a user install source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" elif [[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then # Then try to load from a root install source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" fi MULTI_LINE_STRING def app(app_name) mkdir app_name cd app_name write '.gitignore', GITIGNORE write '.ruby-version', RUBY_VERSION write '.ruby-gemset', app_name write 'VERSION', '1.0.0' write 'LICENSE.txt', "Copyright (c) #{} #{app_name}" write 'Gemfile', GEMFILE_APP write 'Rakefile', RAKEFILE mkdir 'app' write "app/#{file_name(app_name)}.rb", app_main_file(app_name) mkdir 'app/models' mkdir 'app/views' custom_shell('AppView', current_dir_name) if OS.mac? mkdir_p 'package/macosx' icon_file = "package/macosx/#{human_name(app_name)}.icns" cp File.expand_path('../../../icons/scaffold_app.icns', __FILE__), icon_file puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{icon_file}" end mkdir 'bin' write "bin/#{file_name(app_name)}", app_bin_file(app_name) FileUtils.chmod 0755, "bin/#{app_name.underscore}" system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n bundle\n glimmer package\n'" system "open packages/bundles/#{human_name(app_name).gsub(' ', '\ ')}.app" # TODO generate rspec test suite end def custom_shell(custom_shell_name, namespace) namespace ||= current_dir_name root_dir = File.exists?('app') ? 'app' : 'lib' parent_dir = "#{root_dir}/views/#{file_name(namespace)}" mkdir_p parent_dir unless File.exists?(parent_dir) write "#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_shell_name)}.rb", custom_shell_file(custom_shell_name, namespace) end def custom_widget(custom_widget_name, namespace) namespace ||= current_dir_name root_dir = File.exists?('app') ? 'app' : 'lib' parent_dir = "#{root_dir}/views/#{file_name(namespace)}" mkdir_p parent_dir unless File.exists?(parent_dir) write "#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_widget_name)}.rb", custom_widget_file(custom_widget_name, namespace) end def custom_shell_gem(custom_shell_name, namespace) gem_name = "glimmer-cs-#{compact_name(custom_shell_name)}" gem_summary = "Glimmer Custom Widget - #{human_name(custom_shell_name)}" if namespace gem_name += "-#{compact_name(namespace)}" gem_summary += " (#{human_name(namespace)})" else namespace = 'glimmer' end system "jeweler --rspec --summary '#{gem_summary}' --description '#{gem_summary}' #{gem_name}" cd gem_name write '.gitignore', GITIGNORE write '.ruby-version', RUBY_VERSION write '.ruby-gemset', gem_name write 'VERSION', '1.0.0' write 'Gemfile', GEMFILE_GEM write 'Rakefile', gem_rakefile append "lib/#{gem_name}.rb", gem_main_file(custom_shell_name, namespace) mkdir 'lib/views' custom_shell(custom_shell_name, namespace) system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n bundle\n'" puts "Finished creating #{gem_name} Ruby gem." puts 'Edit Rakefile to configure gem details.' puts 'Run `rake` to execute specs.' puts 'Run `rake build` to build gem.' puts 'Run `rake release` to release into once ready.' end def custom_widget_gem(custom_widget_name, namespace) gem_name = "glimmer-cw-#{compact_name(custom_widget_name)}" gem_summary = "Glimmer Custom Widget - #{human_name(custom_widget_name)}" if namespace gem_name += "-#{compact_name(namespace)}" gem_summary += " (#{human_name(namespace)})" else namespace = 'glimmer' end system "jeweler --rspec --summary '#{gem_summary}' --description '#{gem_summary}' #{gem_name}" cd gem_name write '.gitignore', GITIGNORE write '.ruby-version', RUBY_VERSION write '.ruby-gemset', gem_name write 'VERSION', '1.0.0' write 'Gemfile', GEMFILE_GEM write 'Rakefile', gem_rakefile write 'spec/spec_helper.rb', spec_helper_file append "lib/#{gem_name}.rb", gem_main_file(custom_widget_name, namespace) mkdir 'lib/views' custom_widget(custom_widget_name, namespace) system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n bundle\n'" puts "Finished creating #{gem_name} Ruby gem." puts 'Edit Rakefile to configure gem details.' puts 'Run `rake` to execute specs.' puts 'Run `rake build` to build gem.' puts 'Run `rake release` to release into once ready.' end private def write(file, content) File.write file, content file_path = File.expand_path(file) puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{file}" end def append(file, content), 'a') do |f| f.write(content) end end def current_dir_name File.basename(File.expand_path('.')) end def class_name(app_name) app_name.camelcase(:upper) end def file_name(app_name) app_name.underscore end def human_name(app_name) app_name.underscore.titlecase end def compact_name(gem_name) gem_name.camelcase.downcase end def app_main_file(app_name) <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)) require 'bundler/setup' Bundler.require(:default) require 'views/#{file_name(app_name)}/app_view' class #{class_name(app_name)} include Glimmer APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) VERSION ='VERSION', APP_ROOT)) def open end end MULTI_LINE_STRING end def gem_main_file(custom_widget_name, namespace = nil) custom_widget_file_path = "views" custom_widget_file_path += "/#{file_name(namespace)}" if namespace custom_widget_file_path += "/#{file_name(custom_widget_name)}" <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)) require 'glimmer' require '#{custom_widget_file_path}' MULTI_LINE_STRING end def app_bin_file(app_name) <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING #!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative '../app/#{file_name(app_name)}' #{class_name(app_name)} MULTI_LINE_STRING end def gem_rakefile rakefile_content ='Rakefile') lines = rakefile_content.split("\n") require_rake_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?("require 'rake'") }) lines.insert(require_rake_line_index, "require 'glimmer/launcher'") gem_files_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?('# dependencies defined in Gemfile') }) lines.insert(gem_files_line_index, " gem.files = Dir['lib/**/*.rb']") spec_pattern_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?('spec.pattern =') }) lines.insert(spec_pattern_line_index+1, " spec.ruby_opts = [Glimmer::Launcher.jruby_swt_options]") lines << "\nrequire 'glimmer/rake_task'\n" lines.join("\n") end def spec_helper_file content ='spec/spec_helper.rb') lines = content.split("\n") require_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?(current_dir_name) }) lines[require_line_index...require_line_index] = [ "require 'bundler/setup'", 'Bundler.require(:default, :development)', ] configure_block_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?('RSpec.configure do') }) + 1 lines[configure_block_line_index...configure_block_line_index] = [ ' # The following ensures rspec tests that instantiate and set Glimmer DSL widgets in @target get cleaned after', ' config.after do', ' @target.dispose if @target && @target.respond_to?(:dispose)', ' Glimmer::DSL::Engine.reset', ' end', ] lines << "\nrequire 'glimmer/rake_task'\n" lines.join("\n") end def custom_shell_file(custom_shell_name, namespace) namespace_type = class_name(namespace) == class_name(current_dir_name) ? 'class' : 'module' <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING #{namespace_type} #{class_name(namespace)} class #{class_name(custom_shell_name)} include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell ## Add options like the following to configure CustomShell by outside consumers # # options :title, :background_color # option :width, 320 # option :height, 240 ## Uncomment before_body block to pre-initialize variables to use in body # # # before_body { # # } ## Uncomment after_body block to setup observers for widgets in body # # after_body { # # } ## Add widget content inside custom shell body ## Top-most widget must be a shell or another custom shell # body { shell { # Replace example content below with custom shell content minimum_size 320, 240 text "#{human_name(namespace)} - #{human_name(custom_shell_name)}" grid_layout label { text "Hello, World!" font height: 40 layout_data :center, :center, true, true } } } end end MULTI_LINE_STRING end def custom_widget_file(custom_widget_name, namespace) namespace_type = class_name(namespace) == class_name(current_dir_name) ? 'class' : 'module' <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING #{namespace_type} #{class_name(namespace)} class #{class_name(custom_widget_name)} include Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget ## Add options like the following to configure CustomWidget by outside consumers # # options :custom_text, :background_color # option :foreground_color, :red ## Uncomment before_body block to pre-initialize variables to use in body # # # before_body { # # } ## Uncomment after_body block to setup observers for widgets in body # # after_body { # # } ## Add widget content under custom widget body ## ## If you want to add a shell as the top-most widget, ## consider creating a custom shell instead ## (Glimmer::UI::CustomShell offers shell convenience methods, like show and hide) # body { # Replace example content below with custom widget content label { background :red } } end end MULTI_LINE_STRING end end end