// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Provides utility functions for formatting strings, numbers etc.
* Formats a number of bytes in human readable form.
* 54, 450K, 1.3M, 5G etc.
* @param {number} bytes The number of bytes to show.
* @param {number=} opt_decimals The number of decimals to use. Defaults to 2.
* @return {string} The human readable form of the byte size.
goog.format.fileSize = function(bytes, opt_decimals) {
return goog.format.numBytesToString(bytes, opt_decimals, false);
* Checks whether string value containing scaling units (K, M, G, T, P, m,
* u, n) can be converted to a number.
* Where there is a decimal, there must be a digit to the left of the
* decimal point.
* Negative numbers are valid.
* Examples:
* 0, 1, 1.0, 10.4K, 2.3M, -0.3P, 1.2m
* @param {string} val String value to check.
* @return {boolean} True if string could be converted to a numeric value.
goog.format.isConvertableScaledNumber = function(val) {
return goog.format.SCALED_NUMERIC_RE_.test(val);
* Converts a string to numeric value, taking into account the units.
* If string ends in 'B', use binary conversion.
* @param {string} stringValue String to be converted to numeric value.
* @return {number} Numeric value for string.
goog.format.stringToNumericValue = function(stringValue) {
if (goog.string.endsWith(stringValue, 'B')) {
return goog.format.stringToNumericValue_(
stringValue, goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_);
return goog.format.stringToNumericValue_(
stringValue, goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALES_SI_);
* Converts a string to number of bytes, taking into account the units.
* Binary conversion.
* @param {string} stringValue String to be converted to numeric value.
* @return {number} Numeric value for string.
goog.format.stringToNumBytes = function(stringValue) {
return goog.format.stringToNumericValue_(
stringValue, goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_);
* Converts a numeric value to string representation. SI conversion.
* @param {number} val Value to be converted.
* @param {number=} opt_decimals The number of decimals to use. Defaults to 2.
* @return {string} String representation of number.
goog.format.numericValueToString = function(val, opt_decimals) {
return goog.format.numericValueToString_(
val, goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALES_SI_, opt_decimals);
* Converts number of bytes to string representation. Binary conversion.
* Default is to return the additional 'B' suffix, e.g. '10.5KB' to minimize
* confusion with counts that are scaled by powers of 1000.
* @param {number} val Value to be converted.
* @param {number=} opt_decimals The number of decimals to use. Defaults to 2.
* @param {boolean=} opt_suffix If true, include trailing 'B' in returned
* string. Default is true.
* @return {string} String representation of number of bytes.
goog.format.numBytesToString = function(val, opt_decimals, opt_suffix) {
var suffix = '';
if (!goog.isDef(opt_suffix) || opt_suffix) {
suffix = 'B';
return goog.format.numericValueToString_(
val, goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_, opt_decimals, suffix);
* Converts a string to numeric value, taking into account the units.
* @param {string} stringValue String to be converted to numeric value.
* @param {Object} conversion Dictionary of conversion scales.
* @return {number} Numeric value for string. If it cannot be converted,
* returns NaN.
* @private
goog.format.stringToNumericValue_ = function(stringValue, conversion) {
var match = stringValue.match(goog.format.SCALED_NUMERIC_RE_);
if (!match) {
return NaN;
var val = match[1] * conversion[match[2]];
return val;
* Converts a numeric value to string, using specified conversion
* scales.
* @param {number} val Value to be converted.
* @param {Object} conversion Dictionary of scaling factors.
* @param {number=} opt_decimals The number of decimals to use. Default is 2.
* @param {string=} opt_suffix Optional suffix to append.
* @return {string} The human readable form of the byte size.
* @private
goog.format.numericValueToString_ = function(val, conversion,
opt_decimals, opt_suffix) {
var prefixes = goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALE_PREFIXES_;
var orig_val = val;
var symbol = '';
var scale = 1;
if (val < 0) {
val = -val;
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
var unit = prefixes[i];
scale = conversion[unit];
if (val >= scale || (scale <= 1 && val > 0.1 * scale)) {
// Treat values less than 1 differently, allowing 0.5 to be "0.5" rather
// than "500m"
symbol = unit;
if (!symbol) {
scale = 1;
} else if (opt_suffix) {
symbol += opt_suffix;
var ex = Math.pow(10, goog.isDef(opt_decimals) ? opt_decimals : 2);
return Math.round(orig_val / scale * ex) / ex + symbol;
* Regular expression for detecting scaling units, such as K, M, G, etc. for
* converting a string representation to a numeric value.
* Also allow 'k' to be aliased to 'K'. These could be used for SI (powers
* of 1000) or Binary (powers of 1024) conversions.
* Also allow final 'B' to be interpreted as byte-count, implicitly triggering
* binary conversion (e.g., '10.2MB').
* @type {RegExp}
* @private
goog.format.SCALED_NUMERIC_RE_ = /^([-]?\d+\.?\d*)([K,M,G,T,P,k,m,u,n]?)[B]?$/;
* Ordered list of scaling prefixes in decreasing order.
* @type {Array}
* @private
'P', 'T', 'G', 'M', 'K', '', 'm', 'u', 'n'
* Scaling factors for conversion of numeric value to string. SI conversion.
* @type {Object}
* @private
goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALES_SI_ = {
'': 1,
'n': 1e-9,
'u': 1e-6,
'm': 1e-3,
'k': 1e3,
'K': 1e3,
'M': 1e6,
'G': 1e9,
'T': 1e12,
'P': 1e15
* Scaling factors for conversion of numeric value to string. Binary
* conversion.
* @type {Object}
* @private
goog.format.NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_ = {
'': 1,
'n': Math.pow(1024, -3),
'u': Math.pow(1024, -2),
'm': 1.0 / 1024,
'k': 1024,
'K': 1024,
'M': Math.pow(1024, 2),
'G': Math.pow(1024, 3),
'T': Math.pow(1024, 4),
'P': Math.pow(1024, 5)
* First Unicode code point that has the Mark property.
* @type {number}
* @private
goog.format.FIRST_GRAPHEME_EXTEND_ = 0x300;
* Returns true if and only if given character should be treated as a breaking
* space. All ASCII control characters, the main Unicode range of spacing
* characters (U+2000 to U+200B inclusive except for U+2007), and several other
* Unicode space characters are treated as breaking spaces.
* @param {number} charCode The character code under consideration.
* @return {boolean} True if the character is a breaking space.
* @private
goog.format.isTreatedAsBreakingSpace_ = function(charCode) {
return (charCode <= goog.format.WbrToken_.SPACE) ||
(charCode >= 0x1000 &&
((charCode >= 0x2000 && charCode <= 0x2006) ||
(charCode >= 0x2008 && charCode <= 0x200B) ||
charCode == 0x1680 ||
charCode == 0x180E ||
charCode == 0x2028 ||
charCode == 0x2029 ||
charCode == 0x205f ||
charCode == 0x3000));
* Returns true if and only if given character is an invisible formatting
* character.
* @param {number} charCode The character code under consideration.
* @return {boolean} True if the character is an invisible formatting character.
* @private
goog.format.isInvisibleFormattingCharacter_ = function(charCode) {
// See: http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2000.pdf
return (charCode >= 0x200C && charCode <= 0x200F) ||
(charCode >= 0x202A && charCode <= 0x202E);
* Inserts word breaks into an HTML string at a given interval. The counter is
* reset if a space or a character which behaves like a space is encountered,
* but it isn't incremented if an invisible formatting character is encountered.
* WBRs aren't inserted into HTML tags or entities. Entities count towards the
* character count, HTML tags do not.
* With common strings aliased, objects allocations are constant based on the
* length of the string: N + 3. This guarantee does not hold if the string
* contains an element >= U+0300 and hasGraphemeBreak is non-trivial.
* @param {string} str HTML to insert word breaks into.
* @param {function(number, number, boolean): boolean} hasGraphemeBreak A
* function determining if there is a grapheme break between two characters,
* in the same signature as goog.i18n.GraphemeBreak.hasGraphemeBreak.
* @param {number=} opt_maxlen Maximum length after which to ensure
* there is a break. Default is 10 characters.
* @return {string} The string including word breaks.
* @private
goog.format.insertWordBreaksGeneric_ = function(str, hasGraphemeBreak,
opt_maxlen) {
var maxlen = opt_maxlen || 10;
if (maxlen > str.length) return str;
var rv = [];
var n = 0; // The length of the current token
// This will contain the ampersand or less-than character if one of the
// two has been seen; otherwise, the value is zero.
var nestingCharCode = 0;
// First character position from input string that has not been outputted.
var lastDumpPosition = 0;
var charCode = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
// Using charCodeAt versus charAt avoids allocating new string objects.
var lastCharCode = charCode;
charCode = str.charCodeAt(i);
// Don't add a WBR before characters that might be grapheme extending.
var isPotentiallyGraphemeExtending =
charCode >= goog.format.FIRST_GRAPHEME_EXTEND_ &&
!hasGraphemeBreak(lastCharCode, charCode, true);
// Don't add a WBR at the end of a word. For the purposes of determining
// work breaks, all ASCII control characters and some commonly encountered
// Unicode spacing characters are treated as breaking spaces.
if (n >= maxlen &&
!goog.format.isTreatedAsBreakingSpace_(charCode) &&
!isPotentiallyGraphemeExtending) {
// Flush everything seen so far, and append a word break.
rv.push(str.substring(lastDumpPosition, i), goog.format.WORD_BREAK_HTML);
lastDumpPosition = i;
n = 0;
if (!nestingCharCode) {
// Not currently within an HTML tag or entity
if (charCode == goog.format.WbrToken_.LT ||
charCode == goog.format.WbrToken_.AMP) {
// Entering an HTML Entity '&' or open tag '<'
nestingCharCode = charCode;
} else if (goog.format.isTreatedAsBreakingSpace_(charCode)) {
// A space or control character -- reset the token length
n = 0;
} else if (!goog.format.isInvisibleFormattingCharacter_(charCode)) {
// A normal flow character - increment. For grapheme extending
// characters, this is not *technically* a new character. However,
// since the grapheme break detector might be overly conservative,
// we have to continue incrementing, or else we won't even be able
// to add breaks when we get to things like punctuation. For the
// case where we have a full grapheme break detector, it is okay if
// we occasionally break slightly early.
} else if (charCode == goog.format.WbrToken_.GT &&
nestingCharCode == goog.format.WbrToken_.LT) {
// Leaving an HTML tag, treat the tag as zero-length
nestingCharCode = 0;
} else if (charCode == goog.format.WbrToken_.SEMI_COLON &&
nestingCharCode == goog.format.WbrToken_.AMP) {
// Leaving an HTML entity, treat it as length one
nestingCharCode = 0;
// Take care of anything we haven't flushed so far.
return rv.join('');
* Inserts word breaks into an HTML string at a given interval.
* This method is as aggressive as possible, using a full table of Unicode
* characters where it is legal to insert word breaks; however, this table
* comes at a 2.5k pre-gzip (~1k post-gzip) size cost. Consider using
* insertWordBreaksBasic to minimize the size impact.
* @param {string} str HTML to insert word breaks into.
* @param {number=} opt_maxlen Maximum length after which to ensure there is a
* break. Default is 10 characters.
* @return {string} The string including word breaks.
goog.format.insertWordBreaks = function(str, opt_maxlen) {
return goog.format.insertWordBreaksGeneric_(str,
goog.i18n.GraphemeBreak.hasGraphemeBreak, opt_maxlen);
* Determines conservatively if a character has a Grapheme break.
* Conforms to a similar signature as goog.i18n.GraphemeBreak, but is overly
* conservative, returning true only for characters in common scripts that
* are simple to account for.
* @param {number} lastCharCode The previous character code. Ignored.
* @param {number} charCode The character code under consideration. It must be
* at least \u0300 as a precondition -- this case is covered by
* insertWordBreaksGeneric_.
* @param {boolean=} opt_extended Ignored, to conform with the interface.
* @return {boolean} Whether it is one of the recognized subsets of characters
* with a grapheme break.
* @private
goog.format.conservativelyHasGraphemeBreak_ = function(
lastCharCode, charCode, opt_extended) {
// Return false for everything except the most common Cyrillic characters.
// Don't worry about Latin characters, because insertWordBreaksGeneric_
// itself already handles those.
// TODO(gboyer): Also account for Greek, Armenian, and Georgian if it is
// simple to do so.
return charCode >= 0x400 && charCode < 0x523;
// TODO(gboyer): Consider using a compile-time flag to switch implementations
// rather than relying on the developers to toggle implementations.
* Inserts word breaks into an HTML string at a given interval.
* This method is less aggressive than insertWordBreaks, only inserting
* breaks next to punctuation and between Latin or Cyrillic characters.
* However, this is good enough for the common case of URLs. It also
* works for all Latin and Cyrillic languages, plus CJK has no need for word
* breaks. When this method is used, goog.i18n.GraphemeBreak may be dead
* code eliminated.
* @param {string} str HTML to insert word breaks into.
* @param {number=} opt_maxlen Maximum length after which to ensure there is a
* break. Default is 10 characters.
* @return {string} The string including word breaks.
goog.format.insertWordBreaksBasic = function(str, opt_maxlen) {
return goog.format.insertWordBreaksGeneric_(str,
goog.format.conservativelyHasGraphemeBreak_, opt_maxlen);
* True iff the current userAgent is IE8 or above.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.format.IS_IE8_OR_ABOVE_ = goog.userAgent.IE &&
* Constant for the WBR replacement used by insertWordBreaks. Safari requires
* , Opera needs the entity, though this will give a visible
* hyphen at breaks. IE8 uses a zero width space.
* Other browsers just use .
* @type {string}
goog.format.WORD_BREAK_HTML =
goog.userAgent.WEBKIT ?
'' : goog.userAgent.OPERA ?
'' : goog.format.IS_IE8_OR_ABOVE_ ?
'' : '';
* Tokens used within insertWordBreaks.
* @private
* @enum {number}
goog.format.WbrToken_ = {
LT: 60, // '<'.charCodeAt(0)
GT: 62, // '>'.charCodeAt(0)
AMP: 38, // '&'.charCodeAt(0)
SEMI_COLON: 59, // ';'.charCodeAt(0)
SPACE: 32 // ' '.charCodeAt(0)